How much money you make.
Neighborhood you live in.
Car you drive
Harmonious family with well behaved children
Where children go to school
How are the Children's grades?
What sports and activities do they do?
How well are the children dressed?
Having a good marriage
Knowing and understanding God
Winning at something
Competition with coworkers to see who's the best
To be respected and needed
What is your most treasured possession?
Spouse and children
Relationship with God
Pictures and videos
Husband and wife might not have the same priorities even though they value the same things. Thats okay, though.
What do we want out of life?
Kids to accept Christ
Quality time with family
Full life in the center of God's will
Is this world really geared toward providing the things that we want out of life?
We want all of those things. Sometimes we get so busy trying to get those hinge that we start going in the wrong direction.
Eccles. 1:2-11. Meaningless says the teacher. Utter meaningless. Everything is meaningless what does man gain from all his labor at which he toiled. Generations come and go, but the earth remains. The sun rises and the sun sets. The wind blows to the south and turns, but always returns. All streams flow into the sea, but it's never full. All things are wearisome. The eye never has enough of seeing. Theres nothing new under the sun.
Genesis 1:27. So God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created him.
Because of that we are able to have a desire and understanding for eternal things. That Will help us get off of the treadmill of materialism.