Our lesson today is again from the Master Works Study guide. We are continuing with John Piper on the journey to figuring out Christian Hedonism. Today;s lesson was focused on the Creation of Christian Hedonism. John Piper poses the question "If your aim is conversion, why not just use the verse Acts 16:31?" He goes on to say that undeniably God;s word says we are created in His image. We are able to celebrate God's glory in an additional way because we have emotions and feelings God has given us to do so. If we do not focus on the joy the scriptures tell us to have, we do not fully rejoice in God. He says that true joy can not be fake. We can fake smiles, politeness, gestures and many other things but if we truly have joy, it can not be fake. We discussed how some of John Piper's ways may be different from how traditional Baptist may teach God's word but his foundation is the Word of God. Stay tuned as we continue this interesting journey with John Piper. As you go this week ask yourself what you experience that is "true joy" in your life. You may realize the "true joy" is not focused on God where it should be. Pray that God would help you focus your joy on Him where it belongs.
Upcoming Events:
April 17th - Yard Sale for the Poole family. This is Jaime and Chanel's neighbors we have been praying for. If you have anything to donate please contact Jaime or Chanel this week and they will come pick it up. If you are able to help with the yard sale, let them know as well.
May 1st - Katy and Colt's Couples Baby Shower. It will be at Joey and Kelly's house at 6pm. Look for an email with sign-up and more info. in the next few weeks.
Prayer Requests:
Kip and Janeena Willoughby are expecting twins! Twins make four and they are extremely excited. Pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies. She is due in October.
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan was leading worship in the annex this morning. Pray for him to do well. Continue to pray for Teresa's (works with Joey) father. He had a stroke and is still in hospital trying to recover.
Christi and Doug - Doug was called into work as they were leaving for church this morning. We missed you and hope all is well.
Craig and Leslie - Leslie's grandmother (98) fell and broke her hip a few weeks ago. She lives on her own and is going through physical therapy. Pray for healing and good health.
Jon and Amber - It is hard to believe, but we are leaving for CA Wednesday for Chad's wedding. Pray for safe travels there and back for us and my parents. Pray for the wedding to go off without any problems. Most importantly, pray we all get along. Some of the kids at Alyssa's school have been sick so pray she stays healthy.
Brad and Ashley - Ashley's brother and sister in law are expecting and she is due within the next few days. There have been problems with the sister in law and Ashley's family so pray they will work it out and be able to bring this new baby in the world peacefully. Also pray for a healthy baby. Continue to pray for Brad and work.
Jason and Rebecca - Jason's work has a consultant coming this week to review and evaluate their department. Pray there will be no tension at work.
Keri - Brian was traveling so pray he makes it home safely today. A friend of Keri's has a nine year old daughter, Alyssa, and she has suddenly lost sight in one eye and is loosing it in the other. The are not sure what is going on and the mother is very upset. Pray that God will allow them to find out what is going on and heal this young girl. Pray that her mother will have strength during this difficult time.
Tyler and Heather - Pray for Tyler's sister Maleah. She is getting married in August and her fiance is in Kansas working and trying to get closer to AL before they get married. If not, she will have to move to Kansas and be away from her family while he works 60 hour weeks. Pray that God can find him a job closer to family in AL. His name is Zach.
Anna and Chris - The expecting mother Anna emailed about earlier this week is doing well. She is 6 months pregnant and started bleeding and the doctors did not know why. Pray she can continue her pregnancy and have a healthy baby.
James and Chanel - PRAISE! Sarah is doing great. She got glasses and even reached out for Chanel this week. They were so excited to say they were actually doing well.
Kim and John - John was driving the golf cart and not picking up the mom's with children today. We said a special prayer for you! Kim on the other hand was in class and asked that we continue to pray for her grandmother and her twin sister. Also, John's grandparents who moved closer to his mother a few months ago have decided they want to move back to their old home 30 miles away. They are not in very good health and it is hard on John's mom to go back and forth to take care of them. The grand kids were going to talk to them today and see if they could convince them to stay. Pray they will see the benefits of being close to family who can help.
Greg - Jennifer was home with the two youngest children who are under the weather. Pray they will get better soon.
Loyd - Doing well but asked that we pray for an unspoken for them.
Chris and Kim - Kim was working. Baby makes three girls for them and Chris received alot of encouragement from the class about the affects of having a third child. Pray for good pregnancy and healthy baby. Congratulations!
Susie - John was home with Audrey who is running a fever. Pray she will feel good soon.
Hope you have a great week and weekend and we will see you in two weeks!
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