Our lesson today, in honor of Valentine's Day, was found from the book Song of Solomon. It is the story of Solomon and Shulammite. Solomon had 140 concubines, but was attracted to Shulammite the most. His deepest connection fell with her. The Song of Solomon chapters 1, 2, 4, and 7 are the love letters between Solomon and Shulammite. They start during their courtship and continue through the consummation of their marriage and end with the deepening of their relationship after years together. It is truly touching to see how not only during courtship, but after years of marriage their love is still very strong. Valentine's Day is one day a year that we set aside to show the significant others in our lives how much they mean to us. In reality, we should be showing this love and respect all year long and not just on this one day. In Ephesians 5:28, the bible tells us,"In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself." In this verse, God is telling the men they must first elevate their wives in their union and everything else will fall into place. In 1 Corinthians 7:3&4 the bible tells us, "The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife." In this verse God is telling the women to respect their roles in their marriage and treat them with the up most respect. As you go this week and throughout the rest of the year, celebrate your spouse and the love you share. Remember not to take them for granted, but to appreciate their ability to uphold God's command for a wife or husband in marriage.
Happy Anniversary:
Joey and Kelly - February 21st
Prayer Requests:
Please remember this week the family of baby Ella that Chris Pike has been emailing us about. She passed away this past week and I know her family is struggling with her loss. Continue to pray for them.
This Wednesday through Sunday at FBC Trussville will be Team Impact week. They will have a service every night starting at 7 pm and on Sunday morning and evening. They will be visiting 30 schools with in our community and encouraging the students to come to our services to hear about God. Please pray for our staff, the team impact members and everyone at the church who will be involved this week. Also pray for the children who will be touched by God's power through this group. For more information please visit the church website www.fbctrussville.org or call the church at 655-2403. They are still looking for volunteers.
The DeShazo's, O'Dells and Thomas' were all involved in baby dedication today. Pray for these families as they begin the amazing journey of raising children and dedicating their lives to God.
Rachel and Andrew - PRAISE! Everyone is finally feeling better and Raylee never got the stomach bug. Pray they can stay healthy and have a much better week!
Kim and Chris - Kim's sister's twins turned 1 this week and they celebrated their birthday yesterday. This is a huge praise b/c if you remember they tried for several years to have children and the twins were born premature. Congrats! Continue to pray for Kim and the pregnancy. She has been feeling really bad.
Doug and Christy - Doug will be traveling this week for work. Pray for safe travels.
John and Susie - PRAISE! John's presentation went well this week and so did the trip to Tampa.
Jon and Amber - PRASIE! My grandfather was able to make it to his appointment on Friday and they were able to fix his heart condition by changing the dosage of medicine. He goes back to see the oncologist on February 25th. Chad and Courtney are having their first wedding shower next Sunday. They will both be traveling to B'ham this week. Pray for safe travels.
Kim and John - We were glad to have John's parents with us this morning. They were visiting for the baby dedication. Kim's eye surgery went well and she now has 20/20 vision. She also looked great even though she could not wear eye makeup!
Tyler and Heather - Pray for Tyler as he begins to make plans for a job after school. There is a possibility they may have to move, but they are not sure. Pray God will lead them in the right direction.
Josh and Melanie - Josh's brother got a job in Huntsville and will be moving from TN. His wife is expecting and will be due in May. Pray for them as they make this transition.
Lesley and Scotty - Scotty was home with Reese who was not feeling well. Lesley is afraid she may have another ear infection which means she will have to get tubes. Pray she will get to feeling better soon. Scotty's mom goes back to PA on the 20th. Pray for continued good news.
Katy and Colt - They will be traveling this week to NY for their last hoorah before the baby comes. Pray for safe travels, good weather and no delayed flights.
Craig and Leslie - Craig will be traveling this week for work. He, along with his company, is being honored as one of John Deere's best and most reliable suppliers. Also, renovation on the house is coming along. Looking good guys!
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan has had yet another good week at Samford and seems to be adjusting well. Continue to pray that God will be with him while at school. Kelly is taking a nurse refresher course at UAB and thinking about possibly going back to work. Pray for her while she is trying to juggle being a mom, wife and student. Also, Mike Hollingsworth is starting a new young married class at the church. Pray for him and the class that they may have a great group and get off to a good start.
Happy Valentine's Day and we will see you next Sunday!!
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