Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Prayer Requests

Kevin traveling. Moving to KY in 4 weeks. Need to sell house.

Loyd still on the job hunt.

Anna sick with allergies.

New Chesser in town. Traveling over memorial day weekend.

Jamie and Veronica et al with bronchitis. Having a couple of job offers now that she's finished with school.

Josh's parents visiting. Brother selling house.

Kim's little one is sick. Chris has surgery on May 9. Kim traveling next week.

Miles much better after passing out last week. Praise!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Miles at Children's

Thanks for all the help today, folks. We are at children's waiting for them to read the CAT Scan. Miles is back to normal it seems. I don't think they'll want him to stay overnight.

Thanks to everyone for everything.


Prayer requests 2011.4.17

Suzie having baby tomorrow.

Rachel Neal having wisdom teeth out in 2 weeks

Anna's school is going through some personnel changes.

Chad and Courtney moving to Oregon.

Lesley definitely having surgery June 9.

Pollard family's brother's wife had miscarriage.

Pike's friend having custody problems

Grace still in need of prayer.

Jason had job interview last week at Auburn.

Chris' surgery on may 9

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Re: Men's Bible Study for Tuesday morning

From the men's bible study group!


Hello All,


Can you please add the information below to your respective SS class blogs? 


We will be starting a new study in our Tuesday morning men's group on Tuesday, April 26th.  We are going to do the study called Fatal Distractions by Ed Young Jr. (  It is an 8 session study that looks at the Seven Deadly Sins.  We meet in the CLC room 203 at 6:00 am every Tuesday morning.  We take turns bringing in biscuits for the group.  We are usually out around 7:00 – 7:15; so everyone can get to work. If you are interested please contact Brian Sewell (492-4432 or 






Sunday, April 10, 2011

Prayer requests 4.10.2011

Eight days until the big day for Susie!

Kevin Looking at various job opportunities. Praise for government not shutting down.

Emily is considering taking a break from figure skating. She's also talking about going back to public school. Getting baptized!

Brian taking some big steps forward with his memory.

Jonathan back at Sanford. Jordan still going to south Korea.

John's grandfather facing triple bypass surgery. Doesn't want it.

Kim's grandfather facing colon surgery. Doesn't want it.

Kim's firm facing financial difficulties.

Stacey's stepfather starting experimental treatment for cancer.

Veronica finishing up her last rotation. Conner crawling well.

Kim traveling at the end of the month. Chris has upcoming surgery in May.

Grace Champion still in need of prayer.

John's mother having heart problems. Likely treatable with drugs.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Prayer requests 2011.4.3

Christi starts back to work next week but is staying home next week.

Jennifer's brother got married yesterday.

Emily's figured skating coach's sister (Danielle) has tumors. Facing surgery and additional testing.

Kevin starts a new job tomorrow.

John and Suzie. Should hear about the job interview soon. Suzie really pregnant.

Ashely's brother's friend killed in car accident.

Liam not sleeping well. Reflux issues.

Riley home safe from wrestling tournament. Leaving this weekend for another wrestling tournament.

Anna having some health issues.

Lesley going for another opinion on her jaw. Son of friend in a car accident. Out of ICU, but still can't move legs.

Chris scheduling neck surgery soon.

Grace Champion still undiagnosed. Family frustrated. PET scan inconclusive.