Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of time." Matthew 28: 18-20

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Prayer Requests for December 27th
Prayer Requests:
Jon and Amber - Courtney (Chad's girlfriend) is coming in town tomorrow. Pray for safe travels. Amber is sick and feeling under the weather. Pray she will feel better.
Kim and Chris - Kim's dad will have to have his gall bladder removed after first of the year. Pray for a good operation and quick recovery. Chris' neck is still bothering him. Pray for him as he tries to decide about surgery after first of the year.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom leaves tomorrow for PA and will be back on New Year's Eve. Pray for safe travels and that the chemo will continue to work. Scotty and Lesley will be traveling Wednesday to Pensacola to visit Scotty's parents. Pray for safe travels.
Christy and Doug - Pray for Luke and Christy as he is having separation anxiety. Pray Christy will have patience with Luke. Christy's brother is expecting. Pray for healthy pregnancy.
Brian and Keri - Keri's aunt is expecting. Pray for healthy pregnancy.
Rebecca and Jason - Rebecca's dad is still looking for a job. Pray he will find one soon.
Katy and Colt - Colt's grandmother has Alzheimer's. Pray for her and everything that goes along with that illness. Also pray for his family as they take care of her during this illness.
Leslie and Craig - Leslie's parents were visiting today. Congrats to them on 39 years of marriage. Happy Anniversary. Also the Armstrong's have a new puppy named Camp.
Amanda and Brandon - Brandon was home with new baby Mary Charles. She is doing well as is Amanda. Brandon will travel this week to the Cotton Bowl. Amanda will be home alone two nights with the baby. Pray they will be safe as well as Brandon as he travels.
Tyler and Heather - Praise/Prayer Request-Tyler's sister is engaged.
Kelly and Joey - Pray for Joey and Kelly to be consistent and follow thru with their discipline for Jonathan. Pray Jonathan will follow diet and take his meds. Also, David Higginbotham finished his chemo this week. Pray he will stay healthy and have a better new year. He is excited to have new beginnings.
Please pray for Brian and Ashley Millican. She went into premature labor at 28 weeks. This is her 8th pregnancy and the longest she has carried a baby. Please pray she will be able to carry the baby full term and have a healthy pregnancy.
I hope you all have a good week and A Happy New Year! See you next year!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Joey and Kelly Make their Elf Debut!
Prayer Requests for December 20th
Jason O' Dell - December 23rd
Amber Chesser - December 24th
JESUS - December 25th
Prayer Requests:
Joey and Kelly - Continue to pray for David Higginbotham as he has his last treatment this week. He starts on Monday and will only have 4 days this round. Pray he will be well enough to enjoy Christmas with his family. Also, continue to pray for Jonathan and life choices.
Craig and Leslie - Craig's co-worker had a baby this week and it was rushed to Children's with complications right after birth. The baby will be having surgery today. Pray for healing for this baby and for the parents while going through this.
Katy and Colt - Colt is feeling much better and finally over his cold. Katy is now 15 weeks and counting.
Jason - Rebecca is home with Bailey. In 1 month they will be able to start leaving the house more.
Doug and Christy - Both have been feeling under the weather. Pray they will get better before Christmas this week.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom goes back to PA on December 28-31. Continue to pray for healing.
Jon and Amber - My brother and grandparents will be traveling from TX and AR this week. Pray for safe travels. Also we will get to meet the future sister-in-law so pray for this meeting as well. Chad has set a date for April 17th to get married in CA.
Nick and Lisa - Lisa's grandmother is here from KY. Her parents will be coming up from FL this week for Christmas. Pray for safe travels.
Kim and Chris - Kim's family is coming in for Christmas. They will be having it at their home this year. Pray for safe travels.
John and Susie - John will be traveling to Mobile for work this week. They will travel Tuesday for Christmas. Pray for safe travels.
Kerri and Hugh - Hugh's dad will be having surgery on Jan. 13th for his prostate cancer. Pray for him as he prepares for surgery and is a little anxious. Also, Kerri is praying about what to do with her work situation next year. Pray for a clear decision on what is best for their family.
Kim and John - Kim's grandfather had an iron transfusion this week for his blood disorder. He will have his levels checked this week and if not better he will have to have a blood transfusion on Friday. He has not had very good luck with those so pray it will be corrected. Grandparents lost a renter at the rental property they have and are out a lot of money every month. Pray they can find a new renter soon. The Avery family are expecting a baby and they found out at 18 weeks that she has a rare disorder that could affect the baby. Pray they will not have any complications. John's family is still trying to wrap up the estate. Pray they will get this completed soon.
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and safe travels. We will see you Sunday!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Prayer Requests for December 13th
(1 Corinthians 7: 1-7)
1Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry.[a] 2But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. 3The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. 5Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6I say this as a concession, not as a command. 7I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.
(Matthew 5: 27-30)
27"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'[a] 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
(Proverbs 6:25)
25 Do not lust in your heart after her beauty
or let her captivate you with her eyes,
26 for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread,
and the adulteress preys upon your very life.
(Matthew 19:6-10)
6 So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." 7 "Why then," they asked, "did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?" 8 Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery." 10 The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
(1 Corinthians 6:18)
18Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Katy & Colt - December 16th
Kari Brooker - December 19th
Prayer Requests:
Katy and Colt - Congratulations Katy! She graduated on Saturday with a Masters.
John and Susie - John's cousin passed away on Saturday. Pray for family as they begin to deal with this loss. Praise! John's mom is doing better and no longer has to use a walker.
Josh and Melanie - Pray for Melanie's grandparents and their happiness.
Tyler and Heather - Tyler finished school and will start clinicals in January at St. Vincent's.
Christy - Shannon was home sick. Continue to pray for his return to church. Christy finished school and is beginning to study for her CPA exam. Her brother is came home from Afghanistan today. Praise! Shannon got a new job and starts on the 21st.
Brad and Ashley - Ashley is sick. Pray for health. Praise! Brad got a second interview with WDJC. He will be traveling this week.
Nick and Lisa - they will be traveling this week to KY to pick her grandmother. Pray for safe travels.
Loyd - Praise! Things are going well with work.
Chris and Kim - Avery is sick. Pray for health. Kim is not feeling well too.
Jaime and Veronica - Reagan will have out patient surgery on Friday for tubes. Pray for her surgery. Jaime's mom Carolyn has had type 2 diabetes and is having problems with it. Pray for good health and management of her diabetes.
