Our lesson today comes from Matthew. To set the scene, this is Matthew's version of the story of Jesus and his crucifixion. In Matthew 27:27-31 we learn the soldiers have taken Jesus captive, stripped him of his clothes and dressed him in a scarlet robe. They twisted together a crown of thorns and placed it on his head. They knelt before him and began to mock him. After mocking him they spit on him. Many of the things that the soldiers did to Jesus were by command, but the choice to spit on him was there own. This represents the sinful nature of man. It is not that we incapable of doing good, it is just that we can not keep from sin. Sins of all mankind whether past, present or future were put on Christ as the crown of thorns. As you go throughout your week think of the thorns you are placing on Jesus' head. Strive to do good and be aware of the sin in your life.
Important Reminders:
Metro Changers Meeting is Wednesday night at 7:30 in the chapel. This is the community project we discussed on Sunday. The actual project will be April 5th - May 1st.
Happy Birthday:
Brandon Beckett - March 8th
Kim Deshazo - March 8th
Prayer Requests:
John and Kim and John and Susie are traveling this weekend. Pray for safe travels for these families.
Greg and Jennifer were visiting with us this past Sunday. It was nice to have you and hope you come back soon.
Brad has two job interviews this week. Pray that one of the jobs will work out if that is where God leads him.
James and Chanel are home from Michigan but Ellen has the stomach bug. Pray she gets well soon and that the rest of the family does not get it.
Jon and Amber - My grandfather goes this Thursday for the biopsy on his liver. They will travel Wednesday to Little Rock and he will have the procedure early Thursday morning. Pray for safe travels and good results.
Chris and Kim - Chris' dad lost his job this week. Pray he will be able to find another one soon. Chris and Kim found out this week that some of their friends are getting a divorce. This is the second couple in 9 months that they know well. Pray for both of these families. Chris' MRI showed no changes. This means he has to decide whether or not to have surgery. Avery has been moved to a new SS class after having some anxiety issues with the last class. Pray she will feel comfortable and be happy with this change.
Tyler and Heather - Tyler's presentation is on Friday. Pray he will do well and not be nervous.
Melanie and Josh - This is Melanie's busiest week of the year at work. Hang in there! Almost half way through. Pray she will have strength and energy to get through the 70 hour work week.
Loyd - Doing well. Work has been stressful. Pray for that.
Andrew and Rachel - Andrew's nephew Patrick was successfully placed with his father this week. It is a trial period and then the court will make a final decision. Also Andrew's sister is still having some problems. Pray for her. Andrew will be traveling this week Monday - Thursday. Pray for safe travels and for Rachel and the kids while he is gone.
Craig and Leslie - PRAISE! Uncle Mickey is in remission. Thank you for your prayers!
Chris and Anna - Chris is traveling Saturday to TN for class. Pray for safe travels. Chris' mom Pam is having a skin cancer removed on Friday and the doctor is making a big deal about it and she is not sure why. Pray she will get good results.
Hugh and Kerri - Kerri had an accident on Friday and fell and broke her thumb. She has to wear a brace for several weeks but is doing well. PRAISE! Trent's surgery went well and he is doing great.
Doug and Christy - Finally everyone is well from stomach bug. Jason Blake lost his job this week. Pray he will be able to find one soon. They will be traveling next weekend to the beach.
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan is leading worship in annex today. Joey is going through some stressful times at work. Pray for strength and a clear mind on how to handle situations.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!!!
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