We are still studying John Piper and trying to cypher through his logic and teachings of God's word. With that being said, I am not going to try and explain our lesson this week, but instead encourage you to come to Sunday School as we work through this interesting study. We are half way through at this point with four more weeks of study. Hope to see you there!
Happy Birthday/Anniversary to:
Jason and Rebecca O'Dell - April 14th
Andrew Neal - April 17th
Scotty and Lesley - April 26th
Nick Tharp - April 28th
Prayer Requests:
Anna traveled to MS to take the girls this week and then to DC with Riley. Pray for safe travels.
Joey - Kelly was traveling to the beach with friends. Pray for safe travels on their way home. Anna Lynn's friend from France was in town visiting this past week and she is sad to see him leave.
Brian and Keri - only one week left til baby is due. Pray for mom and baby and safe delivery as well as the family of three adjusting to a new baby. Also they are selling their house and the people want them out by May 10th. They are not sure where they will go and more than likely will have a newborn in tow. Pray that God will work this out for them so they can not stress about moving with a baby.
Loyd - Pray for conditions at work.
Greg and Jennifer - they are still trying to sell their home from Vernon I think. Anyway the one from where they moved from. Pray that it will sell.
Andrew - Rachel is traveling home this weekend. Pray for safe travels.
Kim and Chris - Kim's parents put a contract on a house in LA. Pray their house in MS will sell. Continue to pray for Chris' dad to find work.
Jaime - PRAISE! This is Veronica's last week of school. She will be back to Trussville from Auburn for good. Pray they can sell her trailer in Auburn. Also, they are trying to complete a room in the basement before the baby arrives. Pray they can finish it on time.
Jason and Rebecca - Continue to pray for Rebecca's dad who is looking for work.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom has been battling cancer that started in her eye and has moved to her liver for quite some time. She recently learned that the treatments are not working and they have called in Hospice. Pray for Scotty, Lesley and their family as they deal with this news. Pray that his mom will be comfortable and at peace.
Colt and Katy - Colt's mom has the flu and has been really sick. Pray she will get better soon. Also, sales have been down at Verizon. Pray that things will pick up for Colt.
John and Susie - John is traveling for work this week. Pray for safe travels.
Brad - Continue to pray for Brad's job hunt.
Hugh and Kerri - Continue to pray for Kerri's dad who is still dealing with health problems. He is on oxygen and now having to have a sleep study. He may possibly have to wear a sleep apnea mask at night. He is starting to get a little depressed because it is affecting his quality of life.
John and Kim - Kim's grandmother's twin is slowly getting worse and her grandmother is having a hard time dealing with it and being so far away.
Jon and Amber - The wedding went well and now Chad and Courtney are on their month long honeymoon in New Zealand. Pray for safe travels while there. When they come home, Courtney will graduate medical school, they will move to Oakland, CA and Chad will have to find a job all in one week. Pray that this will come together for them quickly because Courtney starts her residency the first of June. Also, I have a hair line fracture and deeply bruised bones in my right hand. Pray for quick healing because it is extremely inconvenient with all I have to do.
Craig and Leslie - Continue to pray for Leslie's family as they begin the grieving process with the loss of her grandmother. Also they are traveling this weekend to get a new puppy. Pray for a healthy puppy.
Have a great week!
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of time." Matthew 28: 18-20

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Prayer Requests for April 18th
Pray for safe travels for Rachel and Andrew and Amber, Jon and Alyssa.
Hugh and Kerri- Doing great. Kerri was absent because she was at the lake with the children.
Doug and Christi- A co-worker of Christi's, the Special Education teacher, was in a bad car accident. Praise! She may return to work this week. Pray that she continues to feel better after being thrown from the car.
Craig and Leslie- Leslie's Grandmother is not doing well. She is struggling with each breath she takes and Leslie would like for you to pray that Grandmommy will not be in pain and will be able to listen to the words that family is saying to her and enjoy the visitors that are coming to comfort her. Pray for safe travels for family, and Leslie's Mom as she travels to go be with her. ***Update: As of Sunday night, Leslie's grandmother passed away. The whole family is traveling today to NC for funeral tomorrow. Pray for family as they grieve and safe travels home.
Lesley and Scotty - They were not there this morning, because they were with Scotty's Mom. She did not receive a good prognosis and may not be able to continue treatment. Please pray for this situation.
