Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our lesson this morning was about "What is God Like?" Some of the answers given by the class were strong, awesome, forgiving, creator, gracious and all knowing. In the first part of our lesson (Romans 1:19-20) we learned "what can be known about God is evident among us. From the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen being understood through what he has made." The second part of our lesson comes from Romans 1: 21 - 25. In these verses we see that in-spite of God's grander, man has rejected him. Buddy preached this morning about how one day our world will fall away from God and even the church. It is a scary thought, but as Christians who believe in God's word we know this to be true. That is why it is important now more than ever to believe God's word and stand by its truth. We also learned about 4 distinct aspects of God.
1. God as a spirit (John 4:24) (Psalms 139: 1-12). God is omnipresent and around us always.
2. God as a person/personality (Psalms 2:4; 7:11; 35:1) (1 Peter 5:5). These verses give us examples that define God's personality.
3. God is Holy and Righteous. We discussed how the word Holy is a word only suitable for God. That Holy is a broad and undefinable word much like our God.
4. God is Love. Joey used a great example here about how he thinks of God is love like family. If you stop and think about it, the unconditional love that we experience here on earth is with our family. Friends, co-workers, classmates will come and go but the love for our family is always there and always unconditional.
So the question to ask yourself this week as we celebrate the coming of fall and the wonderful things God has given us in nature and our lives is "What is God like?". I think He is the most awesome person we could ever meet and I feel privileged to know him and have an unconditional relationship of love with Him!

Birthdays: Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loyd Gravitt - October 27th
Chanel Thomas - October 30th (Halloween Eve Baby)
Jamie Tallent - October 31st (Halloween Baby)

Prayer Requests:

Baby Bailey O'Dell should be with us tomorrow. Rebecca is going in tonight to be induced. Pray for an easy delivery and healthy baby girl. Once settled, look for emails from Katy about doing meals. Congrats guys! Cant' wait to meet her!

Joey and Kelly - Nephew got married yesterday so pray for this couple as they embark on a new life together. Everything went well with wedding and now the re-cooperation is beginning. Continue praying for David Higginbotham as he continues chemo treatments.

Kim and John - It looks like Kim's case is going to trial tomorrow. Pray for a good trial and favorable outcome. Continue to pray for her firm partner Randy Lyons who was diagnosed with multiple myloma (Sp?). Pray for John's family as they are dealing with his grandmother's will. Pray for compromise.

James and Chanel - Their daughter is having eye problems and going to the Dr. this week to get it checked out. Pray for good news and that it is something that can be corrected by glasses and not surgery. Chanel's sister is having a biopsy this week.

Lisa and Nick - Nick's parents and sister are traveling back from California this week. Pray for safe travels. Pray for pastor David from Nick and Lisa's home church. You may have heard about the 7 year old girl who went missing on Monday and her body was found in Georgia on Wednesday. This girl is from their hometown and their old pastor is officiating her funeral. Pray for the church as well b/c they will be feeding and trying to nurture the girl's family. Pray for this family too as they have a long road of healing ahead.

Josh and Melanie - Josh's cousin had to be induced at 6 months b/c of an ecoli infection. The baby was only 2lbs. and hooked up to all kinds of machines and having medicine due to undeveloped organs. Please pray this baby will continue to develop and pull through and pray for the parents as they work through this difficult time. The family name is Anderson and the baby is Mallory.

John and Susie - Justin has been under the weather. Pray for health.

Hugh and Kerri - Trent is home with Kerri with congestion. Pray for health. Kerri's dad is home but on oxygen and continuing to recover. Pray for quick recovery and good health.

Jon and Amber - Thank you for your prayers for us recently. Jon's dad is doing well and went to the knee Dr. and cardiologists this week. He got a great report from both. Also, my grandmother found out last week that all of her tests came back negative for her heart as well. Praise the Lord!!!! Continue to keep my brother in your prayers. It is taking a toll on the family having him away in TX. We are all very close and use to having each other around. We miss him!!!

Tyler and Heather - Pray for poor Maltipoo Jackson. He has been under the weather. He is sick from mold in the yard due to excessive rain. He is on several medications so hopefully he will get better soon!!!! Also, Tyler and Heather brought their neighbor Christy with them to church this morning. It was great to have you Christy!!!!!

Christy - (Tyler and Heather's neighbor) Said she has tried to get her husband to come to church but is having a tough time. Pray the Lord will touch his heart and he will come. Maybe we can reach out to him with his interests and let him see what a great group we are!!!!

Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom is back home, but will return to Philadelphia, PA in two weeks for more chemo. Pray for healing. Baby Reese went back to see physical therapist this week and got a great report. Still doing therapy, but improving tremendously. Praise the Lord!!!

Jason and Rebecca - Pray that Jason will stay with Rebecca in the hospital (inside joke with those there this morning!) Seriously pray for healthy baby and great delivery!

Ashley and Brad - Happy to have you guys back! Brad is still looking for a job so keep him in your prayers. He was a salesman for a steel distributor so if you might have a lead, I am sure he would appreciate it!!!

For those of you not there, we missed you this morning! Have a good week and we will see you this week!!!!


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