Brian and Carrie - Having a boy! Congrats!
Kim and John - Jed has ear infections. Pray for health for whole family. John will be traveling this week to Atlanta, Opelika and Huntsville. Pray for safe travels. Kim is struggling with work and being a mom. Pray for her.
Chris and Anna - Anna's cousin Troy and wife Jenni have twins who are 3 and are going through a divorce. Pray for family as they go through this tough transition. Anna's brother getting married Dec. 30th at her parent's . Praise! Riley won wrestling tournament and most outstanding wrestler. Chris finished his semester of school with a 4.0!
Craig and Leslie - Leslie's sister had interview today. Please pray that God's will be done with her getting the promotion she interviewed for.
Jon and Amber - My grandfather will meet with new oncologist in January and depending on what he says may or may not have PET scan. Please continue to pray for my grandparents and family.
Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Prayer Requests for December 6th
Happy Birthday Doug! December 9th
Prayer Requests:
Amanda and Brandon received an early Christmas present this past Thursday. Mary Charles finally came into the world. After a rough delivery, please pray for strength for Amanda and that Mary Charles will sleep well and stay healthy. Congratulations!
Chanel and James went on Monday to see the doctor and Chanel said that Sarah’s check-up went well. The doctor said that he does think that Sarah has some vision in her right eye. They will bring her back in 3 months for a fitting for glasses. This was encouraging because if the doctor didn’t have hope, he wouldn’t worry with glasses. They said their goal is for her to have vision enough to walk around on her own without any aide. They still say she won’t be able to read without braille or drive a car but walking around on her own will be a huge victory for them!! They will also do another surgery when they go back in 3 months as well to work on the left (bad) eye. I am not sure what they will do in this surgery. All in all, Jamie and Chanel were encouraged.
Doug's aunt passed away this past week. This is the one he asked us to pray for. She had an accident and in surgery they found cancer. Please pray for Doug and his family while dealing with this loss.
Joey and Kelly - David Higginbotham finished his 3rd cycle of chemo and has one left the week of Christmas. Pray for continued health and quick recovery from chemo. Jonathan is traveling back from Nashville. Pray for safe travels.
Scotty and Lesley - Reese has been under the weather. Pray for good health. Scotty's mom goes to PA this week for more treatments for cancer. Pray for healing and quick recovery.
Brad and Ashley - Brad has some leads for job opportunities. Pray the Lord will lead him in the right direction and that he can find a job soon. A little girl named EB from Troy has a brain tumor. Pray for their family. Marla and Troy are the parents and their last name is Johnson. She is only 3 years old. Ashley's brother and wife are expecting and newly weds. They are having a hard time. Pray for Danielle and Wesley.
Rebecca - Jason was home with Bailey. Rebecca's dad is still looking for a job. Pray he can find one quickly.
Jon and Amber - Praise! Jon's boss is being relocated to S. Carolina. Pray the new boss will be easier to work with and steer the company in the right direction. Please pray for my grandfather. He is waiting to have a PET scan, but he and my grandmother have decided he is not going to have any radiation or chemo no matter the results. He has had an amazing life and is one of the strongest Christians I know, but it is hard to hear this.
Kerri - Trent was home under the weather with Hugh. Kerri's dad's lungs are not healing as quickly as they thought and he may have to be on oxygen for a long time. Pray he will heal and hopefully not depend on the oxygen. Hugh's father is having surgery after first of year for prostate cancer.
Veronica and Jaime - Reagan goes to ENT tomorrow and may have to get tubes in her ears. PRAISE! Veronica is home from Auburn and through with classes. She will star her clinicals soon. Welcome back!
Heather and Tyler - Tyler's mom had knee replacement surgery last week. Pray for healing and a quick recovery. Tyler has finals this week and only 4 days left of school before he starts clinicals.
Brian and Carrie - Go for ultrasound Tuesday to find out what they are having.
Colt and Katy - Katy's last class is Thursday and she graduates on Saturday! Congrats!!!!
Andrew and Rachel - Andrew's family is still having issues with his sister and their situation. Pray for his parents and his sister. Also, Elise's 1st birthday is Saturday and she is sick. Pray she will be healthy for her party.
Kim and John - Kim's grandmother's sister died this week (not the twin). Pray for her grandmother who is having a difficult time with her death. The other grandmother's sister (the twin) is recovering from surgery to remove the cancer. Pray for health. Kim's voice is gone and she has been feeling bad. Pray for health.
Josh and Melanie - Melanie was traveling for work. Pray for safe return.
Craig and Leslie - Pray for Leslie's friend from college. She is trying to have her second child and had a procedure done last week. Also, we were glad to have Leslie's mom Mrs. Gordon visit with us.
I hope evryone has a good week. See you Sunday!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Prayer Requests for November 29th
December 5th - This Saturday at 6:30pm will be our Christmas party at Joey and Kelly's house. Bring your White Elephant gift and yourself. Hope to see you there!! By the way, I have to throw in a ROLLLLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!
Prayer Requests:
There were alot of couples out this week and traveling so please pray for safe travels home.
Also, Brandon and Amanda were not at church Sunday but she is due this week so continue to pray for her delivery and a healthy baby boy or girl.
Joey and Kelly - Continue to pray for David Higginbotham as he is wrapping up his chemo treatments. Pray for continued healing.
Jason and Rebecca - Praise! Rebecca's sister has found a job. Please continue to pray for her father who is still looking for one.
Brian and Carrie - We enjoyed having you visit our class! They are trying to sell a home in Argo while working on a home in Trussville. Please pray they can sell the home in Argo and finish the home in Trussville before May when baby #2 is due.
Jon and Amber - Chad is traveling back from CA. Pray for safe travels home. Also, my grandfather has had pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer in the past and recovered from both. He had bloodwork done last week that showed his PSA levels are high and has a possible spot on his liver and lung. He will have further tests this week. Pray for good news!
Loyd and Lisa - Loyd asked that we pray for work. He is having some issues with a manager.
James and Chanel - They will meet the therapist who will be working with them for the next several years on Friday. Pray they have a good connection with her and that things go well. Also, they are going to Michigan a week from today for Sarah's one month check-up. Pray they will receive some encouraging news.
Katy and Colt - Praise! Katy is starting to feel better and was able to enjoy Thanksgiving. Hang in there!
