We missed you guys this week and thank you to Leslie for taking the prayer requests for me. No lesson break down this week but stay tuned for next Sunday's Easter lesson.
Scotty Childs - March 29th
Hugh Stewart - March 30th
Prayer Requests:
Ashley and Bryan Millican welcomed their baby girl and she was a few weeks early. Baby Meghan is in the NICU but doing well. Pray she will continue to get better and come home soon.
Girl makes three for Rachel and Andrew. Congrats!
Kerri and Hugh - Pray Kerri will be able to find a job for the fall school year. She is trying to go back full time to public school and would like to find a job at Trussville. Continue to pray for Kerri's dad and his health. He will see a specialist in June.
Katy and Colt - Katy volunteers at the Chalkville Girls center and asked that we continually pray for the girls who are there and the struggles they face.
Jason and Rebecca - Rebecca's dad is still looking for a job. Pray he will find one soon.
Tyler and Heather - Tyler starts at St.Vincent's east this week with his rotations.
James and Chanel - Sarah has been having issues sleeping. Pray she will be bale to rest well. She should get glasses this week. They are going back to Detroit on Thursday and are not sure if she will have to have another surgery on Friday. James' mom got a job so that is a big praise! Gracie Poole, next door neighbor's daughter, has been sick. Pray she will get well. Chanel's friend lost her daughter Natalie to leukemia this week. Pray for this family as they begin their grief.
Kim and Chris - Kim's mom has done something to her back. Pray she will feel better. Continue to pray for Chris' dad as he looks for his job.
Brad and Ashley - Brad should hear back from a few job opportunities this week. Pray that God will open a door for him in the job hunt. Ashley's friend lost her grandmother this week. Pray for her as she deals with this loss. Continue to pray for Ashley's job and issues she is having.
***Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Glover. Please pray for Mrs. Glover who fell awhile back and is still trying to recover from that.
John and Kim - Jed has been having trouble sleeping through the night. Pray he will rest well. John's god grandmother is having to move to assisted living and it has been hard on his mom. Her name is Sue Ward. Kim's grandfather is still having health problems. Continue to pray for Kim and adjusting to new partners at work.
Brain and Keri - Friend's home in Trussville burned and he is in hospital with burns. His name is Ray Green.
Scotty and Lesley - Reese has been having separation anxiety issues. Pray she will be bale to adjust and Lesley will too. That is really hard on mom. No new update on Scotty's mom. Just continue to pray for her.
Josh and Melanie - Josh's brother is beginning his new job in Huntsville and his wife Dana is 8 months pregnant. Pray for them during this transition and the arrival of their baby.
Anna and Chris - Chris and Rylie are traveling this weekend. Pray for Chris' health because they are doing lots of tests to find out what is going on. Anna's friend Stephanie broke her arm. She is a stay at home mom with 2 kids. All of us moms know exactly what to pray for!
John and Susie - Praise! John's mom had surgery on her foot awhile back and thought she might have re injured. Good news she is fine.
Craig and Leslie - Pray for our church this coming Sunday. With construction parking will be difficult and different. Also, pray for those who are coming that they may be touched by the spirit. Pray for goods weather. Leslie's dad still does not have a job and her mother would like to retire from teaching kindergarten for 26 years. Pray for them as they try and decide what to do.
Joey and Kelly - Joey's dad turned 75 this week. Also Jonathan turned 19.
Have a blessed week and we will see you on Sunday!
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of time." Matthew 28: 18-20

Monday, March 29, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Prayer Requests for March 21st
Our lesson this week comes from the book of John Chapter 19 verse 28. Be fore we start with John lets take a look back at Mark 15 verse 22. In this verse, the roman soldiers try to give Jesus wine mixed with myrrh but Jesus refuses. He goes on to say that he is to fulfill prophecy and does not want anything to deter from that. In John, the scripture tells us that "after this, when Jesus knew that everything was now accomplished and the Scripture was fulfilled, He said I Am Thirsty!" It was only when Jesus knew that everything was completed as foretold in the prophecy that He accepted the drink of wine so no one could counter its completion. Jesus was determined for Christians to have His word to use as a tool in their daily walk. in verse 33 we learned that the soldiers did not break Jesus legs because they knew he was already dead. One of the soldiers then pierced His side and at once blood and water began to flow. Here the blood represents the sacrifice that Jesus made and the water represents our seeking of His forgiveness. The blood and water go hand in hand. Through the blood, He died and saved us from our sins. Through the water, it is our responsibility to nourish that relationship and help it mature through our Christian walk. As you go this week, think of the ultimate sacrifice God made for you. Then think of the sacrifice you are making in return. Are you doing your part to nourish this treasured relationship that was given to you?