Jennifer and Greg- Son, Jack, will be repeating kindergarten next year.
Kim and John- Praise! Jed is sleeping better.
James and Chanel- Sarah is doing good, and they are very excited about the progress she has been making. Please continue to pray for miracles in Sarah's life. Gracie, neighbor, may have to be on ventilator for much longer than originally planned.
Colt and Katy- Katy's boss adopted a baby girl last Monday. Pray for this adoption as well as the birth mother.
Heather and Tyler- Tyler's Mom and Heather's Grandmother are going through tests for cancer. Please pray that results would be negative.
Josh and Melanie- Josh's brother and sister in law, expecting soon. Pray for details to all work out, while they are living in 2 different cities.
Chris and Kim- Kim traveled home with the girls on Sunday.
Brian and Keri- Negotiating possible offer on their home. Please pray because they don't know where they are going to live since the house they are remodeling is not completed yet and baby will be here soon.
Anna and Chris- absent, Susie shared with us that Chris got a new coaching job closer to home. Congratulations Chris.
Joey and Kelly- They met with Joey's father on Saturday, pray that Joey would know where to go from here with mending this relationship.
Hugh and Kerri- Doing great. Kerri was absent because she was at the lake with the children.
Doug and Christi- A co-worker of Christi's, the Special Education teacher, was in a bad car accident. Praise! She may return to work this week. Pray that she continues to feel better after being thrown from the car.
Craig and Leslie- Leslie's Grandmother is not doing well. She is struggling with each breath she takes and Leslie would like for you to pray that Grandmommy will not be in pain and will be able to listen to the words that family is saying to her and enjoy the visitors that are coming to comfort her. Pray for safe travels for family, and Leslie's Mom as she travels to go be with her. ***Update: As of Sunday night, Leslie's grandmother passed away. The whole family is traveling today to NC for funeral tomorrow. Pray for family as they grieve and safe travels home.
Lesley and Scotty - They were not there this morning, because they were with Scotty's Mom. She did not receive a good prognosis and may not be able to continue treatment. Please pray for this situation.
Jennifer and Greg- Son, Jack, will be repeating kindergarten next year.
Kim and John- Praise! Jed is sleeping better.
James and Chanel- Sarah is doing good, and they are very excited about the progress she has been making. Please continue to pray for miracles in Sarah's life. Gracie, neighbor, may have to be on ventilator for much longer than originally planned.
Colt and Katy- Katy's boss adopted a baby girl last Monday. Pray for this adoption as well as the birth mother.
Heather and Tyler- Tyler's Mom and Heather's Grandmother are going through tests for cancer. Please pray that results would be negative.
Josh and Melanie- Josh's brother and sister in law, expecting soon. Pray for details to all work out, while they are living in 2 different cities.
Chris and Kim- Kim traveled home with the girls on Sunday.
Brian and Keri- Negotiating possible offer on their home. Please pray because they don't know where they are going to live since the house they are remodeling is not completed yet and baby will be here soon.
Anna and Chris- absent, Susie shared with us that Chris got a new coaching job closer to home. Congratulations Chris.
Joey and Kelly- They met with Joey's father on Saturday, pray that Joey would know where to go from here with mending this relationship.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Prayer Requests for April 11th
Our lesson today is again from the Master Works Study guide. We are continuing with John Piper on the journey to figuring out Christian Hedonism. Today;s lesson was focused on the Creation of Christian Hedonism. John Piper poses the question "If your aim is conversion, why not just use the verse Acts 16:31?" He goes on to say that undeniably God;s word says we are created in His image. We are able to celebrate God's glory in an additional way because we have emotions and feelings God has given us to do so. If we do not focus on the joy the scriptures tell us to have, we do not fully rejoice in God. He says that true joy can not be fake. We can fake smiles, politeness, gestures and many other things but if we truly have joy, it can not be fake. We discussed how some of John Piper's ways may be different from how traditional Baptist may teach God's word but his foundation is the Word of God. Stay tuned as we continue this interesting journey with John Piper. As you go this week ask yourself what you experience that is "true joy" in your life. You may realize the "true joy" is not focused on God where it should be. Pray that God would help you focus your joy on Him where it belongs.
Upcoming Events:
April 17th - Yard Sale for the Poole family. This is Jaime and Chanel's neighbors we have been praying for. If you have anything to donate please contact Jaime or Chanel this week and they will come pick it up. If you are able to help with the yard sale, let them know as well.
