Our lesson today comes from Daniel Chapter 5. In the beginning of the chapter, King Belshazzar has a feast for all of his companions and friends. Under the influence of wine, Belshazzar orders that the gold and silver vessels from the temple be brought to him. He and his guests drank from them and praised their gods. At that moment a hand appeared and began to write on the wall. As the king watched he became pale and scared. The king asked for his mediums to interpret the writing, but one of his guest said he should ask for Daniel. The king offered presents to Daniel to interpret the writing. Daniel told him to keep his gifts and he would interpret the writing for him. After Daniel interpreted the dream, the king ordered he be draped with gifts. That night the king was killed and Darius of Mede received the throne.
Prayer Requests:
Continue to pray for all of our expecting moms: Kim, Keri, Veronica, Rachel and Katy. Also we were glad to have Adrianne and Kevin visit with us this morning. Adrianne too is expecting.
Christi and Henry are sick with stomach bug. Pray they will get well soon and that Luke and Doug do not get sick.
Trent Stewart is suppose to have his adenoids removed on Tuesday, but has had a fever all week. Pray he will get well and be able to have the surgery.
James and Chanel are back from Michigan. Sarah did not have to have surgery. I will email details later.
Josh - Melanie home resting from working long hours at work.
Andrew and Rachel - Andrew singing this morning.
John and Kim - They will be traveling this week Thursday through Monday and kids will stay with both of their parents. Pray for safe travels. Kim's grandfather was in hospital this week for blood transfusion and during the transfusion had a seizure. He is home now but very weak.
Chris and Kim - Chris went to a Neuro surgeon this week and had an MRI. Should get results this week and decide what to do about surgery.
Jason and Rebecca - Jason's extended family has been passing around the flu and swine flu and his brother is in the hospital with kidney stones. Pray for good health. Rebecca's dad is still looking for work.
Brian and Keri - Brian will be traveling this week with work. Pray for safe travels. Continue to pray for Keri and family.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom left this morning for PA and will meet with the doctor tomorrow. Pray for good results. Also Reese is going to ENT on Tuesday to talk about tubes.
Tyler and Heather - Tyler has to give a presentation in a few weeks to the staff of St. Vincent's hospital. Pray he can get his presentation together and do well.
Brad - Ashley and Logan are home sick with cold. Brad is still looking for a job and has a phone interview this week.
Jon and Amber - My grandfather went to the doctor on Thurs. and they are not wanting to biopsy a spot on his liver. He and my grandmother are frustrated with the new doctor and having to repeat previously done procedures. Pray they will find out what is going on soon with minimal procedures. Also. my mom and I have not spoken in a week. Just pray for this situation.
Chris and Anna - Continue to pray for Ella's family. Her father will start back to work tomorrow. Maggie is not sleeping well. Riley won the science fair at school and will compete in regional science fair this week. Chris has an interview this week.
John and Susie - Justin turned 3 yesterday. They will be traveling next weekend.
Craig and Leslie - Leslie's uncle will find out this Thursday whether or not his cancer is in remission. Pray for good results.
Joey and Kelly - Kelly has taken a job with UAB school of nursing and will be assisting students in the lab 12 hours a week.
Have a good week and we will see you Sunday!
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of time." Matthew 28: 18-20

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Prayer Requests for February 21st
Today we had Eddie with Team impact come to our class and speak. He is a professor and teaches classes on in depth bible study. He also has been involved in debates with people from other religions about bible meanings and passages. It was a pleasure to have him visit and share his knowledge with our class. This week was a special week at FBC Trussville. We were glad to have Team Impact not only at our church, but in our community as well. The group was able to visit 30 schools and expose several children to a unique experience and Jesus Christ.
In response to Team Impact, the church has asked us to pray for the following this week:
**Pray for those who have made decisions during Team Impact services to follow through and take the next step for spiritual growth.
**Pray for wisdom on our part to know how to best help these new believers.
**Pray for our church to increase its impact by helping many others know about Christ and follow Him as Savior and Lord.
Jon Chesser - February 24th
Prayer Requests:
Jon and Amber - My grandfather goes to the oncologist on Thursday to decide what action to take with his cancer. Pray for a good plan and that he will begin to start feeling better.