Announcements and Upcoming Events:
March 27th - Easter Egg Hunt and Social at the Armstrong's from 4 to 6 pm. Please remember to bring eggs if you have not already.
Possible garage sale for the Poole family in April. More details TBA.
Prayer Requests:
James and Chanel are home from Michigan. Sarah's surgery went well and she may have central vision in her right eye. They did have to freeze her eye for the surgery and were told that can be painful for awhile. Hopefully they can get glasses this week.
Chris and Anna - Chris' grandmother was having problems with her back. Went tot he doctor and now they want to run more tests. pray they can find what is going on and that she can heal quickly. Chris and Riley will be traveling this week. Pray for safe travels.
Kim and John - Kim's firm has added new partners in Montgomery and is making lots of changes. Pray for this transition. Kims' grandfather is still having issues with his blood disorder. Pray for healing and strength.
John and Susie - Justin has had the stomach bug last week. Pray Audrey and family stay well.
Hugh - Kerri was home with a migraine but feeling much better. I think it was the thought of returning to school this week with 15 3 year olds! Just kidding!
Brandon and Amanda - Doing well and Mary Charles is too. Brandon did not get anew boss at work but was told in 6 months they will start making cuts. Pray his group will not be cut.
Scotty and Lesley - Reese doing well after tube surgery. Scotty's mom has had some infections after treatments for cancer. Pray for healing. They go back to PA this week.
Katy and Colt - PRAISE! Katy passed her glucose tests and celebrated with brownies and ice cream! Just kidding! Please continue to pray for the woman who came in Colt's store this week.
Brian and Keri - Aubrey's birthday party was Sunday afternoon. Happy Birthday!
Tyler - Heather is under the weather. Hope you are feeling better!
Andrew and Rachel - Find out Friday what they are having. Please let us know!!!!
Jon and Amber - Parents made it back safely form the keys. My grandfather goes on Monday (29th) for his results from biopsy. Pray for good results. Continue to pray for Traci's family. This is Jon's sister in law who lost her father last week. Only three more weeks til the wedding. Pray for smooth travel and wedding.
Doug and Christi - Had a good trip to the beach and looking forward to getting back to work.
Joey and Kelly - PRAISE! Kelly survived beach trip with 9 college age boys. Joey met with his father this past Saturday. Pray that this relationship will develop however God intends it to.
Bart and Kayla - A new couple visiting with us today. Moved back to Trussville after being transferred to West Palm Beach, FL. Glad to have you!
Thanks and have a great week!
Announcements and Upcoming Events:
March 27th - Easter Egg Hunt and Social at the Armstrong's from 4 to 6 pm. Please remember to bring eggs if you have not already.
Possible garage sale for the Poole family in April. More details TBA.
Prayer Requests:
James and Chanel are home from Michigan. Sarah's surgery went well and she may have central vision in her right eye. They did have to freeze her eye for the surgery and were told that can be painful for awhile. Hopefully they can get glasses this week.
Chris and Anna - Chris' grandmother was having problems with her back. Went tot he doctor and now they want to run more tests. pray they can find what is going on and that she can heal quickly. Chris and Riley will be traveling this week. Pray for safe travels.
Kim and John - Kim's firm has added new partners in Montgomery and is making lots of changes. Pray for this transition. Kims' grandfather is still having issues with his blood disorder. Pray for healing and strength.
John and Susie - Justin has had the stomach bug last week. Pray Audrey and family stay well.
Hugh - Kerri was home with a migraine but feeling much better. I think it was the thought of returning to school this week with 15 3 year olds! Just kidding!
Brandon and Amanda - Doing well and Mary Charles is too. Brandon did not get anew boss at work but was told in 6 months they will start making cuts. Pray his group will not be cut.
Scotty and Lesley - Reese doing well after tube surgery. Scotty's mom has had some infections after treatments for cancer. Pray for healing. They go back to PA this week.
Katy and Colt - PRAISE! Katy passed her glucose tests and celebrated with brownies and ice cream! Just kidding! Please continue to pray for the woman who came in Colt's store this week.
Brian and Keri - Aubrey's birthday party was Sunday afternoon. Happy Birthday!
Tyler - Heather is under the weather. Hope you are feeling better!
Andrew and Rachel - Find out Friday what they are having. Please let us know!!!!
Jon and Amber - Parents made it back safely form the keys. My grandfather goes on Monday (29th) for his results from biopsy. Pray for good results. Continue to pray for Traci's family. This is Jon's sister in law who lost her father last week. Only three more weeks til the wedding. Pray for smooth travel and wedding.