May 1st - Katy and Colt's Couples Baby Shower. It will be at Joey and Kelly's house at 6pm. Look for an email with sign-up and more info. in the next few weeks.
Prayer Requests:
Kip and Janeena Willoughby are expecting twins! Twins make four and they are extremely excited. Pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies. She is due in October.
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan was leading worship in the annex this morning. Pray for him to do well. Continue to pray for Teresa's (works with Joey) father. He had a stroke and is still in hospital trying to recover.
Christi and Doug - Doug was called into work as they were leaving for church this morning. We missed you and hope all is well.
Craig and Leslie - Leslie's grandmother (98) fell and broke her hip a few weeks ago. She lives on her own and is going through physical therapy. Pray for healing and good health.
Jon and Amber - It is hard to believe, but we are leaving for CA Wednesday for Chad's wedding. Pray for safe travels there and back for us and my parents. Pray for the wedding to go off without any problems. Most importantly, pray we all get along. Some of the kids at Alyssa's school have been sick so pray she stays healthy.
Brad and Ashley - Ashley's brother and sister in law are expecting and she is due within the next few days. There have been problems with the sister in law and Ashley's family so pray they will work it out and be able to bring this new baby in the world peacefully. Also pray for a healthy baby. Continue to pray for Brad and work.
Jason and Rebecca - Jason's work has a consultant coming this week to review and evaluate their department. Pray there will be no tension at work.
Keri - Brian was traveling so pray he makes it home safely today. A friend of Keri's has a nine year old daughter, Alyssa, and she has suddenly lost sight in one eye and is loosing it in the other. The are not sure what is going on and the mother is very upset. Pray that God will allow them to find out what is going on and heal this young girl. Pray that her mother will have strength during this difficult time.
Tyler and Heather - Pray for Tyler's sister Maleah. She is getting married in August and her fiance is in Kansas working and trying to get closer to AL before they get married. If not, she will have to move to Kansas and be away from her family while he works 60 hour weeks. Pray that God can find him a job closer to family in AL. His name is Zach.
Anna and Chris - The expecting mother Anna emailed about earlier this week is doing well. She is 6 months pregnant and started bleeding and the doctors did not know why. Pray she can continue her pregnancy and have a healthy baby.
James and Chanel - PRAISE! Sarah is doing great. She got glasses and even reached out for Chanel this week. They were so excited to say they were actually doing well.
Kim and John - John was driving the golf cart and not picking up the mom's with children today. We said a special prayer for you! Kim on the other hand was in class and asked that we continue to pray for her grandmother and her twin sister. Also, John's grandparents who moved closer to his mother a few months ago have decided they want to move back to their old home 30 miles away. They are not in very good health and it is hard on John's mom to go back and forth to take care of them. The grand kids were going to talk to them today and see if they could convince them to stay. Pray they will see the benefits of being close to family who can help.
Greg - Jennifer was home with the two youngest children who are under the weather. Pray they will get better soon.
Loyd - Doing well but asked that we pray for an unspoken for them.
Chris and Kim - Kim was working. Baby makes three girls for them and Chris received alot of encouragement from the class about the affects of having a third child. Pray for good pregnancy and healthy baby. Congratulations!
Susie - John was home with Audrey who is running a fever. Pray she will feel good soon.
Hope you have a great week and weekend and we will see you in two weeks!
Upcoming Events:
April 17th - Yard Sale for the Poole family. This is Jaime and Chanel's neighbors we have been praying for. If you have anything to donate please contact Jaime or Chanel this week and they will come pick it up. If you are able to help with the yard sale, let them know as well.
May 1st - Katy and Colt's Couples Baby Shower. It will be at Joey and Kelly's house at 6pm. Look for an email with sign-up and more info. in the next few weeks.
Prayer Requests:
Kip and Janeena Willoughby are expecting twins! Twins make four and they are extremely excited. Pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies. She is due in October.
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan was leading worship in the annex this morning. Pray for him to do well. Continue to pray for Teresa's (works with Joey) father. He had a stroke and is still in hospital trying to recover.
Christi and Doug - Doug was called into work as they were leaving for church this morning. We missed you and hope all is well.