Chris and Kim - Kim left Sunday to go to OK for a week and Chris is a single dad. Pray he will be able to make some ponytails! JK! Pray for him as he cares for the girls this week by himself. Several of us moms know what that is like! Also, his neck is still bothering him so pray he can make the right decision about having surgery.
Leslie and Craig - Kids have been under the weather this week with a cough. Also, Leslie's brother and his wife are closing on the house across the street from them today. Pray that will go well. They are looking for a church home too so pray they can find one that fits them.
Thanks everyone and have a blessed week. We will see you on Sunday!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Prayer Requests for November 22nd
****Don't forget this week to take time and thank God for all the blessings in your life. After all Thanksgiving is to reflect on the things we are thankful for!!!
Happy Birthday:
Josh Shores - November 23rd
Prayer Requests:
Craig and Leslie were traveling back from Montgomery today. Pray for safe travels.
Brad Glover had an interview with WDJC this week and should hear something soon. Pray for this to work out if that is God's plan for him.
Joey and Kelly - All 3 kids are home for Thanksgiving and they are adjusting to having a house full of kids and their laundry! Jonathan met with his professor this week and was able to drop his class. Continue to pray for David Higginbotham who is still having chemo treatments.
Brandon and Amanda - Will it be Mary Charles or Tate? Only two weeks til we find out. Amanda is doing well. Baby looks good so now it is a waiting game.
Doug and Christy - Henry has an ear infection that is not clearing up. Pray it will heal and he can sleep at night. Doug's aunt was in a car accident and had to have surgery as a result. While in surgery they found cancer. Pray for his family as they begin to deal with her illness.
Christy - Alex is doing better but has a sinus infection. Pray for good health. Christy's mom has a hole in her ear drum and needs surgery. She is hoping to put it off til March. Pray for comfort for her til the surgery.
Rebecca - Jason was at home with Bailey. We missed you guys. Her sister and dad are still looking for work. Pray they will be able to find jobs soon.
Melanie and Josh - Continue to pray for Melanie's dad as he struggles with situations at work.
Kim and Chris - Kim will be traveling this coming Sunday for work to Tulsa, OK and will leave Chris and the girls here for 7 days. Pray for safe travels for Kim and for Chris as he will be a single dad for a week. Also, Chris has a bulging disc in his neck and after failed attempts to help the pain, he is looking at surgery. He hopes to do it after the first of the year. Pray for his decision with surgery.
Loyd - They will be traveling Saturday to TN for the day for Thanksgiving. Pray for safe travels. Praise! Work for Loyd is going well.
John and Susie - Susie's co-worker is still waiting to see if she will keep her job. Susie is still doing two jobs and under a lot of stress. Pray for some relief for her. They will be traveling for Thanksgiving as well. Pray for safe travels.
Chris and Anna - They will be traveling to MS this week for Thanksgiving. Chris' asst. coach and his fiancee found out she has ovarian cancer. Pray for healing. She is only 24 years old. Also, Dustin, Anna's brother is in his last 3 weeks of police academy. Pray for strength to finish.
Veronica and Jaime - Veronica has 4 months left of school and then she will start her rotations with Pharmacist. She will be able to come home for that. Regan doing well.
Amber and Jon - We will be traveling this week for Thanksgiving to Gatlinburg, TN. Please pray for my brother Chad as he goes to California to meet his possible in-laws and extended family. He is nervous so pray he will be himself. Also, pray for Mrs. McClaran who lost her husband last week and my friend Robin who lost her mom this summer. With the holidays coming up it is hard for anyone who has lost loved ones.
Tyler and Heather - Heather was feeling under the weather :( Heather's dad has 2 herniated discs in his neck. He will see the doctor in a few weeks to decide what to do next. PRAISE! Only 2 weeks left of classes for Tyler and then he will start clinicals.
Autumn and Ryan - This is Chanel's sister and brother-in-law. We were so glad you could visit. Their baby is still having complications from having RSV as a newborn. Pray for healing.
Chanel and James - Sarah's left retina has not attached yet. Pray for attachment. The right eye's retina has attached but they are still not clear on the range of her vision. Pray for continued healing b/c after all God has a plan! Their neighbor Jim had to have surgery. Pray for healing. A friend of the family's daughter was born prematurely and has had no complications so far. She went to the doctor and they told her mother that her head is not growing properly. Pray for this to be corrected.
Katy and Colt - Brace yourselves......WE ARE PREGNANT! Congrats! Guys! Just when we thought the baby bug had taken a break! They are due in June. Pray for Katy b/c she has been feeling a little sick. Hopefully she will be past that soon.
I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and we will see you in two weeks!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Prayer Requests For November 15th
Prayer Requests:
Praise! The ground breaking for the second phase of construction went off without a hitch. Thanks to the help of some cute little guys in hard hats and carrying shovels. Pray for this process as we begin this huge undertaking. Be praying for our church family and their commitment to this building fund. Also, be praying for the companies and workers who are involved.
Craig and Leslie are traveling back today from Chicago. Pray for safe travels.
Andrew & Rachel - Rachel's brother is getting married next weekend. Both of their girls are in the wedding so pray for health. Also, pray that Elise (2 year old) can make it down the aisle. Pray as family travels for the wedding in Cullman.
James and Chanel - Thanks to everyone who helped them with the love offering and words of encouragement. Words can not begin to express the thanks they have for our class. Sarah is recovering from surgeries and doing well. They will only know how well the surgeries went by how she checks out in the future. It is kind of a waiting game right now. Her light perception has improved tremendously. Please pray for James and Chanel that they will have patience, understanding and faith through this waiting period. Also, pray that Sarah's eyes will continue to heal and for her sight to improve. She had a post op. appointment in B'ham yesterday morning. James asked us to pray for good news. Please email us and let us know how that went!
Amanda and Brandon - Amanda is hanging in there with only 3 weeks to go, but her doctor thinks she will go sooner. She started work part time yesterday and is having trouble relaxing and not staying busy. Pray she will be able to let work go and take care of herself and baby. Continue to pray for swelling.
Melanie and Josh - Pray for Terry Price, Melanie's dad, as he is stressed about his job situation. Baby Mallory is still in hospital but continuing to improve.
Katy and Colt - Kim Mitchell, works with Katy, lost her job this week after thinking she was getting a promotion. Pray she will be able to find another job quickly since her salary really helped the family.
Jon and Amber - Pray for my parents' neighbor who lost her husband on their anniversary in a car accident this week. Her last name is McClaran.