Doug and Christi - Had a good trip to the beach and looking forward to getting back to work.
Joey and Kelly - PRAISE! Kelly survived beach trip with 9 college age boys. Joey met with his father this past Saturday. Pray that this relationship will develop however God intends it to.
Bart and Kayla - A new couple visiting with us today. Moved back to Trussville after being transferred to West Palm Beach, FL. Glad to have you!
Thanks and have a great week!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Prayer Requests for March 14th
Our lesson this week is about different symbols in scripture. The first symbol comes from John 19:19-20. In these verses we learn that Pilate posted a sign on the cross that read "JESUS THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF JEWS". The question is what does this symbol mean. We had several interpretations. One view is that Pilate finally realized after his discussions with Jesus that he truly was the King of the Jews and posted it as a sign of his understanding. Another view, from the Jews stand point, is that if they were to cross the Romans they would lose their life. You can also look at the sign as a warning not to cross the Romans. Ultimately, the sign is a symbol of God reaching out to communicate with us. God wants to and can reach out to us through many different signs and languages. In Luke 23:32-43 we see our second symbol. In these verses it talks about the three crosses and Jesus speaking to the criminals. The crosses symbolize our choice. Jesus is in the middle and we can choose to do the right thing like one of the criminals or rebuke Him like the other. One of the criminals chose to believe in God while the other did not. Craig shared that it is amazing that while Jesus was dying on the cross he took focus off himself and chose to save the soul of what appeared to be a worthless criminal. Jennifer also added that the criminal show we do not have to work for God's love and forgiveness. The criminal did everything wrong and led a very sinful life but Jesus took time to save his soul because he loved and valued him. Our last symbol comes from John 19:23&24. It is the symbol of the garment. Instead of ripping it to shreds, the guards saw it as valuable and wagered for the garment in its entirety. That shows that instead of Jesus picking and choosing who he loves and wishes to grant salvation, he will give it to us as a whole. All we have to do is call upon his name and he will answer. As you go this week and prepare for Easter, think of the wonderful sacrifices that our Lord has made for not me, not you, but each of us equally. Thank God for sending His Son to die on the cross for us and our many sins.
Prayer Requests:
Doug and Christy are traveling to the beach this week. Pray for safe travels and good weather!
Reese, Scotty and Lesley's daughter is having tubes put in on Thursday. Pray for good results and for mom.
John and Susie - John's dad is trying to apply for Social Security and Disability after not being able to work due to his health issues. Pray he will be able to receive those soon. PRAISE! Susie's work has been approved to hire a new staff member. This will help her work load tremendously.
Jaime and Veronica - Find out today what the baby is! Be sure and let us know!!! Only 6 weeks left of school for Veronica.
Brian and Keri - Pray for Keri's parents because her father lost his job this week. Pray he will be able to find another one soon. Brain and Keri were involved in a scam with their house and Craig's list. Pray this will be over and they can sell their house before they move to the new one in Trussville.
Kim and Chris - They will be traveling this week to TN for a mini vacation. Pray for safe travels. Continue to pray for Chris' dad as he looks for a job.
Hugh and Kerri - Kerri and her thumb were at church today. Pray it will continue to heal so she can get the brace off! Continue to pray for her dad as he still uses oxygen. He goes to a pulmonologist this week to see if the oxygen may be a permanent thing.
Jon and Amber - Jon's sister in law lost her father on Saturday. The funeral will be this Wednesday. Pray for the Montgomery family as they begin to cope with this loss. PRAISE! My grandfather's biopsy went well. They will not know the results until Mar. 29th. My parents are traveling this week. Pray for safe travels. My mother has an anular buldge in her back and is taking steroids and aleve to help with pain. Pray she will feel better soon. The wedding is just 3 weeks away so pray we can all stay healthy and stress free. Courtney finds out where she will be placed this Thursday! Pray it is Hawaii! Just kidding. Pray it is where God needs her.
Jason and Rebecca - Rebecca's dad is still looking for a job.
Rachel and Andrew - Andrew's grandfather has lost hearing in one ear and has a lot of fluid in the ear. Pray they can fix the issue and he can hear again. Andrew's mom has a bulging disc in her back and is having an epidural block this week.
Greg and Jennifer - We were glad to have Jennifer's mom visiting with us. Mrs. Sandra Polly.