Craig and Leslie - Leslie's grandmother (98) fell and broke her hip a few weeks ago. She lives on her own and is going through physical therapy. Pray for healing and good health.
Jon and Amber - It is hard to believe, but we are leaving for CA Wednesday for Chad's wedding. Pray for safe travels there and back for us and my parents. Pray for the wedding to go off without any problems. Most importantly, pray we all get along. Some of the kids at Alyssa's school have been sick so pray she stays healthy.
Brad and Ashley - Ashley's brother and sister in law are expecting and she is due within the next few days. There have been problems with the sister in law and Ashley's family so pray they will work it out and be able to bring this new baby in the world peacefully. Also pray for a healthy baby. Continue to pray for Brad and work.
Jason and Rebecca - Jason's work has a consultant coming this week to review and evaluate their department. Pray there will be no tension at work.
Keri - Brian was traveling so pray he makes it home safely today. A friend of Keri's has a nine year old daughter, Alyssa, and she has suddenly lost sight in one eye and is loosing it in the other. The are not sure what is going on and the mother is very upset. Pray that God will allow them to find out what is going on and heal this young girl. Pray that her mother will have strength during this difficult time.
Tyler and Heather - Pray for Tyler's sister Maleah. She is getting married in August and her fiance is in Kansas working and trying to get closer to AL before they get married. If not, she will have to move to Kansas and be away from her family while he works 60 hour weeks. Pray that God can find him a job closer to family in AL. His name is Zach.
Anna and Chris - The expecting mother Anna emailed about earlier this week is doing well. She is 6 months pregnant and started bleeding and the doctors did not know why. Pray she can continue her pregnancy and have a healthy baby.
James and Chanel - PRAISE! Sarah is doing great. She got glasses and even reached out for Chanel this week. They were so excited to say they were actually doing well.
Kim and John - John was driving the golf cart and not picking up the mom's with children today. We said a special prayer for you! Kim on the other hand was in class and asked that we continue to pray for her grandmother and her twin sister. Also, John's grandparents who moved closer to his mother a few months ago have decided they want to move back to their old home 30 miles away. They are not in very good health and it is hard on John's mom to go back and forth to take care of them. The grand kids were going to talk to them today and see if they could convince them to stay. Pray they will see the benefits of being close to family who can help.
Greg - Jennifer was home with the two youngest children who are under the weather. Pray they will get better soon.
Loyd - Doing well but asked that we pray for an unspoken for them.
Chris and Kim - Kim was working. Baby makes three girls for them and Chris received alot of encouragement from the class about the affects of having a third child. Pray for good pregnancy and healthy baby. Congratulations!
Susie - John was home with Audrey who is running a fever. Pray she will feel good soon.
Hope you have a great week and weekend and we will see you in two weeks!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Prayer Requests for April 4th - Easter Sunday
Our lesson this week comes from the Masterwork book. John Piper will be leading the study for the next few weeks. This week he chose to focus on Christian Hedonism. There are several key things about Christian Hedonism that Piper points out. First is to establish the sovereignty of God. Scripture he uses to support that is Psalms 115:3; Isaiah 46:9-10; Daniel 4:34-35; Job 42:2. The second thing is biblical basis for God's sovereign happiness. Scripture he uses to support this is Psalm 104:31; Amos 3:6; Acts 2:23. At this point in the lesson, Joey pointed out that this is where it can be difficult for Christians to listen to Piper's views. We are raised to see a merciful and loving God. Piper challenges us by asking is God for us or Himself? The third thing is how is he a God of love? The scripture used for this is 2 Thessalonians 1:10 and Ephesians 4:6. Christians do not like to hear that God exalts Himself and welcomes the praises of men because the bible teaches us not to be boastful or expect these things from each other. What Piper wants us to understand is if God is going to be for us, He has to be for Himself. What could God give us to enjoy that would prove He loves us? Himself. When we are given something we love it, praise it, treasure it and adore it. We praise what we enjoy because the delight of enjoying something is not complete until you praise it. In order for our joy with God to be complete we must praise Him and hold Him worthy of being the one and only Savior. This is what John Piper says is the basis for Christian Hedonism. As you go this week, ask yourself if you are holding God as highly esteemed as He should be. After all, that is what he commands us to do.
Keri's Prayer and Pamper shower is this Saturday at 6pm at Joey and Kelly's house. Look for an email about the food you signed up for.
