Our lesson today was in 1 Kings chapters 16-19. We learned about Ahab, Elijah and Jezebel. 1 Kings chapter 16:30-34 set the stage for Ahab. The bible says that he did more evil than anyone before him. If that was not enough, he chose Jezebel as his wife and began to worship her idol Baal. In 1 Kings 17:1-24, Elijah declares famine on Ahab's land. The Lord told Elijah to leave and stay in the wilderness. After the rivers dried up he sent him to a widow that took care of him. In 1 Kings 18 God tells Elijah it is time to go present himself to Ahab. Elijah called for Ahab to come to Mount Carmel. They met there and Elijah told him to get a scarifice. They would both set up for the offering to burn without lighting a fire. Elijah said for them to call out to Baal to light their fire and Elijah would call out to God. Baal did not respond, but God started the fire for Elijah's offering. Elijah told Ahab there would be rain and after the storm, Ahab got on his chariot and headed to see Jezebel and confront her about her idol Baal. Elijah was excited to see this take place so he tucked his robe and ran infront of the chariot to Jezreel. In 1 Kings 19: 1-9 upon his arrival, Ahab tells Jezebel what Elijah had done and she threatens him. Elijah became afraid and immediately ran for his life. The Lord called out to him in disappointment and told him to eat and gain strength and travel on. Joey made a comparison of this story to the Boston Marathon. The last several miles consist of steep hills and difficult terrain. As a runner, you prepare for the last leg of the race so you are able to power through. No matter where we are in life, there are ups and downs and we know the downs are coming. If we call out to God who gives us strength and prepares us like runners for a marathon, we can pull through the last leg of the race. After all it is how we handle the tough hills of life that speaks to others about our faith and character. How do you respond? Are you prepared for the last leg of the race or are you running with fear?
December 5th - This Saturday at 6:30pm will be our Christmas party at Joey and Kelly's house. Bring your White Elephant gift and yourself. Hope to see you there!! By the way, I have to throw in a ROLLLLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!
Prayer Requests:
There were alot of couples out this week and traveling so please pray for safe travels home.
Also, Brandon and Amanda were not at church Sunday but she is due this week so continue to pray for her delivery and a healthy baby boy or girl.
Joey and Kelly - Continue to pray for David Higginbotham as he is wrapping up his chemo treatments. Pray for continued healing.
Jason and Rebecca - Praise! Rebecca's sister has found a job. Please continue to pray for her father who is still looking for one.
Brian and Carrie - We enjoyed having you visit our class! They are trying to sell a home in Argo while working on a home in Trussville. Please pray they can sell the home in Argo and finish the home in Trussville before May when baby #2 is due.
Jon and Amber - Chad is traveling back from CA. Pray for safe travels home. Also, my grandfather has had pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer in the past and recovered from both. He had bloodwork done last week that showed his PSA levels are high and has a possible spot on his liver and lung. He will have further tests this week. Pray for good news!
Loyd and Lisa - Loyd asked that we pray for work. He is having some issues with a manager.
James and Chanel - They will meet the therapist who will be working with them for the next several years on Friday. Pray they have a good connection with her and that things go well. Also, they are going to Michigan a week from today for Sarah's one month check-up. Pray they will receive some encouraging news.
Katy and Colt - Praise! Katy is starting to feel better and was able to enjoy Thanksgiving. Hang in there!
Chris and Kim - Kim left Sunday to go to OK for a week and Chris is a single dad. Pray he will be able to make some ponytails! JK! Pray for him as he cares for the girls this week by himself. Several of us moms know what that is like! Also, his neck is still bothering him so pray he can make the right decision about having surgery.
Leslie and Craig - Kids have been under the weather this week with a cough. Also, Leslie's brother and his wife are closing on the house across the street from them today. Pray that will go well. They are looking for a church home too so pray they can find one that fits them.
Thanks everyone and have a blessed week. We will see you on Sunday!
