Our lesson today was in 1 Kings chapters 16-19. We learned about Ahab, Elijah and Jezebel. 1 Kings chapter 16:30-34 set the stage for Ahab. The bible says that he did more evil than anyone before him. If that was not enough, he chose Jezebel as his wife and began to worship her idol Baal. In 1 Kings 17:1-24, Elijah declares famine on Ahab's land. The Lord told Elijah to leave and stay in the wilderness. After the rivers dried up he sent him to a widow that took care of him. In 1 Kings 18 God tells Elijah it is time to go present himself to Ahab. Elijah called for Ahab to come to Mount Carmel. They met there and Elijah told him to get a scarifice. They would both set up for the offering to burn without lighting a fire. Elijah said for them to call out to Baal to light their fire and Elijah would call out to God. Baal did not respond, but God started the fire for Elijah's offering. Elijah told Ahab there would be rain and after the storm, Ahab got on his chariot and headed to see Jezebel and confront her about her idol Baal. Elijah was excited to see this take place so he tucked his robe and ran infront of the chariot to Jezreel. In 1 Kings 19: 1-9 upon his arrival, Ahab tells Jezebel what Elijah had done and she threatens him. Elijah became afraid and immediately ran for his life. The Lord called out to him in disappointment and told him to eat and gain strength and travel on. Joey made a comparison of this story to the Boston Marathon. The last several miles consist of steep hills and difficult terrain. As a runner, you prepare for the last leg of the race so you are able to power through. No matter where we are in life, there are ups and downs and we know the downs are coming. If we call out to God who gives us strength and prepares us like runners for a marathon, we can pull through the last leg of the race. After all it is how we handle the tough hills of life that speaks to others about our faith and character. How do you respond? Are you prepared for the last leg of the race or are you running with fear?
December 5th - This Saturday at 6:30pm will be our Christmas party at Joey and Kelly's house. Bring your White Elephant gift and yourself. Hope to see you there!! By the way, I have to throw in a ROLLLLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!
Prayer Requests:
There were alot of couples out this week and traveling so please pray for safe travels home.
Also, Brandon and Amanda were not at church Sunday but she is due this week so continue to pray for her delivery and a healthy baby boy or girl.
Joey and Kelly - Continue to pray for David Higginbotham as he is wrapping up his chemo treatments. Pray for continued healing.
Jason and Rebecca - Praise! Rebecca's sister has found a job. Please continue to pray for her father who is still looking for one.
Brian and Carrie - We enjoyed having you visit our class! They are trying to sell a home in Argo while working on a home in Trussville. Please pray they can sell the home in Argo and finish the home in Trussville before May when baby #2 is due.
Jon and Amber - Chad is traveling back from CA. Pray for safe travels home. Also, my grandfather has had pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer in the past and recovered from both. He had bloodwork done last week that showed his PSA levels are high and has a possible spot on his liver and lung. He will have further tests this week. Pray for good news!
Loyd and Lisa - Loyd asked that we pray for work. He is having some issues with a manager.
James and Chanel - They will meet the therapist who will be working with them for the next several years on Friday. Pray they have a good connection with her and that things go well. Also, they are going to Michigan a week from today for Sarah's one month check-up. Pray they will receive some encouraging news.
Katy and Colt - Praise! Katy is starting to feel better and was able to enjoy Thanksgiving. Hang in there!
Chris and Kim - Kim left Sunday to go to OK for a week and Chris is a single dad. Pray he will be able to make some ponytails! JK! Pray for him as he cares for the girls this week by himself. Several of us moms know what that is like! Also, his neck is still bothering him so pray he can make the right decision about having surgery.
Leslie and Craig - Kids have been under the weather this week with a cough. Also, Leslie's brother and his wife are closing on the house across the street from them today. Pray that will go well. They are looking for a church home too so pray they can find one that fits them.
Thanks everyone and have a blessed week. We will see you on Sunday!
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