Chad and Courtney - Amber's brother and fiancee were visiting with us today. They are in town for a wedding shower. They asked that we pray for them with the wedding coming up in April and in March, Courtney will find out where she has been placed for residency.
Brian and Keri - We were glad to have you back. Remember to keep Keri and her family in your prayers as they continue to cope with the loss of her brother.
Brad and Ashley - Ashley's mom broke her toe this weekend while visiting them here in B'ham. Pray for healing. Brad is still looking for work. Pray that God will open doors.
Chanel and James - Leaving for Michigan on the 23rd. Pray for trip and Sarah as she has had a few set backs. Pray she will continue to heal and have vision.
Craig and Leslie - Craig is traveling to Toronto for work and will not be back until Wednesday. He will be gone for Luke's birthday on Tuesday. Pray for Leslie and kids while he is gone. PRAISE! Construction should be complete this week at their house. It looks great!!!!
Anna and Chris - Emily, Anna's cousin who has leukemia, was unable to have a treatment this past week b/c she is sick. Pray she will get better and be able to have her treatment. Chris' dad has Rheumatoid Arthritis and now he has been having some symptoms similar to RA. He will be going to the doctor soon to get it checked out. Continue to pray for Chris and the ability to change schools. Also, remember baby Ella's family.
Kim and John - John is having a tough time with boss at work. Pray for this situation. Kim's friend Amanda is now off her monitor and has been cleared to give birth. Baby could come any day now. Pray for easy birth and healthy baby.
Joey and Kelly - Happy 23rd Anniversary. Anytime you would like to share the secret, we are all ears! Continue to pray for Jonathan. He is doing well so far at school but recently broke up with his girlfriend.
Have a good week and we will see you Sunday!!!!
In response to Team Impact, the church has asked us to pray for the following this week:
**Pray for those who have made decisions during Team Impact services to follow through and take the next step for spiritual growth.
**Pray for wisdom on our part to know how to best help these new believers.
**Pray for our church to increase its impact by helping many others know about Christ and follow Him as Savior and Lord.
Jon Chesser - February 24th
Prayer Requests:
Jon and Amber - My grandfather goes to the oncologist on Thursday to decide what action to take with his cancer. Pray for a good plan and that he will begin to start feeling better.
Chad and Courtney - Amber's brother and fiancee were visiting with us today. They are in town for a wedding shower. They asked that we pray for them with the wedding coming up in April and in March, Courtney will find out where she has been placed for residency.
Brian and Keri - We were glad to have you back. Remember to keep Keri and her family in your prayers as they continue to cope with the loss of her brother.
Brad and Ashley - Ashley's mom broke her toe this weekend while visiting them here in B'ham. Pray for healing. Brad is still looking for work. Pray that God will open doors.
Chanel and James - Leaving for Michigan on the 23rd. Pray for trip and Sarah as she has had a few set backs. Pray she will continue to heal and have vision.
Craig and Leslie - Craig is traveling to Toronto for work and will not be back until Wednesday. He will be gone for Luke's birthday on Tuesday. Pray for Leslie and kids while he is gone. PRAISE! Construction should be complete this week at their house. It looks great!!!!
Anna and Chris - Emily, Anna's cousin who has leukemia, was unable to have a treatment this past week b/c she is sick. Pray she will get better and be able to have her treatment. Chris' dad has Rheumatoid Arthritis and now he has been having some symptoms similar to RA. He will be going to the doctor soon to get it checked out. Continue to pray for Chris and the ability to change schools. Also, remember baby Ella's family.
Kim and John - John is having a tough time with boss at work. Pray for this situation. Kim's friend Amanda is now off her monitor and has been cleared to give birth. Baby could come any day now. Pray for easy birth and healthy baby.
Joey and Kelly - Happy 23rd Anniversary. Anytime you would like to share the secret, we are all ears! Continue to pray for Jonathan. He is doing well so far at school but recently broke up with his girlfriend.