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of time." Matthew 28: 18-20

Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Prayer Requests for November 22nd
Our Lesson today was about effective prayer. We discussed 2 Godly men who prayed and influenced God's actions. The first was Abraham. In Genesis 18: 16 - 33 we learned about Abraham and his nephew Lot and their journey in the wilderness. They realized they had several people traveling with them and decided to split. Abraham told Lot he could choose which way he went and Abraham would go the opposite way. Being a little selfish, Lot chose the land he thought was more fertile. We later learned that this is where Sodom and Gomorrah were located. God told Abraham that he was going to destroy the land for all of the wicked it was producing. Abraham realized that meant he would destroy Lot. Abraham began to bargain with God and ask him to save Lot b/c he was the good in the evil land. God destroyed the land and spared Lot and his two daughters. By Abraham praying for them, they were saved from God's destruction. The second was Moses. In Numbers 14:2-22 we learned Moses' story. All the Israelites complained about Moses and Aaron. They told them they wished they had died in Egypt or the wilderness instead of the Lord bringing them to die by the sword. They decided to appoint a leader and go back to Egypt. Moses and Aaron pleaded with them to stay and said that God would bring them to a land flowing with milk and honey. Moses prayed to God and asked him to spare the people. He told God that the people will think that since He could not bring them to the land he promised, He just slaughtered them. God granted Moses the request of sparing their lives but told him they would never inherit the land he promised. Through the examples of both of these men we see how staying faithful in prayer can lead to effective prayers. Remember, sometimes the answer to our prayers may not be our answer but God always has a plan and who knows it may be greater than what we ever imagined!
****Don't forget this week to take time and thank God for all the blessings in your life. After all Thanksgiving is to reflect on the things we are thankful for!!!
Happy Birthday:
Josh Shores - November 23rd
Prayer Requests:
Craig and Leslie were traveling back from Montgomery today. Pray for safe travels.
Brad Glover had an interview with WDJC this week and should hear something soon. Pray for this to work out if that is God's plan for him.
Joey and Kelly - All 3 kids are home for Thanksgiving and they are adjusting to having a house full of kids and their laundry! Jonathan met with his professor this week and was able to drop his class. Continue to pray for David Higginbotham who is still having chemo treatments.
Brandon and Amanda - Will it be Mary Charles or Tate? Only two weeks til we find out. Amanda is doing well. Baby looks good so now it is a waiting game.
Doug and Christy - Henry has an ear infection that is not clearing up. Pray it will heal and he can sleep at night. Doug's aunt was in a car accident and had to have surgery as a result. While in surgery they found cancer. Pray for his family as they begin to deal with her illness.
Christy - Alex is doing better but has a sinus infection. Pray for good health. Christy's mom has a hole in her ear drum and needs surgery. She is hoping to put it off til March. Pray for comfort for her til the surgery.
Rebecca - Jason was at home with Bailey. We missed you guys. Her sister and dad are still looking for work. Pray they will be able to find jobs soon.
Melanie and Josh - Continue to pray for Melanie's dad as he struggles with situations at work.
Kim and Chris - Kim will be traveling this coming Sunday for work to Tulsa, OK and will leave Chris and the girls here for 7 days. Pray for safe travels for Kim and for Chris as he will be a single dad for a week. Also, Chris has a bulging disc in his neck and after failed attempts to help the pain, he is looking at surgery. He hopes to do it after the first of the year. Pray for his decision with surgery.
Loyd - They will be traveling Saturday to TN for the day for Thanksgiving. Pray for safe travels. Praise! Work for Loyd is going well.
John and Susie - Susie's co-worker is still waiting to see if she will keep her job. Susie is still doing two jobs and under a lot of stress. Pray for some relief for her. They will be traveling for Thanksgiving as well. Pray for safe travels.
Chris and Anna - They will be traveling to MS this week for Thanksgiving. Chris' asst. coach and his fiancee found out she has ovarian cancer. Pray for healing. She is only 24 years old. Also, Dustin, Anna's brother is in his last 3 weeks of police academy. Pray for strength to finish.
Veronica and Jaime - Veronica has 4 months left of school and then she will start her rotations with Pharmacist. She will be able to come home for that. Regan doing well.
Amber and Jon - We will be traveling this week for Thanksgiving to Gatlinburg, TN. Please pray for my brother Chad as he goes to California to meet his possible in-laws and extended family. He is nervous so pray he will be himself. Also, pray for Mrs. McClaran who lost her husband last week and my friend Robin who lost her mom this summer. With the holidays coming up it is hard for anyone who has lost loved ones.
Tyler and Heather - Heather was feeling under the weather :( Heather's dad has 2 herniated discs in his neck. He will see the doctor in a few weeks to decide what to do next. PRAISE! Only 2 weeks left of classes for Tyler and then he will start clinicals.
Autumn and Ryan - This is Chanel's sister and brother-in-law. We were so glad you could visit. Their baby is still having complications from having RSV as a newborn. Pray for healing.
Chanel and James - Sarah's left retina has not attached yet. Pray for attachment. The right eye's retina has attached but they are still not clear on the range of her vision. Pray for continued healing b/c after all God has a plan! Their neighbor Jim had to have surgery. Pray for healing. A friend of the family's daughter was born prematurely and has had no complications so far. She went to the doctor and they told her mother that her head is not growing properly. Pray for this to be corrected.