John and Susie - John's mom's surgery went well. She goes for a follow-up this week. pray for a child of a case Susie is working on. He was born without bile ducts and may need a transplant. Also, co-worker who has premature baby may loose her job. Pray for this family.
Ashley and Brad - Brad was traveling back from a fishing trip. Hope you had fun and made it home safely. A few weeks ago when Ashley's mom visited she asked us to pray for Benton Maddox. He was in the hospital in Troy with H1N1 and had been for awhile. He was moved to Children's in B'ham and found out he had salmonella poisoning. After a 12 day hospital stay he was released this week and is doing better. Also, Ashley's great uncle passed away last week. He was in his 90s. Brad had a job interview with WDJC last week and will possibly be called back this week. Pray for this situation and that Brad will know if this is where he is suppose to be.
Lisa and Nick - Praise! Cole celebrated his 1st Birthday this past week. Happy Birthday Cole!!!
Chris and Kim - Kim's parents are still trying to sell their house in MS so they can buy one in LA. Pray they will be able to sell their home soon. Chris' grandmother celebrated her 85th birthday on Sunday!
Scotty and Lesley - Reese goes back to see the Physical Therapist on Wed. for a follow-up. Scotty's mom came back from PA Wednesday. The tumor in her eye is doing well but she will continue chemo next month for existing cancer. Pray for healing.
Hugh and Kerri - Hugh's dad will have surgery after the first of the year for prostate cancer and they think they will be able to remove all of it. Kerri's dad is doing better but still using oxygen. Pray he will continue to heal.
Chris and Anna - Anna and kids were traveling back from MS. Hope you made it home okay and everyone is doing well. Chris is trying to move to a new school. Pray that the perfect spot will open up and he will be able to move before next school year.
Kelly and Joey - Praise! Kelly was able to celebrate her B'day with all of her children. Continue to pray for David Higginbotham as he continues his chemo treatments. Pray that Jonathan will be able to open up to new friendships. He is working through some difficult times in his life. Pray that Joey and Kelly can support him without interfering. He has a meeting with a professor this week. Pray that goes well.
John and Kim - Kim's grandmother's twin sister had to have a partial lung removal. The biopsy showed cancer. They are not sure if it has spread to other lung. Her name is Edna Crump. Prasie! John's grandmother's estate was settled this weekend.
Hope everyone has a good week and we will see you on Sunday!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Trunk or Treat and SS Fall Festival
Monday, November 9, 2009
Prayer Requests for November 8th
Verses of reference: Job 38:4-7; Isaiah 14:12-14; Hebrews 1:14; Revelations 12:6-9
Important Info:
Roger Crew sent us an email asking if we would be interested in decorating one of the twelve Christmas trees in the gathering space. We would have to provide all of the decorations and decorate the tree by December 6th. If you are interested in doing and heading up this project please let me know ASAP.
Prayer Requests:
James and Chanel are still in Michigan and got better news after today's surgery. They will be driving home tomorrow. Pray for safe travels and continued progress with Sarah's eyes.
Joey and Kelly - David Higginbotham has chemo everyday this week. Pray for strength and very little sickness. Continue to pray for healing.
Josh and Melanie - Mallory, Josh's cousin, was born 3 months premature and is in ICU in GA. Continue to pray for health and strength and she grows everyday.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom is going to PA this week for a few months for chemo and cancer treatments. Pray for healing and a quick recovery from chemo.
John and Susie - John's mom is having foot surgery this week.
Jason and Rebecca - Mom and baby Bailey are doing great! From what I hear mom looks like she has not even had a baby much less two weeks ago!
Brandon and Amanda - Thanks to everyone for the shower! Pray for ease in swelling. Also, pray Amanda will be able to work until baby comes.
Jon and Amber - Amber home sick with migraine and sick to her stomach. Praise!!! Feeling much better now! Thanks for prayers!
Anna and Chris - Anna and kids are going to visit her mom this week. Pray for safe travels. It has been a month since the tornado and her mom seems to be doing better. Also, pray for Anthony Vander a player from Anna's school. He is having surgery and will be in the bed two weeks and then a wheelchair for eight weeks.
Craig and Leslie - Traveling to Chicago on Sunday and will be back next Tuesday. Pray for safe travels and Craig's mom who will have the kids.
Colt and Katy - Katy is feeling under the weather. Feel better soon!!!
Hugh and Kerri - Jimmy Stewart has prostate cancer. He is going to the doctor on Tuesday to find a plan of action. Pray for good prognosis and quick recovery.
Christy and Shannon - Praise! Shannon came to church. Glad to have you! Son Alex is having fourth cavity filled on Wednesday. He also has been getting sick alot lately and they are going to do bloodwork. Goes to the doctor on Wed. to get a shot and in a month will follow up to see if that helps.
Chris and Kim - Kim driving back with girls from LA. I saw her at Target this morning and they got back okay and are very tired.
Brad and Ashley - Brad still looking for a job.
Thanks and we will see you on Sunday!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Prayer Requests for November 1st
Here are some verses of encouragement for you and to share with others:
Phillipians 3:13-14
2 Corinthians 4:8-10 and 16-18
Important Info.:
**We have Wednesday night supper this week so if you can help, please be at the church by 4:45pm. Also, we would like to know whether or not this is something we should stay signed up for. Email me your thoughts. If it is too much we will be taken off the list.
**This year instead of bringing certain items for the food baskets for Thanksgiving, the church has decided to take monitary donations instead. Each basket will cost $50. We were thinking about just taking up money and putting that toward the baskets. We will talk more.
**Upward basketball is looking for male and female coaches. If you are interested let me know!
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Loyd and Lisa Gravitt - November 2nd
Kelly - November 3rd
Prayer Requests:
James and Chanel - Baby Sarah, James and Chanel leave Tuesday to fly to Michigan. They will meet with the surgeon and as of now she is tenatively scheduled for surgery on Friday the 6th and Monday the 9th. Please pray for good weather so Joey will be able to fly them to Michigan; Pray for the doctors and nurses who will be working on Sarah; Pray that she will be able to have some vision if not 100%; Pray for James and Chanel as they wait while Sarah is in surgery. They plan to be gone two weeks as of now. We wil be updating the class through emails this week and next.
Joey and Kelly - David Higginbotham finished his first round of chemo and was back to work this week. He still has three more three week cycles to finish. Pray for helaing and health.