Have a good week and we will see you Sunday!!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Prayer Requests for February 14th
Our lesson today, in honor of Valentine's Day, was found from the book Song of Solomon. It is the story of Solomon and Shulammite. Solomon had 140 concubines, but was attracted to Shulammite the most. His deepest connection fell with her. The Song of Solomon chapters 1, 2, 4, and 7 are the love letters between Solomon and Shulammite. They start during their courtship and continue through the consummation of their marriage and end with the deepening of their relationship after years together. It is truly touching to see how not only during courtship, but after years of marriage their love is still very strong. Valentine's Day is one day a year that we set aside to show the significant others in our lives how much they mean to us. In reality, we should be showing this love and respect all year long and not just on this one day. In Ephesians 5:28, the bible tells us,"In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself." In this verse, God is telling the men they must first elevate their wives in their union and everything else will fall into place. In 1 Corinthians 7:3&4 the bible tells us, "The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife." In this verse God is telling the women to respect their roles in their marriage and treat them with the up most respect. As you go this week and throughout the rest of the year, celebrate your spouse and the love you share. Remember not to take them for granted, but to appreciate their ability to uphold God's command for a wife or husband in marriage.
Happy Anniversary:
Joey and Kelly - February 21st
Prayer Requests:
Please remember this week the family of baby Ella that Chris Pike has been emailing us about. She passed away this past week and I know her family is struggling with her loss. Continue to pray for them.
This Wednesday through Sunday at FBC Trussville will be Team Impact week. They will have a service every night starting at 7 pm and on Sunday morning and evening. They will be visiting 30 schools with in our community and encouraging the students to come to our services to hear about God. Please pray for our staff, the team impact members and everyone at the church who will be involved this week. Also pray for the children who will be touched by God's power through this group. For more information please visit the church website www.fbctrussville.org or call the church at 655-2403. They are still looking for volunteers.
The DeShazo's, O'Dells and Thomas' were all involved in baby dedication today. Pray for these families as they begin the amazing journey of raising children and dedicating their lives to God.
Rachel and Andrew - PRAISE! Everyone is finally feeling better and Raylee never got the stomach bug. Pray they can stay healthy and have a much better week!
Kim and Chris - Kim's sister's twins turned 1 this week and they celebrated their birthday yesterday. This is a huge praise b/c if you remember they tried for several years to have children and the twins were born premature. Congrats! Continue to pray for Kim and the pregnancy. She has been feeling really bad.
Doug and Christy - Doug will be traveling this week for work. Pray for safe travels.
John and Susie - PRAISE! John's presentation went well this week and so did the trip to Tampa.
Jon and Amber - PRASIE! My grandfather was able to make it to his appointment on Friday and they were able to fix his heart condition by changing the dosage of medicine. He goes back to see the oncologist on February 25th. Chad and Courtney are having their first wedding shower next Sunday. They will both be traveling to B'ham this week. Pray for safe travels.
Kim and John - We were glad to have John's parents with us this morning. They were visiting for the baby dedication. Kim's eye surgery went well and she now has 20/20 vision. She also looked great even though she could not wear eye makeup!
Tyler and Heather - Pray for Tyler as he begins to make plans for a job after school. There is a possibility they may have to move, but they are not sure. Pray God will lead them in the right direction.
Josh and Melanie - Josh's brother got a job in Huntsville and will be moving from TN. His wife is expecting and will be due in May. Pray for them as they make this transition.
Lesley and Scotty - Scotty was home with Reese who was not feeling well. Lesley is afraid she may have another ear infection which means she will have to get tubes. Pray she will get to feeling better soon. Scotty's mom goes back to PA on the 20th. Pray for continued good news.
Katy and Colt - They will be traveling this week to NY for their last hoorah before the baby comes. Pray for safe travels, good weather and no delayed flights.
Craig and Leslie - Craig will be traveling this week for work. He, along with his company, is being honored as one of John Deere's best and most reliable suppliers. Also, renovation on the house is coming along. Looking good guys!
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan has had yet another good week at Samford and seems to be adjusting well. Continue to pray that God will be with him while at school. Kelly is taking a nurse refresher course at UAB and thinking about possibly going back to work. Pray for her while she is trying to juggle being a mom, wife and student. Also, Mike Hollingsworth is starting a new young married class at the church. Pray for him and the class that they may have a great group and get off to a good start.