Katy and Colt - Brace yourselves......WE ARE PREGNANT! Congrats! Guys! Just when we thought the baby bug had taken a break! They are due in June. Pray for Katy b/c she has been feeling a little sick. Hopefully she will be past that soon.
I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and we will see you in two weeks!!!
****Don't forget this week to take time and thank God for all the blessings in your life. After all Thanksgiving is to reflect on the things we are thankful for!!!
Happy Birthday:
Josh Shores - November 23rd
Prayer Requests:
Craig and Leslie were traveling back from Montgomery today. Pray for safe travels.
Brad Glover had an interview with WDJC this week and should hear something soon. Pray for this to work out if that is God's plan for him.
Joey and Kelly - All 3 kids are home for Thanksgiving and they are adjusting to having a house full of kids and their laundry! Jonathan met with his professor this week and was able to drop his class. Continue to pray for David Higginbotham who is still having chemo treatments.
Brandon and Amanda - Will it be Mary Charles or Tate? Only two weeks til we find out. Amanda is doing well. Baby looks good so now it is a waiting game.
Doug and Christy - Henry has an ear infection that is not clearing up. Pray it will heal and he can sleep at night. Doug's aunt was in a car accident and had to have surgery as a result. While in surgery they found cancer. Pray for his family as they begin to deal with her illness.
Christy - Alex is doing better but has a sinus infection. Pray for good health. Christy's mom has a hole in her ear drum and needs surgery. She is hoping to put it off til March. Pray for comfort for her til the surgery.
Rebecca - Jason was at home with Bailey. We missed you guys. Her sister and dad are still looking for work. Pray they will be able to find jobs soon.
Melanie and Josh - Continue to pray for Melanie's dad as he struggles with situations at work.
Kim and Chris - Kim will be traveling this coming Sunday for work to Tulsa, OK and will leave Chris and the girls here for 7 days. Pray for safe travels for Kim and for Chris as he will be a single dad for a week. Also, Chris has a bulging disc in his neck and after failed attempts to help the pain, he is looking at surgery. He hopes to do it after the first of the year. Pray for his decision with surgery.
Loyd - They will be traveling Saturday to TN for the day for Thanksgiving. Pray for safe travels. Praise! Work for Loyd is going well.
John and Susie - Susie's co-worker is still waiting to see if she will keep her job. Susie is still doing two jobs and under a lot of stress. Pray for some relief for her. They will be traveling for Thanksgiving as well. Pray for safe travels.
Chris and Anna - They will be traveling to MS this week for Thanksgiving. Chris' asst. coach and his fiancee found out she has ovarian cancer. Pray for healing. She is only 24 years old. Also, Dustin, Anna's brother is in his last 3 weeks of police academy. Pray for strength to finish.
Veronica and Jaime - Veronica has 4 months left of school and then she will start her rotations with Pharmacist. She will be able to come home for that. Regan doing well.
Amber and Jon - We will be traveling this week for Thanksgiving to Gatlinburg, TN. Please pray for my brother Chad as he goes to California to meet his possible in-laws and extended family. He is nervous so pray he will be himself. Also, pray for Mrs. McClaran who lost her husband last week and my friend Robin who lost her mom this summer. With the holidays coming up it is hard for anyone who has lost loved ones.
Tyler and Heather - Heather was feeling under the weather :( Heather's dad has 2 herniated discs in his neck. He will see the doctor in a few weeks to decide what to do next. PRAISE! Only 2 weeks left of classes for Tyler and then he will start clinicals.
Autumn and Ryan - This is Chanel's sister and brother-in-law. We were so glad you could visit. Their baby is still having complications from having RSV as a newborn. Pray for healing.
Chanel and James - Sarah's left retina has not attached yet. Pray for attachment. The right eye's retina has attached but they are still not clear on the range of her vision. Pray for continued healing b/c after all God has a plan! Their neighbor Jim had to have surgery. Pray for healing. A friend of the family's daughter was born prematurely and has had no complications so far. She went to the doctor and they told her mother that her head is not growing properly. Pray for this to be corrected.
Katy and Colt - Brace yourselves......WE ARE PREGNANT! Congrats! Guys! Just when we thought the baby bug had taken a break! They are due in June. Pray for Katy b/c she has been feeling a little sick. Hopefully she will be past that soon.