Craig and Leslie - Leslie is feeling under the weather. Craig's co-worker had his 6th back surgery this week. Pray for healing. His name is Larry Whitfield.
Anna and Chris - Praise! Football season is over for both of them and due to all the rain and mud we have had lately, they are very excited to be through. Riley is still playing. Anna's parents are still working with the insurance company to get things fixed due to tornado damage. Pray this will get resolved and they can move past this b/c her mom has been stressed and having panic attacks.
Katy and Colt - Katy will be traveling this week to GA for work. Pray for safe travels. Also, Praise! She finished her huge paper and has one left. She will graduate on Dec. 12th. Only 42 days!!!!
Kim and Chris - Kim will be traveling with the girls to LA this week to see her parents. Pray for safe travels.
Jon and Amber - Alyssa is feeling under the weather. David Andrew, BJ and Elaine's son, has been sick and not getting better. Pray for health. Chad will be traveling to Tallagdega this week for training. Pray for safe travels.
Brad and Ashley - Brad is still looking for a job. Ashley's mom was visiting with us today and we were glad to have her. She had two prayer requests both for friend's children. One is in ICU in Troy from swine flu and other issues. His name is Benton Maddox. Also, Jenny Sanders is @ Children's and is 1 month old.
Christy - Is Tyler and Heather's neighbor and she is visiting with us again. Nice to have you back! Shannon her husband is getting closer to visiting with us at church. Pray the Lord will touch his heart. Also, an attorney at her work has an 8 year-old nephew who has been in the hospital for months with swine flu and pneumonia and now discovered he needs a liver transplant. His name is Tyler Griffin.
Brandon and Amanda - Only 5 weeks left! Can you believe it! Pray for good health and good delivery!
Melanie and Josh - Mallory is doing much better. She has been taken off of some of the machines which is a positive. Pray for continued health.
Jason and Rebecca - Rebecca and Bailey are doing great and she is sleeping well. Rebecca is having troubles with breast feeding so pray for ease with that.
Lesley and Scotty - Reese has bad diaper rash and is home with daddy today. Pray it will clear up soon. Scotty's mom is doing well and will go back to PA next week for her first chemo treatment.
Doug and Christi - They are both feeling under the weather. Pray for good health. Also, Doug's co-worker who lost the baby is back to work and doing better.
John and Kim - Kim's case settled on Monday afternoon at the last minute which was a huge Praise!!!
Hope you all have a great week and we will see you this afternoon!!!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
1. God as a spirit (John 4:24) (Psalms 139: 1-12). God is omnipresent and around us always.
2. God as a person/personality (Psalms 2:4; 7:11; 35:1) (1 Peter 5:5). These verses give us examples that define God's personality.
3. God is Holy and Righteous. We discussed how the word Holy is a word only suitable for God. That Holy is a broad and undefinable word much like our God.
4. God is Love. Joey used a great example here about how he thinks of God is love like family. If you stop and think about it, the unconditional love that we experience here on earth is with our family. Friends, co-workers, classmates will come and go but the love for our family is always there and always unconditional.
So the question to ask yourself this week as we celebrate the coming of fall and the wonderful things God has given us in nature and our lives is "What is God like?". I think He is the most awesome person we could ever meet and I feel privileged to know him and have an unconditional relationship of love with Him!
Birthdays: Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loyd Gravitt - October 27th
Chanel Thomas - October 30th (Halloween Eve Baby)
Jamie Tallent - October 31st (Halloween Baby)
Prayer Requests:
Baby Bailey O'Dell should be with us tomorrow. Rebecca is going in tonight to be induced. Pray for an easy delivery and healthy baby girl. Once settled, look for emails from Katy about doing meals. Congrats guys! Cant' wait to meet her!
Joey and Kelly - Nephew got married yesterday so pray for this couple as they embark on a new life together. Everything went well with wedding and now the re-cooperation is beginning. Continue praying for David Higginbotham as he continues chemo treatments.
Kim and John - It looks like Kim's case is going to trial tomorrow. Pray for a good trial and favorable outcome. Continue to pray for her firm partner Randy Lyons who was diagnosed with multiple myloma (Sp?). Pray for John's family as they are dealing with his grandmother's will. Pray for compromise.
James and Chanel - Their daughter is having eye problems and going to the Dr. this week to get it checked out. Pray for good news and that it is something that can be corrected by glasses and not surgery. Chanel's sister is having a biopsy this week.
Lisa and Nick - Nick's parents and sister are traveling back from California this week. Pray for safe travels. Pray for pastor David from Nick and Lisa's home church. You may have heard about the 7 year old girl who went missing on Monday and her body was found in Georgia on Wednesday. This girl is from their hometown and their old pastor is officiating her funeral. Pray for the church as well b/c they will be feeding and trying to nurture the girl's family. Pray for this family too as they have a long road of healing ahead.
Josh and Melanie - Josh's cousin had to be induced at 6 months b/c of an ecoli infection. The baby was only 2lbs. and hooked up to all kinds of machines and having medicine due to undeveloped organs. Please pray this baby will continue to develop and pull through and pray for the parents as they work through this difficult time. The family name is Anderson and the baby is Mallory.
John and Susie - Justin has been under the weather. Pray for health.
Hugh and Kerri - Trent is home with Kerri with congestion. Pray for health. Kerri's dad is home but on oxygen and continuing to recover. Pray for quick recovery and good health.
Jon and Amber - Thank you for your prayers for us recently. Jon's dad is doing well and went to the knee Dr. and cardiologists this week. He got a great report from both. Also, my grandmother found out last week that all of her tests came back negative for her heart as well. Praise the Lord!!!! Continue to keep my brother in your prayers. It is taking a toll on the family having him away in TX. We are all very close and use to having each other around. We miss him!!!
Tyler and Heather - Pray for poor Maltipoo Jackson. He has been under the weather. He is sick from mold in the yard due to excessive rain. He is on several medications so hopefully he will get better soon!!!! Also, Tyler and Heather brought their neighbor Christy with them to church this morning. It was great to have you Christy!!!!!
Christy - (Tyler and Heather's neighbor) Said she has tried to get her husband to come to church but is having a tough time. Pray the Lord will touch his heart and he will come. Maybe we can reach out to him with his interests and let him see what a great group we are!!!!
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom is back home, but will return to Philadelphia, PA in two weeks for more chemo. Pray for healing. Baby Reese went back to see physical therapist this week and got a great report. Still doing therapy, but improving tremendously. Praise the Lord!!!
