Boards coming up for her at the end of June.
Loyd with work uncertainty.
Riley gone on wrestling camp next week. Anna's sister in law due any day!!
Jon's nephew had nearly ruptured appendix. Family friend having financial and job difficulties. Amber's grandfather is deteriorating. Hard on grandmother and family.
Vacation bible school this week. Pray for children.
Carrie out of school and employed next year!!
Thomases had a great doctor's visit. Working with government bureaucracy.
John's grandfather had some skin cancer removed this week.
Armstrongs in class because middle schoolers were on mission trip. Traveling this week. Luke is asking questions about salvation.
Her grandmother is having surgery next week and travel coming up.
Lesley got tenure! Jaw surgery is this Thursday. Nervous about it.
Anna's family dealing with tornado damage still. Won't ask for help. Expecting a baby.
Lesley's sister having a baby.