I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving and we will see you in two weeks!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Prayer Requests For November 15th
This week we had John DeShazo teaching because Joey was helping with the ground breaking ceremony. We learned about why Jesus came to earth as a man. The first question was "What is the role of a mediator?" The class answered that it is someone who leads two parties to an agreement without being emotionally involved. Our first passage was 1 Timothy 2:5-6. From this passage we learned that Jesus intercedes on our behalf. Jesus is the way we reach God. To try and live life without sin is to try and live a life pleasing to God. Our second passage was Phillipians 2:5-9. In this passage we learned that Jesus volunteered to come to earth as man so he could die for our sins. For other passages of reference look at Hebrews 2:14, 2 Corinthians 5:21 and 2 Corinthians 5:17 . We can earn righteousness from God through Jesus. Three take aways from the experience on the cross: 1. Depth of man's sin; 2. Love of God. He was able to sacrifice his own son for imperfect people, 3. Salvation. The only way to have salvation is through Jesus who died on the cross. Thank you John for a great lesson!
Prayer Requests:
Praise! The ground breaking for the second phase of construction went off without a hitch. Thanks to the help of some cute little guys in hard hats and carrying shovels. Pray for this process as we begin this huge undertaking. Be praying for our church family and their commitment to this building fund. Also, be praying for the companies and workers who are involved.
Craig and Leslie are traveling back today from Chicago. Pray for safe travels.
Andrew & Rachel - Rachel's brother is getting married next weekend. Both of their girls are in the wedding so pray for health. Also, pray that Elise (2 year old) can make it down the aisle. Pray as family travels for the wedding in Cullman.
James and Chanel - Thanks to everyone who helped them with the love offering and words of encouragement. Words can not begin to express the thanks they have for our class. Sarah is recovering from surgeries and doing well. They will only know how well the surgeries went by how she checks out in the future. It is kind of a waiting game right now. Her light perception has improved tremendously. Please pray for James and Chanel that they will have patience, understanding and faith through this waiting period. Also, pray that Sarah's eyes will continue to heal and for her sight to improve. She had a post op. appointment in B'ham yesterday morning. James asked us to pray for good news. Please email us and let us know how that went!
Amanda and Brandon - Amanda is hanging in there with only 3 weeks to go, but her doctor thinks she will go sooner. She started work part time yesterday and is having trouble relaxing and not staying busy. Pray she will be able to let work go and take care of herself and baby. Continue to pray for swelling.
Melanie and Josh - Pray for Terry Price, Melanie's dad, as he is stressed about his job situation. Baby Mallory is still in hospital but continuing to improve.
Katy and Colt - Kim Mitchell, works with Katy, lost her job this week after thinking she was getting a promotion. Pray she will be able to find another job quickly since her salary really helped the family.
Jon and Amber - Pray for my parents' neighbor who lost her husband on their anniversary in a car accident this week. Her last name is McClaran.
John and Susie - John's mom's surgery went well. She goes for a follow-up this week. pray for a child of a case Susie is working on. He was born without bile ducts and may need a transplant. Also, co-worker who has premature baby may loose her job. Pray for this family.
Ashley and Brad - Brad was traveling back from a fishing trip. Hope you had fun and made it home safely. A few weeks ago when Ashley's mom visited she asked us to pray for Benton Maddox. He was in the hospital in Troy with H1N1 and had been for awhile. He was moved to Children's in B'ham and found out he had salmonella poisoning. After a 12 day hospital stay he was released this week and is doing better. Also, Ashley's great uncle passed away last week. He was in his 90s. Brad had a job interview with WDJC last week and will possibly be called back this week. Pray for this situation and that Brad will know if this is where he is suppose to be.
Lisa and Nick - Praise! Cole celebrated his 1st Birthday this past week. Happy Birthday Cole!!!
Chris and Kim - Kim's parents are still trying to sell their house in MS so they can buy one in LA. Pray they will be able to sell their home soon. Chris' grandmother celebrated her 85th birthday on Sunday!
Scotty and Lesley - Reese goes back to see the Physical Therapist on Wed. for a follow-up. Scotty's mom came back from PA Wednesday. The tumor in her eye is doing well but she will continue chemo next month for existing cancer. Pray for healing.
Hugh and Kerri - Hugh's dad will have surgery after the first of the year for prostate cancer and they think they will be able to remove all of it. Kerri's dad is doing better but still using oxygen. Pray he will continue to heal.
Chris and Anna - Anna and kids were traveling back from MS. Hope you made it home okay and everyone is doing well. Chris is trying to move to a new school. Pray that the perfect spot will open up and he will be able to move before next school year.
Kelly and Joey - Praise! Kelly was able to celebrate her B'day with all of her children. Continue to pray for David Higginbotham as he continues his chemo treatments. Pray that Jonathan will be able to open up to new friendships. He is working through some difficult times in his life. Pray that Joey and Kelly can support him without interfering. He has a meeting with a professor this week. Pray that goes well.
John and Kim - Kim's grandmother's twin sister had to have a partial lung removal. The biopsy showed cancer. They are not sure if it has spread to other lung. Her name is Edna Crump. Prasie! John's grandmother's estate was settled this weekend.