Jason and Rebecca - Pray that Jason will stay with Rebecca in the hospital (inside joke with those there this morning!) Seriously pray for healthy baby and great delivery!
Ashley and Brad - Happy to have you guys back! Brad is still looking for a job so keep him in your prayers. He was a salesman for a steel distributor so if you might have a lead, I am sure he would appreciate it!!!
For those of you not there, we missed you this morning! Have a good week and we will see you this week!!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Prayer Requests:
Joey and Kelly - David Higginbotham starts chemo this week for cancer.
Kim & John - Possible trial for Kim next Monday, please pray that
trial will be settled out of court. John's grandfather is still
recovering from pneumonia and also polyps in colon, pray for healing.
Chanel & James - Chanel's sister found lump in breast and a biopsy
will be performed this week, pray for good results
Lesley & Scotty - Lesley is back to work and Reese and Mom are both
adjusting (can we guess which one is doing the best?) Scotty's mom
remains in Philadelphia recovering from the removal of the tumor from
her liver, please continue to pray for healing. Reese is doing home
PT for tight muscle, pray that Scotty and Lesley will have time to do
this. Lesley's mom also involved in PT for arthritis.
Jason & Rebecca - Due date Sunday, October 25. Will we see you this
Sunday? Continue to pray for healthy delivery, baby and mom!
Katy & Colt - Colt will be deep sea fishing this week with Katy's dad,
pray for safe travels.
Anna & Chris - Anna's parents still recovering and cleaning up from
tornado that went through property. Maggie not herself lately and to
Dr on Tuesday to see what might be problem. Concerned aboput possible diabetic issues.
Susie & John - Pray for Susie at work as she might be going through
some transitions and busier work days.
Lloyd - Good to be back at work!
Kerri & Hugh - Kerri's dad is home and on oxygen, to Dr. this week,
pray for good results and continued recovering for pneumonia and blood
clots. Kerri's grandmother recovering at nursing home following
broken hip and surgery, pray for good spirits. Also, pray for Paula
Sewell's sister, Joyce, to receive good news about results from invitro.
Kari & Shane - Shane's father to have eye surgery this week. Jonah
tubes in ears and removal of birth mark, Monday October 26. Kari's dad is having total hip replacement. Pray for Brooker family.
Kim and Chris - Kim's uncle passed away 1 week ago, please pray for
family as they begin to heal. KIm's mom has staph infection from
sinus surgery, pray that this will heal with out further
interventions. Ashley McMillican is 13 weeks pregnant, pray for a
growing, thriving baby.
Heather & Tyler - Good friend passed away this past week, pray for
family as they are healing and Heather's brother who was especially
close to friend.
Ashely & Brad Glover - Welcome to the Dailey SS class. Brad just lost
his job and living on one income. Pray for encouragement and that
Brad will quickly find a job.
Nick and Lisa - Cole and anger issues and hanging head.
Thanks and have a good week!!!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Prayer Requests:
Please remember Yvonne Looney in your prayers this week. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and was suppose to have a lumpectomy this past Friday or today. She then has to have 7 weeks of radiation.
Also, remember Lesley Childs as she started back to work this week and all of us moms know how it is to drop your baby off at daycare and go to work that first week.
Kelly and Joey - David Higginbotham is suppose to start chemo soon. Pray for quick recovery and healing.
Kari and Shane -Shane's dad is having eye surgery this week. Jonah is having surgery on October 26th. Kari's nephew is having tubes put in this week. Both Jonah and Grace are still having earaches. Kari had an abnormal breast ultrasound and has a history of breast cancer in the family. She should know results today. Pray for good results and the reminder that God has a plan in every situation.
Anna and Chris - Anna's parents house was hit by tornado. Pray for a quick cleanup and recovery from damage. Praise! All the kids are well. Anna's great aunt passed away this week. Pray for family while dealing with this loss. Chris has had a difficult football season. Pray things will start to look up.
Katy and Colt - Colt is traveling this weekend on a fishing trip. Praise! A dispute with a neighbor has been resolved.
Loyd and Lisa - Praise!!! Loyd started work today. Pray for the boys as they transition back into Dad working and not being around as much. Also, pray that Loyd can have a good attitude with going back to work with the county.
John and Susie - John will be traveling to Mobile this week. Pray for safe travels.
Christy and Doug - Continue to pray for Doug's co-worker who lost the baby.
Jason and Rebecca - Sister will be out of a job next month. Pray she will be able to find another one soon. Can you believe it? Only two weeks left!!!! Pray for healthy pregnancy and good delivery!
Kim and John - John's cousin Blake is recovering from a benign brain tumor. He will start radiation soon. John's grandfather is in the hospital with pneumonia. His sister and brother-in-law are planning to buy the grandfather's house to help out. Pray they will be able to go through with the purchase of the house and that the grandfather will recover from pneumonia.
Hugh and Kerri- Trent is sick and home with Kerri. Pray he will get better soon. Kerri's dad was moved to a room this weekend and is doing better. He will continue to stay in the hospital through this week. His 77 year old mother fell this week and broke her hip and had surgery yesterday. They are both in the same hospital. Pray they will all recover and be able to go at least a few weeks without anyone sick or hurt!
Craig and Leslie - Luke is sick with fever. Craig will be traveling this week with work.
Jon and Amber - My grandmother had her tests on Thrusday and will hear the results this week. Pray they are able to find out what is wrong and treat it properly. My parents are on their way home today. Pray for safe travels. Jon's dad is continuing to recover and will go back to the knee doctor this week and cardiologist next week. Pray for good reports with both. The Chesser family is finally starting to feel better! Pray we can stay that way!!!!
I hope everyone has a blessed week and we will see you Sunday!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Prayer Requests for October 4th
Birthdays for the week of October 4th - 10th:
Anna Lynn - October 6th
Susie Trentham - October 8th
Leslie Armstrong - October 10th
Important Prayer Request:
Please be in prayer for Kerri Stewart's dad as he is in ICU right now with pneumonia and a low heart rate. He is unresponsive and not doing well. Please pray for healing and for Kerri and her family.
Prayer Requests:
Joey and Kelly - Anna Lynn's Birthday is Tuesday (17). Happy Birthday!!!!; David Higginbotham had surgery and everything went well. He is now looking at possible chemo treatments. Continue to pray for health and a quick recovery.
Loyd and Lisa - Praise!!!! Loyd will get to start work a week from today.