Happy Valentine's Day and we will see you next Sunday!!
Our lesson today, in honor of Valentine's Day, was found from the book Song of Solomon. It is the story of Solomon and Shulammite. Solomon had 140 concubines, but was attracted to Shulammite the most. His deepest connection fell with her. The Song of Solomon chapters 1, 2, 4, and 7 are the love letters between Solomon and Shulammite. They start during their courtship and continue through the consummation of their marriage and end with the deepening of their relationship after years together. It is truly touching to see how not only during courtship, but after years of marriage their love is still very strong. Valentine's Day is one day a year that we set aside to show the significant others in our lives how much they mean to us. In reality, we should be showing this love and respect all year long and not just on this one day. In Ephesians 5:28, the bible tells us,"In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself." In this verse, God is telling the men they must first elevate their wives in their union and everything else will fall into place. In 1 Corinthians 7:3&4 the bible tells us, "The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife." In this verse God is telling the women to respect their roles in their marriage and treat them with the up most respect. As you go this week and throughout the rest of the year, celebrate your spouse and the love you share. Remember not to take them for granted, but to appreciate their ability to uphold God's command for a wife or husband in marriage.
Happy Anniversary:
Joey and Kelly - February 21st
Prayer Requests:
Please remember this week the family of baby Ella that Chris Pike has been emailing us about. She passed away this past week and I know her family is struggling with her loss. Continue to pray for them.
This Wednesday through Sunday at FBC Trussville will be Team Impact week. They will have a service every night starting at 7 pm and on Sunday morning and evening. They will be visiting 30 schools with in our community and encouraging the students to come to our services to hear about God. Please pray for our staff, the team impact members and everyone at the church who will be involved this week. Also pray for the children who will be touched by God's power through this group. For more information please visit the church website www.fbctrussville.org or call the church at 655-2403. They are still looking for volunteers.
The DeShazo's, O'Dells and Thomas' were all involved in baby dedication today. Pray for these families as they begin the amazing journey of raising children and dedicating their lives to God.
Rachel and Andrew - PRAISE! Everyone is finally feeling better and Raylee never got the stomach bug. Pray they can stay healthy and have a much better week!
Kim and Chris - Kim's sister's twins turned 1 this week and they celebrated their birthday yesterday. This is a huge praise b/c if you remember they tried for several years to have children and the twins were born premature. Congrats! Continue to pray for Kim and the pregnancy. She has been feeling really bad.
Doug and Christy - Doug will be traveling this week for work. Pray for safe travels.
John and Susie - PRAISE! John's presentation went well this week and so did the trip to Tampa.
Jon and Amber - PRASIE! My grandfather was able to make it to his appointment on Friday and they were able to fix his heart condition by changing the dosage of medicine. He goes back to see the oncologist on February 25th. Chad and Courtney are having their first wedding shower next Sunday. They will both be traveling to B'ham this week. Pray for safe travels.
Kim and John - We were glad to have John's parents with us this morning. They were visiting for the baby dedication. Kim's eye surgery went well and she now has 20/20 vision. She also looked great even though she could not wear eye makeup!
Tyler and Heather - Pray for Tyler as he begins to make plans for a job after school. There is a possibility they may have to move, but they are not sure. Pray God will lead them in the right direction.
Josh and Melanie - Josh's brother got a job in Huntsville and will be moving from TN. His wife is expecting and will be due in May. Pray for them as they make this transition.
Lesley and Scotty - Scotty was home with Reese who was not feeling well. Lesley is afraid she may have another ear infection which means she will have to get tubes. Pray she will get to feeling better soon. Scotty's mom goes back to PA on the 20th. Pray for continued good news.
Katy and Colt - They will be traveling this week to NY for their last hoorah before the baby comes. Pray for safe travels, good weather and no delayed flights.
Craig and Leslie - Craig will be traveling this week for work. He, along with his company, is being honored as one of John Deere's best and most reliable suppliers. Also, renovation on the house is coming along. Looking good guys!