Hope everyone has a good week and we will see you on Sunday!
Prayer Requests:
Praise! The ground breaking for the second phase of construction went off without a hitch. Thanks to the help of some cute little guys in hard hats and carrying shovels. Pray for this process as we begin this huge undertaking. Be praying for our church family and their commitment to this building fund. Also, be praying for the companies and workers who are involved.
Craig and Leslie are traveling back today from Chicago. Pray for safe travels.
Andrew & Rachel - Rachel's brother is getting married next weekend. Both of their girls are in the wedding so pray for health. Also, pray that Elise (2 year old) can make it down the aisle. Pray as family travels for the wedding in Cullman.
James and Chanel - Thanks to everyone who helped them with the love offering and words of encouragement. Words can not begin to express the thanks they have for our class. Sarah is recovering from surgeries and doing well. They will only know how well the surgeries went by how she checks out in the future. It is kind of a waiting game right now. Her light perception has improved tremendously. Please pray for James and Chanel that they will have patience, understanding and faith through this waiting period. Also, pray that Sarah's eyes will continue to heal and for her sight to improve. She had a post op. appointment in B'ham yesterday morning. James asked us to pray for good news. Please email us and let us know how that went!
Amanda and Brandon - Amanda is hanging in there with only 3 weeks to go, but her doctor thinks she will go sooner. She started work part time yesterday and is having trouble relaxing and not staying busy. Pray she will be able to let work go and take care of herself and baby. Continue to pray for swelling.
Melanie and Josh - Pray for Terry Price, Melanie's dad, as he is stressed about his job situation. Baby Mallory is still in hospital but continuing to improve.
Katy and Colt - Kim Mitchell, works with Katy, lost her job this week after thinking she was getting a promotion. Pray she will be able to find another job quickly since her salary really helped the family.
Jon and Amber - Pray for my parents' neighbor who lost her husband on their anniversary in a car accident this week. Her last name is McClaran.
John and Susie - John's mom's surgery went well. She goes for a follow-up this week. pray for a child of a case Susie is working on. He was born without bile ducts and may need a transplant. Also, co-worker who has premature baby may loose her job. Pray for this family.
Ashley and Brad - Brad was traveling back from a fishing trip. Hope you had fun and made it home safely. A few weeks ago when Ashley's mom visited she asked us to pray for Benton Maddox. He was in the hospital in Troy with H1N1 and had been for awhile. He was moved to Children's in B'ham and found out he had salmonella poisoning. After a 12 day hospital stay he was released this week and is doing better. Also, Ashley's great uncle passed away last week. He was in his 90s. Brad had a job interview with WDJC last week and will possibly be called back this week. Pray for this situation and that Brad will know if this is where he is suppose to be.
Lisa and Nick - Praise! Cole celebrated his 1st Birthday this past week. Happy Birthday Cole!!!
Chris and Kim - Kim's parents are still trying to sell their house in MS so they can buy one in LA. Pray they will be able to sell their home soon. Chris' grandmother celebrated her 85th birthday on Sunday!
Scotty and Lesley - Reese goes back to see the Physical Therapist on Wed. for a follow-up. Scotty's mom came back from PA Wednesday. The tumor in her eye is doing well but she will continue chemo next month for existing cancer. Pray for healing.
Hugh and Kerri - Hugh's dad will have surgery after the first of the year for prostate cancer and they think they will be able to remove all of it. Kerri's dad is doing better but still using oxygen. Pray he will continue to heal.
Chris and Anna - Anna and kids were traveling back from MS. Hope you made it home okay and everyone is doing well. Chris is trying to move to a new school. Pray that the perfect spot will open up and he will be able to move before next school year.
Kelly and Joey - Praise! Kelly was able to celebrate her B'day with all of her children. Continue to pray for David Higginbotham as he continues his chemo treatments. Pray that Jonathan will be able to open up to new friendships. He is working through some difficult times in his life. Pray that Joey and Kelly can support him without interfering. He has a meeting with a professor this week. Pray that goes well.
John and Kim - Kim's grandmother's twin sister had to have a partial lung removal. The biopsy showed cancer. They are not sure if it has spread to other lung. Her name is Edna Crump. Prasie! John's grandmother's estate was settled this weekend.