James and Chanel - They will be traveling back to Michigan on Thursday and Sarah will have surgery to relieve pressure on her eye. Continue to pray for Poole family who lives next door. They have 5 children and one who is severely disabled. They are needing money for a van and Chanel is planning to have a garage sale soon. We will let you know definite details as it gets closer.
Brad and Ashley - Doing well. Brad still looking for a job.
Kelly and Joey - Kelly is off to the beach with 9 boys for spring break. pray for her sanity!
Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday!!!
Prayer Requests:
Doug and Christy are traveling to the beach this week. Pray for safe travels and good weather!
Reese, Scotty and Lesley's daughter is having tubes put in on Thursday. Pray for good results and for mom.
John and Susie - John's dad is trying to apply for Social Security and Disability after not being able to work due to his health issues. Pray he will be able to receive those soon. PRAISE! Susie's work has been approved to hire a new staff member. This will help her work load tremendously.
Jaime and Veronica - Find out today what the baby is! Be sure and let us know!!! Only 6 weeks left of school for Veronica.
Brian and Keri - Pray for Keri's parents because her father lost his job this week. Pray he will be able to find another one soon. Brain and Keri were involved in a scam with their house and Craig's list. Pray this will be over and they can sell their house before they move to the new one in Trussville.
Kim and Chris - They will be traveling this week to TN for a mini vacation. Pray for safe travels. Continue to pray for Chris' dad as he looks for a job.
Hugh and Kerri - Kerri and her thumb were at church today. Pray it will continue to heal so she can get the brace off! Continue to pray for her dad as he still uses oxygen. He goes to a pulmonologist this week to see if the oxygen may be a permanent thing.
Jon and Amber - Jon's sister in law lost her father on Saturday. The funeral will be this Wednesday. Pray for the Montgomery family as they begin to cope with this loss. PRAISE! My grandfather's biopsy went well. They will not know the results until Mar. 29th. My parents are traveling this week. Pray for safe travels. My mother has an anular buldge in her back and is taking steroids and aleve to help with pain. Pray she will feel better soon. The wedding is just 3 weeks away so pray we can all stay healthy and stress free. Courtney finds out where she will be placed this Thursday! Pray it is Hawaii! Just kidding. Pray it is where God needs her.
Jason and Rebecca - Rebecca's dad is still looking for a job.
Rachel and Andrew - Andrew's grandfather has lost hearing in one ear and has a lot of fluid in the ear. Pray they can fix the issue and he can hear again. Andrew's mom has a bulging disc in her back and is having an epidural block this week.
Greg and Jennifer - We were glad to have Jennifer's mom visiting with us. Mrs. Sandra Polly.
James and Chanel - They will be traveling back to Michigan on Thursday and Sarah will have surgery to relieve pressure on her eye. Continue to pray for Poole family who lives next door. They have 5 children and one who is severely disabled. They are needing money for a van and Chanel is planning to have a garage sale soon. We will let you know definite details as it gets closer.
Brad and Ashley - Doing well. Brad still looking for a job.
Kelly and Joey - Kelly is off to the beach with 9 boys for spring break. pray for her sanity!
Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Prayer Requests for March 7th
Our lesson today comes from Matthew. To set the scene, this is Matthew's version of the story of Jesus and his crucifixion. In Matthew 27:27-31 we learn the soldiers have taken Jesus captive, stripped him of his clothes and dressed him in a scarlet robe. They twisted together a crown of thorns and placed it on his head. They knelt before him and began to mock him. After mocking him they spit on him. Many of the things that the soldiers did to Jesus were by command, but the choice to spit on him was there own. This represents the sinful nature of man. It is not that we incapable of doing good, it is just that we can not keep from sin. Sins of all mankind whether past, present or future were put on Christ as the crown of thorns. As you go throughout your week think of the thorns you are placing on Jesus' head. Strive to do good and be aware of the sin in your life.
Important Reminders:
Metro Changers Meeting is Wednesday night at 7:30 in the chapel. This is the community project we discussed on Sunday. The actual project will be April 5th - May 1st.
Happy Birthday:
Brandon Beckett - March 8th
Kim Deshazo - March 8th
Prayer Requests:
John and Kim and John and Susie are traveling this weekend. Pray for safe travels for these families.
Greg and Jennifer were visiting with us this past Sunday. It was nice to have you and hope you come back soon.
Brad has two job interviews this week. Pray that one of the jobs will work out if that is where God leads him.
James and Chanel are home from Michigan but Ellen has the stomach bug. Pray she gets well soon and that the rest of the family does not get it.
Jon and Amber - My grandfather goes this Thursday for the biopsy on his liver. They will travel Wednesday to Little Rock and he will have the procedure early Thursday morning. Pray for safe travels and good results.