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan has had yet another good week at Samford and seems to be adjusting well. Continue to pray that God will be with him while at school. Kelly is taking a nurse refresher course at UAB and thinking about possibly going back to work. Pray for her while she is trying to juggle being a mom, wife and student. Also, Mike Hollingsworth is starting a new young married class at the church. Pray for him and the class that they may have a great group and get off to a good start.
Happy Valentine's Day and we will see you next Sunday!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Prayer Requests for February 7, 2010
Our lesson today comes from Daniel chapter 4. In this chapter, Nebuchadnezzar has a dream about a tall tree standing in the middle of the earth. Suddenly an observer (holy one) came and cut down the tree chopping of its branches and stripping off its leaves. All that was left was the stump. The king asked Daniel to interpret the dream. Daniel explained that the tree was Nebuchadnezzar b/c he had become great and strong. His greatness had grown high to the sky and extended to the ends of the earth. The holy one coming down to cut the tree to its stump, is the sentence placed on you by the Majesty Most High. You will be driven away from the people and forced to live with the wild animals. As for the command to leave the stump, your kingdom will be restored to you as soon as you acknowledge that Heaven rules. Therefore separate yourself from your sins by doing what is right and show mercy to the needy. The chapter goes on to say that the king was perched high on his palace gloating about the wonderful city of Babylon that he built with his power and majestic glory. It was at this time, 12 months past the dream, that God laid down his sentence and Nebuchadnezzar was forced into the wild with the animals. It was only at this point that Nebuchadnezzar looked up to heaven and his sanity returned to him. He praised the Most High and honored and glorified Him who lives forever. James 4:6 says, "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." What is pride? Where does it cross the line? It is okay to be proud of things you have accomplished with the help of GOD through the talents he has given you. It is when you loose that dependency on God, that it turns to negative pride. Don't be proud of being humble. True humility come form God and is not proud. Pride becomes negative when it slips away from GOD and switches the focus to you and your accomplishments. As you got his week, make sure that your pride is based on God and what he has given you and not on yourself.
Happy Birthday:
Lisa Tharp - Today February 8th
Prayer Requests:
The Neals have been sick with the stomach bug too and Elyse had to go to Children's on Saturday for dehydration. She was suppose to come home yesterday. Pray she will get better and not have to go back to the hospital. Pray too that Raylee will not get sick as well as Andrew.
Joey and Kelly - PRAISE! Jonathan had another good week at Samford. Continue to pray for success with college and that he will do better with Math.
Brad and Ashley - PRAISE! Brad has a 2nd interview on Tuesday at 10:40am. Pray God will open doors for him to go back to work. Ashley did not get the job she interviewed for, but things at work are actually getting better. Whole family has been under the weather this past week so pray the will get healthy this week.
John and Kim - They are feeling better after having stomach bug last week. Luckily JED did not get sick so pray it stays that way. Kim is having lasik surgery on Thursday. Pray it will go well and she will heal quickly.
Colt and Katy - Colt is feeling better after stomach bug this past week. Pray Katy does not get it.
Josh and Melanie - Work is slow for Melanie. Her grandmother was suppose to come home yesterday. Continue to pray for healing.
John and Susie - John's presentation is this Tuesday with the big bosses. Sorry I thought it was last week. He will then leave on Wednesday for Tampa and come home on Friday. Pray for safe travels. Audrey has not been sleeping well due to cutting teeth. Pray she will feel better and get some rest.
Jaime and Veronica - Baby makes 5 for class!!! Congrats!!! They are due in July. Veronica only has 3 months left of school and has been having some sickness. Pray she will feel better soon.
Amanda and Brandon - Amanda is home with Mary Charles. Not quite ready to bring her to church. Brandon's boss at work is leaving and they will be appointing a new one soon. His program is considered "experimental" and hopefully the new boss will see the importance of the program and not cancel it. Pray God will take care of this situation.
Doug and Christy - Luke has a cold and Christy was home with him. Pray he will feel better soon.
Hugh and Kerri - Kerri has been under the weather since Thursday with cold and laryngitis. After a lot of prayer, Kerri has decided to go back to work full time next year. Pray that God will have a job for her starting in the fall.