Hope everyone has a good week and we will see you on Sunday!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Trunk or Treat and SS Fall Festival
The month of October is the kick off to the holiday season. It is also a time to use the holidays as an excuse to socialize. This year the Dailey class took full advantage of that. We celebrated Halloween by having the annual Trunk or Treat at the church on Wednesday, Ocotber 28th. After several failed attempts due to inclement weather, we finally were able to have our Fall Festival party at Joey and Kelly's house. We roasted marsh mellows and weenies and had an unfrogetable hay ride. If you look closely in the pictures, you will see the hay ride rolling along and then you will see the class following behind! Ah! Memories! We had a wonderful time and appreciate Joey and Kelly opening their home to us and our families. Hope you enjoy the pics!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Prayer Requests for November 8th
This weeks lesson was about the Devil and the sinful nature that exists in us ALL. Don't let the devil come at you and blind side you. Stay strong!
Verses of reference: Job 38:4-7; Isaiah 14:12-14; Hebrews 1:14; Revelations 12:6-9
Important Info:
Roger Crew sent us an email asking if we would be interested in decorating one of the twelve Christmas trees in the gathering space. We would have to provide all of the decorations and decorate the tree by December 6th. If you are interested in doing and heading up this project please let me know ASAP.
Prayer Requests:
James and Chanel are still in Michigan and got better news after today's surgery. They will be driving home tomorrow. Pray for safe travels and continued progress with Sarah's eyes.
Joey and Kelly - David Higginbotham has chemo everyday this week. Pray for strength and very little sickness. Continue to pray for healing.
Josh and Melanie - Mallory, Josh's cousin, was born 3 months premature and is in ICU in GA. Continue to pray for health and strength and she grows everyday.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom is going to PA this week for a few months for chemo and cancer treatments. Pray for healing and a quick recovery from chemo.
John and Susie - John's mom is having foot surgery this week.
Jason and Rebecca - Mom and baby Bailey are doing great! From what I hear mom looks like she has not even had a baby much less two weeks ago!
Brandon and Amanda - Thanks to everyone for the shower! Pray for ease in swelling. Also, pray Amanda will be able to work until baby comes.
Jon and Amber - Amber home sick with migraine and sick to her stomach. Praise!!! Feeling much better now! Thanks for prayers!
Anna and Chris - Anna and kids are going to visit her mom this week. Pray for safe travels. It has been a month since the tornado and her mom seems to be doing better. Also, pray for Anthony Vander a player from Anna's school. He is having surgery and will be in the bed two weeks and then a wheelchair for eight weeks.
Craig and Leslie - Traveling to Chicago on Sunday and will be back next Tuesday. Pray for safe travels and Craig's mom who will have the kids.
Colt and Katy - Katy is feeling under the weather. Feel better soon!!!
Hugh and Kerri - Jimmy Stewart has prostate cancer. He is going to the doctor on Tuesday to find a plan of action. Pray for good prognosis and quick recovery.
Christy and Shannon - Praise! Shannon came to church. Glad to have you! Son Alex is having fourth cavity filled on Wednesday. He also has been getting sick alot lately and they are going to do bloodwork. Goes to the doctor on Wed. to get a shot and in a month will follow up to see if that helps.
Chris and Kim - Kim driving back with girls from LA. I saw her at Target this morning and they got back okay and are very tired.
Brad and Ashley - Brad still looking for a job.
Thanks and we will see you on Sunday!!!
Verses of reference: Job 38:4-7; Isaiah 14:12-14; Hebrews 1:14; Revelations 12:6-9
Important Info:
Roger Crew sent us an email asking if we would be interested in decorating one of the twelve Christmas trees in the gathering space. We would have to provide all of the decorations and decorate the tree by December 6th. If you are interested in doing and heading up this project please let me know ASAP.
Prayer Requests:
James and Chanel are still in Michigan and got better news after today's surgery. They will be driving home tomorrow. Pray for safe travels and continued progress with Sarah's eyes.
Joey and Kelly - David Higginbotham has chemo everyday this week. Pray for strength and very little sickness. Continue to pray for healing.
Josh and Melanie - Mallory, Josh's cousin, was born 3 months premature and is in ICU in GA. Continue to pray for health and strength and she grows everyday.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom is going to PA this week for a few months for chemo and cancer treatments. Pray for healing and a quick recovery from chemo.
John and Susie - John's mom is having foot surgery this week.
Jason and Rebecca - Mom and baby Bailey are doing great! From what I hear mom looks like she has not even had a baby much less two weeks ago!
Brandon and Amanda - Thanks to everyone for the shower! Pray for ease in swelling. Also, pray Amanda will be able to work until baby comes.
Jon and Amber - Amber home sick with migraine and sick to her stomach. Praise!!! Feeling much better now! Thanks for prayers!
Anna and Chris - Anna and kids are going to visit her mom this week. Pray for safe travels. It has been a month since the tornado and her mom seems to be doing better. Also, pray for Anthony Vander a player from Anna's school. He is having surgery and will be in the bed two weeks and then a wheelchair for eight weeks.