Amber and Jon - Jon's dad is doing much better and went back to therapy on Friday. They are regulating everything with medicine. Thanks again for all your prayers. I have been sick all week and it is lingering. Pray that I can overcome this and get back to my old self. My parents are traveling tomorrow to Arkansas. My grandmother is having some tests run on her heart on Thursday and they are going to be with her. Pray for safe travels for them and for good tests results for my grandmother. My uncle has the flu and due to all of the coughing got a hernia in his stomach. They are going to have to operate on him probably next week. He too is in Arkansas. Pray that he can get well enough to have the surgery.
Lisa and Nick - Lisa's grandmother is doing well from her eye surgeries and everyone is back home and settled.
Christy and Doug - Doug's co-worker lost a baby at 31 weeks this past week. Pray for her and her husband as they try and cope with this loss. Doug and Christy are still unpacking and trying to get settled in their new home.
Brandon and Amanda - They will be traveling the next several weeks.
Jason and Rebecca - Only 3 weeks left!!!!
John and Kim - They have re-listed their house this week with a new agent. Pray they will be able to sell their home this go round. Jed is sleeping 7 hours at a time so that is a huge praise!!!
Rachel and Andrew - Raylee's bathroom issues are better thanks to some great medicine. Andrew's parents are having to raise his sister's son temporarily while she is away. Pray for this situation and for his parents, his siter Tina and her son Patrick.
Tyler and Heather - 19 months til graduation for Tyler. Only 9 weeks of class and then clinicals will start. Has a test on Tuesday.
Jaime and Veronica - Regan has the flu. Pray for quick recovery and that Veronica does not get it too!!!
I hope everyone has a great week and we will see you next Sunday!!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Jon and Amber - September 28th (7 years)
Kerri Stewart - October 2nd
Prayer Requests:
Jonah Brooker is having surgery on October 26th and has ear infections right now. Pray that he will get well and surgery will go well.
Joey and Kelly - Today was the first official service in the new annex. So far so good!!! Pray for Kelly to have patience with their son Jonathan and starting college. David Higginbotham is having some health problems. Pray for quick recovery. Mike Carraway did have cancer in his lymph nodes. He will be starting treatment soon. Continue to pray for health and for his family.
Brandon and Amanda - Brandon is in Illinois today for work. Pray for safe travels home. Also, Amanda is recovering from a cold.
James and Chanel - Pray for patience with their two year old. James' co-worker was out all this week dealing with his sick family. They all had the flu. He then found out his father tried to commit suicide. Pray for this young man and his family as they are recovering from illness and dealing with his father's attempted suicide. Also, their next door neighbor Jim has been sick after having gall bladder surgery. His vitamin K levels were low and he has had some heart trouble as well. Pray for health.
John and Susie - Susie survived the week while John traveled and John made it home safely from Mobile. Miranda came home from the hospital this week, but can not go back to school for a few weeks til her immune system gets stronger.
Craig and Leslie - The family will be traveling this next week and weekend for Leslie's brother's wedding on Saturday. Pray for her brother as he is getting wedding jitters. Pray the children will stay healthy this week b/c they are all in the wedding. Also, pray for safe travels for family members as they come in from out of town. Leslie saw Hudson's mom this week at a store and asked how he was doing. He was with her and she said he was better but having to have IV treatments every week. He can not go back to school until he is 100% so pray he will heal and they can get back to a normal life.
Melanie and Josh - Melanie is trying to get over a head cold as well. Pray for quick recovery.
Rebecca and Jason - They are hanging in there. They start once a week visits this week. Only four more weeks!!!
Kerri and Hugh - Hugh was traveling today to help his sick Aunt. He and his brother were helping her with yard work. Pray for safe travels home for them. Hugh's other aunt has had two fainting spells and lost a lot of weight over the past few months. She went to the doctor and they have run several tests to try and find out what is wrong. During this process she got pneumonia. Please pray they can find out what is wrong and that she can start recovering and feeling better. Her name is Carol Stewart. Keep Kerri and her transition into working in your prayers. She is in desperate need of some alone time from kids.
Kim and Chris - Kim was at home sleeping b/c she is working tonight.
Jon and Amber - Alyssa recovering from fever from flu shot.
Thanks and I hope you all have a blessed week! See you next Sunday!!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Prayer Requests for September 20th
Prayer Requests:
Added September 23rd: Please pray for BJ and Elaine Price's son David Andrew. He is 8 weeks old and has swine flu. Pray that he will get better and that the rest of the family will not get sick!
PRAISE!!!! This next Sunday, September 27th will be the first Sunday for the annex to worship in the newly renovated gym! Pray for great attendance and worship!!
Anna was home sick and has been told by her doctor that she can not leave the house for several days. She is in the middle of football season and needs to get well. We missed you Anna! Take care and get better soon!!!!
Joey and Kelly - PRAISE! Mike Carraway's surgery went well this week. Pray for good results from the tests being run.
Katy and Colt - Had a wonderful vacation in Hawaii and are preparing to get back to work this week.
Kim and Chris - Larry, Kim's uncle, has been ill for awhile with diabetes and other underlying problems. The doctors have told his family they do not think he will make past a year. He had a stroke Saturday night and is not doing well. Pray for him and his family as they go through the upcoming events. PRAISE - Larry was a minister and knows the Lord so he is ready to go home. Pray for Mr. Forehand. He is the older man that helps out in the nursery and Allie's friend. He fell this past Wednesday night with two children in his arms. He hurt his elbow. Pray he can recover quickly and get back to helping with the kids which he loves.
Hugh and Kerri - Hugh's dad should be coming home tomorrow from Oregon. His trip has gone well. Pray for safe travels home. PRAISE - Hugh's aunt has had trouble with her kidneys in the past and has had to have stints put in. She went this week to the doctor and she is doing great! PRAISE - Kerri's dad will not have to have back surgery. They think they can fix the problem without it.
Christy and Doug - Doug was at home not feeling well. We missed you and hope you are feeling better! They are still trying to get settled in their new home. Pray for time to be able to unpack!
Rebecca and Jason - Only 5 weeks left!! Can you believe it? It has gone by fast for us! Pray for continued health in pregnancy and that Bailey will not come on Saturday! (She is due during football season)
John and Susie - John will be traveling this week to Mobile for two days. Pray for safe travels and Susie and the kids as they are home alone. John's dad is settling into retirement and has a lot to do at their home. Miranda, the girl Susie emailed about this week, had her gall bladder removed on Wednesday and kidney;s flushed on Friday. Pray she will be able to come home this week!