Chris and Kim - Chris' dad lost his job this week. Pray he will be able to find another one soon. Chris and Kim found out this week that some of their friends are getting a divorce. This is the second couple in 9 months that they know well. Pray for both of these families. Chris' MRI showed no changes. This means he has to decide whether or not to have surgery. Avery has been moved to a new SS class after having some anxiety issues with the last class. Pray she will feel comfortable and be happy with this change.
Tyler and Heather - Tyler's presentation is on Friday. Pray he will do well and not be nervous.
Melanie and Josh - This is Melanie's busiest week of the year at work. Hang in there! Almost half way through. Pray she will have strength and energy to get through the 70 hour work week.
Loyd - Doing well. Work has been stressful. Pray for that.
Andrew and Rachel - Andrew's nephew Patrick was successfully placed with his father this week. It is a trial period and then the court will make a final decision. Also Andrew's sister is still having some problems. Pray for her. Andrew will be traveling this week Monday - Thursday. Pray for safe travels and for Rachel and the kids while he is gone.
Craig and Leslie - PRAISE! Uncle Mickey is in remission. Thank you for your prayers!
Chris and Anna - Chris is traveling Saturday to TN for class. Pray for safe travels. Chris' mom Pam is having a skin cancer removed on Friday and the doctor is making a big deal about it and she is not sure why. Pray she will get good results.
Hugh and Kerri - Kerri had an accident on Friday and fell and broke her thumb. She has to wear a brace for several weeks but is doing well. PRAISE! Trent's surgery went well and he is doing great.
Doug and Christy - Finally everyone is well from stomach bug. Jason Blake lost his job this week. Pray he will be able to find one soon. They will be traveling next weekend to the beach.
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan is leading worship in annex today. Joey is going through some stressful times at work. Pray for strength and a clear mind on how to handle situations.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!!!
Important Reminders:
Metro Changers Meeting is Wednesday night at 7:30 in the chapel. This is the community project we discussed on Sunday. The actual project will be April 5th - May 1st.
Happy Birthday:
Brandon Beckett - March 8th
Kim Deshazo - March 8th
Prayer Requests:
John and Kim and John and Susie are traveling this weekend. Pray for safe travels for these families.
Greg and Jennifer were visiting with us this past Sunday. It was nice to have you and hope you come back soon.
Brad has two job interviews this week. Pray that one of the jobs will work out if that is where God leads him.
James and Chanel are home from Michigan but Ellen has the stomach bug. Pray she gets well soon and that the rest of the family does not get it.
Jon and Amber - My grandfather goes this Thursday for the biopsy on his liver. They will travel Wednesday to Little Rock and he will have the procedure early Thursday morning. Pray for safe travels and good results.
Chris and Kim - Chris' dad lost his job this week. Pray he will be able to find another one soon. Chris and Kim found out this week that some of their friends are getting a divorce. This is the second couple in 9 months that they know well. Pray for both of these families. Chris' MRI showed no changes. This means he has to decide whether or not to have surgery. Avery has been moved to a new SS class after having some anxiety issues with the last class. Pray she will feel comfortable and be happy with this change.
Tyler and Heather - Tyler's presentation is on Friday. Pray he will do well and not be nervous.
Melanie and Josh - This is Melanie's busiest week of the year at work. Hang in there! Almost half way through. Pray she will have strength and energy to get through the 70 hour work week.
Loyd - Doing well. Work has been stressful. Pray for that.
Andrew and Rachel - Andrew's nephew Patrick was successfully placed with his father this week. It is a trial period and then the court will make a final decision. Also Andrew's sister is still having some problems. Pray for her. Andrew will be traveling this week Monday - Thursday. Pray for safe travels and for Rachel and the kids while he is gone.
Craig and Leslie - PRAISE! Uncle Mickey is in remission. Thank you for your prayers!
Chris and Anna - Chris is traveling Saturday to TN for class. Pray for safe travels. Chris' mom Pam is having a skin cancer removed on Friday and the doctor is making a big deal about it and she is not sure why. Pray she will get good results.
Hugh and Kerri - Kerri had an accident on Friday and fell and broke her thumb. She has to wear a brace for several weeks but is doing well. PRAISE! Trent's surgery went well and he is doing great.
Doug and Christy - Finally everyone is well from stomach bug. Jason Blake lost his job this week. Pray he will be able to find one soon. They will be traveling next weekend to the beach.
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan is leading worship in annex today. Joey is going through some stressful times at work. Pray for strength and a clear mind on how to handle situations.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!!!
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