Scotty and Lesley - Reese has been struggling with ear infections and may possibly have to have tubes. Antibiotics are not working. Pray she will feel better.
Jon and Amber - Please continue to pray for my grandfather. He is not doing well and is suppose to go to the cardiologist on Friday. The forecast calls for sleet and snow on and they have to drive 3 hours to Little Rock to go to the doctor. Please pray the roads will be clear so they can make their appointment. If they are unable to travel they may have to wait several weeks for another appointment.
Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday!!!!
Happy Valentine's Week!!!!!
Happy Birthday:
Lisa Tharp - Today February 8th
Prayer Requests:
The Neals have been sick with the stomach bug too and Elyse had to go to Children's on Saturday for dehydration. She was suppose to come home yesterday. Pray she will get better and not have to go back to the hospital. Pray too that Raylee will not get sick as well as Andrew.
Joey and Kelly - PRAISE! Jonathan had another good week at Samford. Continue to pray for success with college and that he will do better with Math.
Brad and Ashley - PRAISE! Brad has a 2nd interview on Tuesday at 10:40am. Pray God will open doors for him to go back to work. Ashley did not get the job she interviewed for, but things at work are actually getting better. Whole family has been under the weather this past week so pray the will get healthy this week.
John and Kim - They are feeling better after having stomach bug last week. Luckily JED did not get sick so pray it stays that way. Kim is having lasik surgery on Thursday. Pray it will go well and she will heal quickly.
Colt and Katy - Colt is feeling better after stomach bug this past week. Pray Katy does not get it.
Josh and Melanie - Work is slow for Melanie. Her grandmother was suppose to come home yesterday. Continue to pray for healing.
John and Susie - John's presentation is this Tuesday with the big bosses. Sorry I thought it was last week. He will then leave on Wednesday for Tampa and come home on Friday. Pray for safe travels. Audrey has not been sleeping well due to cutting teeth. Pray she will feel better and get some rest.
Jaime and Veronica - Baby makes 5 for class!!! Congrats!!! They are due in July. Veronica only has 3 months left of school and has been having some sickness. Pray she will feel better soon.
Amanda and Brandon - Amanda is home with Mary Charles. Not quite ready to bring her to church. Brandon's boss at work is leaving and they will be appointing a new one soon. His program is considered "experimental" and hopefully the new boss will see the importance of the program and not cancel it. Pray God will take care of this situation.
Doug and Christy - Luke has a cold and Christy was home with him. Pray he will feel better soon.
Hugh and Kerri - Kerri has been under the weather since Thursday with cold and laryngitis. After a lot of prayer, Kerri has decided to go back to work full time next year. Pray that God will have a job for her starting in the fall.
Scotty and Lesley - Reese has been struggling with ear infections and may possibly have to have tubes. Antibiotics are not working. Pray she will feel better.
Jon and Amber - Please continue to pray for my grandfather. He is not doing well and is suppose to go to the cardiologist on Friday. The forecast calls for sleet and snow on and they have to drive 3 hours to Little Rock to go to the doctor. Please pray the roads will be clear so they can make their appointment. If they are unable to travel they may have to wait several weeks for another appointment.
Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday!!!!
Happy Valentine's Week!!!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Prayer Requests for January 31st
Our lesson this week comes from Daniel 3. Nebuchadnezzar decides to build a 90 foot golden statue. One of the amazing things about this is Daniel had just interpreted the kings dream and he still felt compelled to build this statue. Just a few verses earlier, Nebuchadnezzar proclaimed Daniel's God as the God to worship. Now he has built the statue and expects all of the people to worship it. He would sound a horn and that was the cue for everyone to bow down to his statue. Astrologists approached the king and informed him that Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego do not serve or worship his statue. Furious, Nebuchadnezar sends for the three men and asked them to bow down to his statue. After refusing to bow down and worship his god, Nebuchadnezzar orders them to be thrown in the fire and that it be turned up and warmer than ever. The three told the king that their GOD would save them from the fire and even if he did not, he would be glorified through them and they will not serve his god. As you know, the three were thrown in the fire and after watching and seeing them survive, the king ordered them to be removed and they were untouched.
