Sunday, September 13, 2009

Prayer Requests for September 13th

Today we learned about Psalm 9 and the Celebration of God's justice. What is justice? With the suffering that exists in the world, how do we define justice? As David writes the Psalm, it is hard to not think about the injustice David faced with Goliath and King Saul. At the end of the day, God rules with justice to those who call on him. We may not think of it as justice on this side, but as believers knowing what lies ahead for us in heaven can help us make sense of the suffering here on earth. (Psalm 9: 1-12)

Prayer Requests:

Katy and Colt traveling back from Hawaii

Joey and Kelly - Continue to pray for Mike Carraway. He has surgery this Wednesday. Pray it will go well and he will recover quickly.

Craig and Leslie - PRAISE! Austin is home and doing well.

Scotty and Lesley - Reese is doing well and sleeping good. Also pray for Scotty's mom. She leaves tomorrow for Philadelphia to have a biopsy on her liver. Pray they will find what they need and be able to treat her.

James and Chanel - baby is doing well and sleeping good. Chanel's sister's blood pressure got high on Thursday and she had the baby on Friday. Mom and baby are doing well. Happy Anniversary! Today was their 6th!

Loyd and Lisa - Hopefully Loyd will get to go back to work on September 21st. Continue to pray this will get solved so these families can get back to work.

Jason and Rebecca - Continue to pray for healthy pregnancy as they count down the weeks.

Amanda and Brandon - Continue to pray for healthy pregnancy.

John and Kim - Sally was with us this morning because she is having some separation anxiety. Pray she will do better with not only church but school. Sally fell this week and had to have her chin glued (in place of stitches). Pray it will heal quickly. Jed is sleeping better at night and is down to one feeding.

Nick and Lisa - Cole is learning to walk and experiencing the bumps and bruises to go along with it. Lisa leaves for KY this week to help her grandmother. She will be having her second eye surgery. Pray that all goes well and she will heal quickly.

Jon and Amber - Jon's dad, Walter, is doing well from knee surgery. Pray for continued strength and recovery. Also, pray for our family as we are dealing with discipline issues. Alyssa has been getting in trouble at school and at home. Also, pray for my grandmother, Kathleen Miller. She was diagnosed with a heart condition that can be treated with medication, but they have to get her blood pressure down before they can start the medicine. The condition is dangerous b/c it can cause blood clots which could lead to stroke or heart attack. She needs to get on the medicine ASAP so pray her blood pressure will go down.

Kerri and Hugh - Spencer played in his first soccer game yesterday. Hugh's dad will be traveling to Oregon for work this week. Pray for safe travels. Continue to pray for Kerri and her transition to work. Kerri's dad is having problems with his hip and back. Pray that he can recover so he does not have to have surgery. PRAISE! Kerri's friend Kelly's baby Saddie with the rare blood disorder is doing well. She has not had to have a blood transfusion in several weeks.

Melanie and Josh - Melanie's grandmother wants to thank all of us for our prayers. She is doing much better.

Tyler and Heather - Thanks for bringing breakfast today Heather! Heather's dad is going for tests on Tuesday. He had prostate cancer and had it removed but is still having some problems. Heather has been under the weather so pray she will feel better soon. A family friend was injured months ago in a rock climbing accident. He is still in the hospital recovering. Pray he will get better and be able to come home soon! Pray for Tyler and school as he struggles to study during football season.

Kari and Shane - Grace played in her first soccer game yesterday too. Continue to pray for a healthy family. Pray for the Haynes family. This is Kari's friend's mom and she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and was in remission. They have now found more cancer. She will be starting chemo soon.

Andrew and Rachel - Pray for Rachel being a single mom while Andrew is singing for us every Sunday.

John and Susie - John's nephew Josh having surgery on his knee. Also, John's brother-in-law still doing chemo but his counts are up and he is doing well. John's cousin's son also hurt his knee and had surgery. He now has a serious infection and is in the hospital at Children's. Also, Dan who was hurt this week. Pray for health for all of these family members.

Anna and Chris - Chris' parents have a situation they are dealing with about his sister. Pray for some resolution. Anna's cousin's daughter is still traveling to St. Jude for treatment for her cancer. They have an older car and have been having trouble with it. Pray she will be able to get a new car for easier travels.

I hope everyone has a good week and we will see you next Sunday!


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