Sunday, September 26, 2010

Prayer requests 9.26.2010

Joey with a sawed thumb. Jonathan traveling. Jordan taking LSAT in November. Randall Bracket. Truck driver. Broken chin from chain strike on truck.

Greg and Jennifer. Bryan Sanders still critically ill. On dialysis now. Financial matters too.

John and Amber. Amber much better, and her grandparents back from Vegas safely. Grandfather doing some better. Haven't heard from her brother in a really long time.

Trentham's. Stressful time at work. Got to golf.

Chris and Anna. Won his game. Her brother hurt his back. Adolescent attitude problems on football team. Anna is having knee surgery. Daughter might have worse allergies than they thought.

Hugh and Carrie. Job going great. Kids.

Scotty and Leslie - Cortisone shot in jaw

Odells. Vacation coming up

Colt and Katy. Her brother going back to Saudi Arabia for work.

John and Kim. Moved in. No injuries. Kim has to organize now. Closing went well.

Snuggs. Got a few hours of sleep. Woot.

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