Craig and Leslie - Traveling to Chicago on Sunday and will be back next Tuesday. Pray for safe travels and Craig's mom who will have the kids.
Colt and Katy - Katy is feeling under the weather. Feel better soon!!!
Hugh and Kerri - Jimmy Stewart has prostate cancer. He is going to the doctor on Tuesday to find a plan of action. Pray for good prognosis and quick recovery.
Christy and Shannon - Praise! Shannon came to church. Glad to have you! Son Alex is having fourth cavity filled on Wednesday. He also has been getting sick alot lately and they are going to do bloodwork. Goes to the doctor on Wed. to get a shot and in a month will follow up to see if that helps.
Chris and Kim - Kim driving back with girls from LA. I saw her at Target this morning and they got back okay and are very tired.
Brad and Ashley - Brad still looking for a job.
Thanks and we will see you on Sunday!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Prayer Requests for November 1st
Today we learned about the tragedy of sin. In Genesis 1:27-31 and 3:4-7;17-19 we learned that Adam and Eve were created in a perfect world. This is not the world we live in today. The sinful nature we experience today was created by Adam and Eve and their choices in the Garden of Eden. In Matthew 4:3-11 we learned about the three times Jesus was tempted by Satan. Each time he chose to deny him and follow God's plan. We have several things going on within our small group alone. Baby Sarah and her eyes, struggles with job loss, troubled marriages, sick loved ones and so much more. Life can be the best at times and sometimes life can turn on us with uncertainity of what lies ahead. In these verses today we learned to press forward and leave the past behind us. This is how we can get a greater reward from God!
Here are some verses of encouragement for you and to share with others:
Phillipians 3:13-14
2 Corinthians 4:8-10 and 16-18
Important Info.:
**We have Wednesday night supper this week so if you can help, please be at the church by 4:45pm. Also, we would like to know whether or not this is something we should stay signed up for. Email me your thoughts. If it is too much we will be taken off the list.
**This year instead of bringing certain items for the food baskets for Thanksgiving, the church has decided to take monitary donations instead. Each basket will cost $50. We were thinking about just taking up money and putting that toward the baskets. We will talk more.
**Upward basketball is looking for male and female coaches. If you are interested let me know!
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Loyd and Lisa Gravitt - November 2nd
Kelly - November 3rd
Prayer Requests:
James and Chanel - Baby Sarah, James and Chanel leave Tuesday to fly to Michigan. They will meet with the surgeon and as of now she is tenatively scheduled for surgery on Friday the 6th and Monday the 9th. Please pray for good weather so Joey will be able to fly them to Michigan; Pray for the doctors and nurses who will be working on Sarah; Pray that she will be able to have some vision if not 100%; Pray for James and Chanel as they wait while Sarah is in surgery. They plan to be gone two weeks as of now. We wil be updating the class through emails this week and next.
Joey and Kelly - David Higginbotham finished his first round of chemo and was back to work this week. He still has three more three week cycles to finish. Pray for helaing and health.
Craig and Leslie - Leslie is feeling under the weather. Craig's co-worker had his 6th back surgery this week. Pray for healing. His name is Larry Whitfield.
Anna and Chris - Praise! Football season is over for both of them and due to all the rain and mud we have had lately, they are very excited to be through. Riley is still playing. Anna's parents are still working with the insurance company to get things fixed due to tornado damage. Pray this will get resolved and they can move past this b/c her mom has been stressed and having panic attacks.
Katy and Colt - Katy will be traveling this week to GA for work. Pray for safe travels. Also, Praise! She finished her huge paper and has one left. She will graduate on Dec. 12th. Only 42 days!!!!
Kim and Chris - Kim will be traveling with the girls to LA this week to see her parents. Pray for safe travels.
Jon and Amber - Alyssa is feeling under the weather. David Andrew, BJ and Elaine's son, has been sick and not getting better. Pray for health. Chad will be traveling to Tallagdega this week for training. Pray for safe travels.
Brad and Ashley - Brad is still looking for a job. Ashley's mom was visiting with us today and we were glad to have her. She had two prayer requests both for friend's children. One is in ICU in Troy from swine flu and other issues. His name is Benton Maddox. Also, Jenny Sanders is @ Children's and is 1 month old.
Christy - Is Tyler and Heather's neighbor and she is visiting with us again. Nice to have you back! Shannon her husband is getting closer to visiting with us at church. Pray the Lord will touch his heart. Also, an attorney at her work has an 8 year-old nephew who has been in the hospital for months with swine flu and pneumonia and now discovered he needs a liver transplant. His name is Tyler Griffin.