Prayer Requests:
Brad and Ashley - Margaret, Ashley's mom, was visiting with us today. Glad to have you. She along with Ashley asked us to pray for her Ashley's father who has hurt his back while working. His name is Eddie Pennington. Brad is still on the hunt for a job. Pray he can find one soon.
Joey and Kelly - Teresa's,who works with Joey,father had a bad stroke this past week and is in the hospital. Pray for healing.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom is still sick and his dad is getting tired from helping out. Pray for strength for both of them and healing for Scotty's mom. They go back to PA in a few weeks.
Brian and Keri - They will be traveling to Gadsden for Easter. Pray for safe travels. Ray Greer, friend who lost his home in fire, heard that the insurance will pay to rebuild their home and cover things lost in it. His son who was burned int he fire is doing well.
Amber and Jon - Continue to pray for my Papa as he decides how to deal with his cancer. Jon's mom is doing well from ankle surgery. Pray for quick recovery. I go back to the doctor on Tuesday to find out the course of treatment for my neck. Pray it will get better soon. My friend Tammy's mom (Pat) has been re diagnosed with breast cancer. Pray for her to be healed. And last but not least, count down to wedding is 12 days (for my brother). Pray for everything to come together and for all of us traveling to CA.
Chris and Anna - Pray for Chris' job search. Possible opportunity at Grissom in Huntsville. Pray about this decision because they would have to move. Katy's thumb was broken and is in a cast for 10 days. Pray it will heal so she can have the cast off.
Amanda and Brandon - It was so good to see Amanda back. We have missed you. It was Mary Charles first time in the nursery Sunday. Hope it went well!!!
John and Kim - Jed is still not sleeping through the night. Kim's grandmother's twin was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery to remove it but it has come back in her thyroid and the diagnosis does not look good. Pray for her and Kim's grandmother who is struggling with the thought of loosing her twin sister. A friend of John's had a baby and it was born with a birth defect. He had to go to Children's and have surgery shortly after birth. He will probably have to have more surgery in the future. Pray he will be healed. His name is Carson Hutto.
Have a blessed week and we will see you on Sunday!
Keri's Prayer and Pamper shower is this Saturday at 6pm at Joey and Kelly's house. Look for an email about the food you signed up for.
Prayer Requests:
Brad and Ashley - Margaret, Ashley's mom, was visiting with us today. Glad to have you. She along with Ashley asked us to pray for her Ashley's father who has hurt his back while working. His name is Eddie Pennington. Brad is still on the hunt for a job. Pray he can find one soon.
Joey and Kelly - Teresa's,who works with Joey,father had a bad stroke this past week and is in the hospital. Pray for healing.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom is still sick and his dad is getting tired from helping out. Pray for strength for both of them and healing for Scotty's mom. They go back to PA in a few weeks.
Brian and Keri - They will be traveling to Gadsden for Easter. Pray for safe travels. Ray Greer, friend who lost his home in fire, heard that the insurance will pay to rebuild their home and cover things lost in it. His son who was burned int he fire is doing well.
Amber and Jon - Continue to pray for my Papa as he decides how to deal with his cancer. Jon's mom is doing well from ankle surgery. Pray for quick recovery. I go back to the doctor on Tuesday to find out the course of treatment for my neck. Pray it will get better soon. My friend Tammy's mom (Pat) has been re diagnosed with breast cancer. Pray for her to be healed. And last but not least, count down to wedding is 12 days (for my brother). Pray for everything to come together and for all of us traveling to CA.
Chris and Anna - Pray for Chris' job search. Possible opportunity at Grissom in Huntsville. Pray about this decision because they would have to move. Katy's thumb was broken and is in a cast for 10 days. Pray it will heal so she can have the cast off.
Amanda and Brandon - It was so good to see Amanda back. We have missed you. It was Mary Charles first time in the nursery Sunday. Hope it went well!!!
John and Kim - Jed is still not sleeping through the night. Kim's grandmother's twin was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery to remove it but it has come back in her thyroid and the diagnosis does not look good. Pray for her and Kim's grandmother who is struggling with the thought of loosing her twin sister. A friend of John's had a baby and it was born with a birth defect. He had to go to Children's and have surgery shortly after birth. He will probably have to have more surgery in the future. Pray he will be healed. His name is Carson Hutto.
Have a blessed week and we will see you on Sunday!
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