Scotty and Lesley - Lesley goes back to work in 3 weeks. Pray for her and Reese as they transition into being at work and daycare. Scotty's mom has started chemo and will have surgery next week. Continue to pray for her and their family. Baby Reese is being dedicated next Sunday. Pray she does well and does not spit up all over Pastor Buddy.
Jon and Amber - My parents were traveling home from San Antonio yesterday. They both made it home safely last night. They met my brother's significant other and were very impressed. Pray for Chad as he is transitioning to living in Austin, TX. Jon's dad is doing great from knee surgery. Pray for continued progress. PRAISE!!!!! Alyssa had a great week at school and seems to be back to her old self. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Loyd and Lisa - Loyd is suppose to be going back to work for the county on October 10th. Pray that this will actually happen this time.
James and Chanel - They want to thank everyone for the dinners the past few weeks. They said our class has really made them feel welcome! Pray for sleep with baby Sarah. James' mom was laid off from her job in Montgomery this week. Pray she can find something else quickly.
Andrew and Rachel - They are dedicating baby Elyse next Sunday as well. Pray that everything will go well for them.
Kim and John - They will be traveling this next weekend for John's cousins' wedding. Pray for safe travels. John was home with Sally. She had the flu mist this past week and is now showing symptoms of the flu. Pray she will get better soon. PRAISE - Jed is sleeping better. Also, pray for Kim. She has carpal tunnel and is going to the doctor a week from today.
I hope everyone has a blessed week and we will see you on Sunday!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Prayer Requests for September 13th
Prayer Requests:
Katy and Colt traveling back from Hawaii
Joey and Kelly - Continue to pray for Mike Carraway. He has surgery this Wednesday. Pray it will go well and he will recover quickly.
Craig and Leslie - PRAISE! Austin is home and doing well.
Scotty and Lesley - Reese is doing well and sleeping good. Also pray for Scotty's mom. She leaves tomorrow for Philadelphia to have a biopsy on her liver. Pray they will find what they need and be able to treat her.
James and Chanel - baby is doing well and sleeping good. Chanel's sister's blood pressure got high on Thursday and she had the baby on Friday. Mom and baby are doing well. Happy Anniversary! Today was their 6th!
Loyd and Lisa - Hopefully Loyd will get to go back to work on September 21st. Continue to pray this will get solved so these families can get back to work.
Jason and Rebecca - Continue to pray for healthy pregnancy as they count down the weeks.
Amanda and Brandon - Continue to pray for healthy pregnancy.
John and Kim - Sally was with us this morning because she is having some separation anxiety. Pray she will do better with not only church but school. Sally fell this week and had to have her chin glued (in place of stitches). Pray it will heal quickly. Jed is sleeping better at night and is down to one feeding.
Nick and Lisa - Cole is learning to walk and experiencing the bumps and bruises to go along with it. Lisa leaves for KY this week to help her grandmother. She will be having her second eye surgery. Pray that all goes well and she will heal quickly.
Jon and Amber - Jon's dad, Walter, is doing well from knee surgery. Pray for continued strength and recovery. Also, pray for our family as we are dealing with discipline issues. Alyssa has been getting in trouble at school and at home. Also, pray for my grandmother, Kathleen Miller. She was diagnosed with a heart condition that can be treated with medication, but they have to get her blood pressure down before they can start the medicine. The condition is dangerous b/c it can cause blood clots which could lead to stroke or heart attack. She needs to get on the medicine ASAP so pray her blood pressure will go down.
Kerri and Hugh - Spencer played in his first soccer game yesterday. Hugh's dad will be traveling to Oregon for work this week. Pray for safe travels. Continue to pray for Kerri and her transition to work. Kerri's dad is having problems with his hip and back. Pray that he can recover so he does not have to have surgery. PRAISE! Kerri's friend Kelly's baby Saddie with the rare blood disorder is doing well. She has not had to have a blood transfusion in several weeks.
Melanie and Josh - Melanie's grandmother wants to thank all of us for our prayers. She is doing much better.
Tyler and Heather - Thanks for bringing breakfast today Heather! Heather's dad is going for tests on Tuesday. He had prostate cancer and had it removed but is still having some problems. Heather has been under the weather so pray she will feel better soon. A family friend was injured months ago in a rock climbing accident. He is still in the hospital recovering. Pray he will get better and be able to come home soon! Pray for Tyler and school as he struggles to study during football season.
Kari and Shane - Grace played in her first soccer game yesterday too. Continue to pray for a healthy family. Pray for the Haynes family. This is Kari's friend's mom and she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and was in remission. They have now found more cancer. She will be starting chemo soon.
Andrew and Rachel - Pray for Rachel being a single mom while Andrew is singing for us every Sunday.
John and Susie - John's nephew Josh having surgery on his knee. Also, John's brother-in-law still doing chemo but his counts are up and he is doing well. John's cousin's son also hurt his knee and had surgery. He now has a serious infection and is in the hospital at Children's. Also, Dan who was hurt this week. Pray for health for all of these family members.
Anna and Chris - Chris' parents have a situation they are dealing with about his sister. Pray for some resolution. Anna's cousin's daughter is still traveling to St. Jude for treatment for her cancer. They have an older car and have been having trouble with it. Pray she will be able to get a new car for easier travels.
I hope everyone has a good week and we will see you next Sunday!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Prayer Requests for September 6th
Kim and Chris - Avery is still having trouble with seperation from mom. Pray she will adjust to going to school.
Loyd and Lisa - Loyd is still off work and not sure of when he will go back. Please pray for the county officials that they can find a solution to this ongoing mess and Loyd will get to go back to work.
Lisa and Nick - Lisa's grandmother is doing well from her surgery.
Doug and Christy - Praise! Moving went well and Christy and the boys were in an accident but all were okay. Pray that the car will get fixed soon and they can get back to normal life. The boys have been sick with a fever virus but are feeling better now.
Craig and Leslie - Craig is traveling this week and was suppose to be home today. Austin came home from the hospital on Sunday. He will have to go every few weeks to give blood and make sure there is no infection. Pray he will stay healthy. Leslie hurt her finger this week and does not think it is broken, but it is very swollen and painful. Pray she will get better soon!!!
John and Susie - John not feeling well. Hope you are feeling better as the week has gone on!