Prayer Requests:
PRAISE! David Higginbotham learned last week that he is cancer free. He will go every few months for check up scans. Congrats David!
PRAISE! Kim and Chris Snuggs are expecting their 3rd child. This makes 4 for our class. We are helping keep the church renovations alive!
PRAISE! Sarah's surgery this week went well and she is definitely showing improvement. Continue to pray for her and her family!
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan is doing well at college so far. Continue to pray for success.
Katy and Colt - Friend of Katy and Melanie's, Lindsey Striker lost her father at the age of 54. Pray for family as they try and cope with this loss.
Chris and Anna - Trevor doing well and continuing to recover. Continue to pray for Chris and his job situation. Riley has walking pneumonia. Pray for good health.
Jon and Amber - Continue to pray for my grandfather Robert Miller. He is having trouble with his heart and can not have any surgery until they get that under control. He will go to cardiologist on the 12th.
John and Kim - Kim's friend Amanda who is in pre-term labor and is having to wear a monitor and go to the doctor once a week. Pray she will be able to make it as long as possible. JED and Sally are both under the weather.
Rachel and Andrew - Rachel's grandmother has lung cancer. They do not know the details yet so please pray for healing.
John and Susie - John's brother-in-law is cancer free after several cancer treatments and through with chemo. John will be traveling this week for work and has a presentation with the bosses. Pray for safe travels and confidence with the presentation.
Josh and Melanie - Melanie's grandmother is doing better. Continue to pray for recovery.
Craig and Leslie - They are in the midst of remodeling their home. Pray for patience and no hidden problems that may cost more and prolong work.
Brad and Ashely - PRAISE! Brad had a great interview with a very promising company in Pelham. He should hear this week about a second interview. Pray that God will let this job pull through if it is the right one for Brad. Also, Ashley should hear something this week about her interview a few weeks ago.
Chris and Kim - Chris feeling a little under the weather but is hopefully better by now. Kim too is under the weather and tired from pregnancy.
Have a good week and we will see you on Sunday!!!
Prayer Requests:
PRAISE! David Higginbotham learned last week that he is cancer free. He will go every few months for check up scans. Congrats David!
PRAISE! Kim and Chris Snuggs are expecting their 3rd child. This makes 4 for our class. We are helping keep the church renovations alive!
PRAISE! Sarah's surgery this week went well and she is definitely showing improvement. Continue to pray for her and her family!
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan is doing well at college so far. Continue to pray for success.
Katy and Colt - Friend of Katy and Melanie's, Lindsey Striker lost her father at the age of 54. Pray for family as they try and cope with this loss.
Chris and Anna - Trevor doing well and continuing to recover. Continue to pray for Chris and his job situation. Riley has walking pneumonia. Pray for good health.
Jon and Amber - Continue to pray for my grandfather Robert Miller. He is having trouble with his heart and can not have any surgery until they get that under control. He will go to cardiologist on the 12th.
John and Kim - Kim's friend Amanda who is in pre-term labor and is having to wear a monitor and go to the doctor once a week. Pray she will be able to make it as long as possible. JED and Sally are both under the weather.
Rachel and Andrew - Rachel's grandmother has lung cancer. They do not know the details yet so please pray for healing.
John and Susie - John's brother-in-law is cancer free after several cancer treatments and through with chemo. John will be traveling this week for work and has a presentation with the bosses. Pray for safe travels and confidence with the presentation.
Josh and Melanie - Melanie's grandmother is doing better. Continue to pray for recovery.
Craig and Leslie - They are in the midst of remodeling their home. Pray for patience and no hidden problems that may cost more and prolong work.
Brad and Ashely - PRAISE! Brad had a great interview with a very promising company in Pelham. He should hear this week about a second interview. Pray that God will let this job pull through if it is the right one for Brad. Also, Ashley should hear something this week about her interview a few weeks ago.
Chris and Kim - Chris feeling a little under the weather but is hopefully better by now. Kim too is under the weather and tired from pregnancy.
Have a good week and we will see you on Sunday!!!
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