Brandon and Amanda - Only 5 weeks left! Can you believe it! Pray for good health and good delivery!
Melanie and Josh - Mallory is doing much better. She has been taken off of some of the machines which is a positive. Pray for continued health.
Jason and Rebecca - Rebecca and Bailey are doing great and she is sleeping well. Rebecca is having troubles with breast feeding so pray for ease with that.
Lesley and Scotty - Reese has bad diaper rash and is home with daddy today. Pray it will clear up soon. Scotty's mom is doing well and will go back to PA next week for her first chemo treatment.
Doug and Christi - They are both feeling under the weather. Pray for good health. Also, Doug's co-worker who lost the baby is back to work and doing better.
John and Kim - Kim's case settled on Monday afternoon at the last minute which was a huge Praise!!!
Hope you all have a great week and we will see you this afternoon!!!!
Here are some verses of encouragement for you and to share with others:
Phillipians 3:13-14
2 Corinthians 4:8-10 and 16-18
Important Info.:
**We have Wednesday night supper this week so if you can help, please be at the church by 4:45pm. Also, we would like to know whether or not this is something we should stay signed up for. Email me your thoughts. If it is too much we will be taken off the list.
**This year instead of bringing certain items for the food baskets for Thanksgiving, the church has decided to take monitary donations instead. Each basket will cost $50. We were thinking about just taking up money and putting that toward the baskets. We will talk more.
**Upward basketball is looking for male and female coaches. If you are interested let me know!
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Loyd and Lisa Gravitt - November 2nd
Kelly - November 3rd
Prayer Requests:
James and Chanel - Baby Sarah, James and Chanel leave Tuesday to fly to Michigan. They will meet with the surgeon and as of now she is tenatively scheduled for surgery on Friday the 6th and Monday the 9th. Please pray for good weather so Joey will be able to fly them to Michigan; Pray for the doctors and nurses who will be working on Sarah; Pray that she will be able to have some vision if not 100%; Pray for James and Chanel as they wait while Sarah is in surgery. They plan to be gone two weeks as of now. We wil be updating the class through emails this week and next.
Joey and Kelly - David Higginbotham finished his first round of chemo and was back to work this week. He still has three more three week cycles to finish. Pray for helaing and health.
Craig and Leslie - Leslie is feeling under the weather. Craig's co-worker had his 6th back surgery this week. Pray for healing. His name is Larry Whitfield.
Anna and Chris - Praise! Football season is over for both of them and due to all the rain and mud we have had lately, they are very excited to be through. Riley is still playing. Anna's parents are still working with the insurance company to get things fixed due to tornado damage. Pray this will get resolved and they can move past this b/c her mom has been stressed and having panic attacks.
Katy and Colt - Katy will be traveling this week to GA for work. Pray for safe travels. Also, Praise! She finished her huge paper and has one left. She will graduate on Dec. 12th. Only 42 days!!!!
Kim and Chris - Kim will be traveling with the girls to LA this week to see her parents. Pray for safe travels.
Jon and Amber - Alyssa is feeling under the weather. David Andrew, BJ and Elaine's son, has been sick and not getting better. Pray for health. Chad will be traveling to Tallagdega this week for training. Pray for safe travels.
Brad and Ashley - Brad is still looking for a job. Ashley's mom was visiting with us today and we were glad to have her. She had two prayer requests both for friend's children. One is in ICU in Troy from swine flu and other issues. His name is Benton Maddox. Also, Jenny Sanders is @ Children's and is 1 month old.
Christy - Is Tyler and Heather's neighbor and she is visiting with us again. Nice to have you back! Shannon her husband is getting closer to visiting with us at church. Pray the Lord will touch his heart. Also, an attorney at her work has an 8 year-old nephew who has been in the hospital for months with swine flu and pneumonia and now discovered he needs a liver transplant. His name is Tyler Griffin.
Brandon and Amanda - Only 5 weeks left! Can you believe it! Pray for good health and good delivery!
Melanie and Josh - Mallory is doing much better. She has been taken off of some of the machines which is a positive. Pray for continued health.
Jason and Rebecca - Rebecca and Bailey are doing great and she is sleeping well. Rebecca is having troubles with breast feeding so pray for ease with that.
Lesley and Scotty - Reese has bad diaper rash and is home with daddy today. Pray it will clear up soon. Scotty's mom is doing well and will go back to PA next week for her first chemo treatment.
Doug and Christi - They are both feeling under the weather. Pray for good health. Also, Doug's co-worker who lost the baby is back to work and doing better.
John and Kim - Kim's case settled on Monday afternoon at the last minute which was a huge Praise!!!
Hope you all have a great week and we will see you this afternoon!!!!
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