This weeks lesson was titled Landmine of Fear. The lesson comes from the book of Nehemiah chapters 1 - 4. Joey started off the lesson by asking the class "What are you afraid of?" The class responded by saying loosing things that are important to us such as family members, jobs, etc. Parenting and making the right decisions in child rearing. Being accepted. Alot of the kids in our class started kindergarten this year and as parents you worry that they will make friends and fit in. Letting go of your plans and following God's plans. Uncertainty of what the future holds. Then Joey went on to explain what fear does to us. First of all, it divides our mind and distracts us from what we are suppose to be doing. Second of all it causes us to procrastinate or not follow through due to fear. Last but not least it unminds our self-confidence. In our lesson we learned that Nehemiah put his strength in God to restore the wall & the city. God uses time of fear & anxiousness to draw us closer to Him. Even when the city was restored and the trials were complete, Nehemiah was able to stay close to God and follow His plan. As you go this week think about the fear in your life? Are you letting it hold you back from the things you feel God leading you to do? Try and turn your fear over to God and focus on His will in your life.
Prayer Requests:
Today was baby dedication and Katy & Colt and Brandon & Amanda dedicated their precious angels. Congratulations on the dedication of Reid Langley & Mary Charles Beckett.
Also we had two births in our class this past week. Congratulations to Melissa & Aaron and Rachel & Andrew. They welcomed Parker Tutwiler & Emily Neal. Both babies & moms are doing well.
Amber & Jon - Continue to pray for Carolina Higginbotham as she goes through treatment for breast cancer. Pray she can keep her spirits and energy up during this process. My grandfather went to the surgeon this past week and was told that it was too risky to operate on his cancer tumors. The doctor said it was slow growing and his best bet is to just let it take its course. Pray that he will not suffer or have a lot of pain and that he and my grandmother will begin to deal with this decision.
Greg & Jennifer - Jennifer's sister had a baby that had to stay in the NICU for awhile. The baby is home now and mom & baby are doing well. Jennifer's brother got engaged this week.
Josh & Melanie - Continue to pray for the Goodman family. Melanie's grandfather is dealing with depression and her grandmother has Alzheimer's disease. Also, her uncle Wayne is battling cancer.
Hugh - Kerri is home with Trent who is under weather. Pray for healing.
Tyler & Heather - They were not here this morning because they were visiting his grandfather in Huntsville. He is not doing well and suffering from congestive heart failure. They have told the family it could be any minute now. Pray that he will go peacefully and not suffer.
Chris & Kim - Chris' grandmother has dementia and is not doing well. Chris' dad still does not have a job. Aubrey had her bone marrow transplant and is doing well. Pray she will continue to heal. Kim is set up for a C-section on Wednesday. Pray that both she and Macie will be healthy and everything will go smoothly.
Chris & Anna - Anna's allergies have been bothering her and she has been under the weather. Pray she will get relief soon. Also, Trevor Fitch, a student at Anna's school was accidentally shot last Christmas in the head and was not expected to live. He is alive and doing well and came to visit the team at football practice this week. Pray he can continue to recover.
Christy & Doug - Boy makes 3 for Doug & Christy. Continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Henry starts school this week. Pray for the transition back into school.
Jaime & Veronica - They had Connor with them and both he and Veronica looked great. Continue to pray for the Holbrook family. Jason was killed in Iraq and he was married to Veronica's cousin. His wife's name is Heather.
John - Kim has two trials coming up. Pray they come together and go smoothly.
Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday!
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of time." Matthew 28: 18-20

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Prayer Requests for August 15th
Joey & Kelly were with Jonathan this Sunday and Greg taught the lesson for Joey. Since I was not there I do not have a break down of the lesson but I heard Greg did a great job. I will be back this Sunday and will be posting the lesson next week.
Prayer Requests:
Andrew & Rachel - Elyse slept in her big bed for the first time Sunday night. Pray for a smooth transition since they had their baby this week. Congrats on the arrival of Emily!!! Andrew's grandmother is moving to assisted living and she is not wanting to move. Pray this will be an easy transition and she will understand the need to move there.
James & Chanel - Trip to Michigan went well but Ellen broke her arm while they were there. Pray for healing.
Jason & Rebecca - Rebecca's best friend lost her father this past week. Pray for this family as they deal with the loss of a loved one.
Tyler & Heather - Tyler's grandmother was celebrating her 80th Birthday on Sunday. Happy Birthday!
Scotty & Lesley - Praise! Reese had a great first week at school and is adjusting well.
Ashley & Brad - Praise! Logan survived first week of kindergarten.
Kim & Chris - Allie is having a hard time adjusting to school, church etc. Pray for Macie to flip. She is scheduled for a C-Section in 10 days. Chris' dad has had several interviews over the past two weeks. Pray one comes through.
Kim & John - Kim is still looking for childcare on Mondays. Pray she can find some soon. She will be helping teach every other Sunday the 2 year olds.
Jon & Amber - Amber coming home from the beach today. Pray for safe travels.
Kerri & Hugh - Kerri is still trying to adjust to a 5 day a week work schedule. Pray for fast adjustment.
John & Susie - John will be traveling to MS this week with work. Pray for safe travels.
Anna & Chris - Praise! Kids are doing well their first week back to school.
Greg & Jennifer - Kids have been sick. Jennifer was home with them.
Keri & Brian - Pray for Brian's parents as they travel to NYC this week. Keri & Brian's anniversary was Monday. Happy Anniversary! Brian's grandmother fell and hit her face and had 29 stitches. She is pretty beat up. Pray for healing and safety.
Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday!!
Prayer Requests:
Andrew & Rachel - Elyse slept in her big bed for the first time Sunday night. Pray for a smooth transition since they had their baby this week. Congrats on the arrival of Emily!!! Andrew's grandmother is moving to assisted living and she is not wanting to move. Pray this will be an easy transition and she will understand the need to move there.
James & Chanel - Trip to Michigan went well but Ellen broke her arm while they were there. Pray for healing.
Jason & Rebecca - Rebecca's best friend lost her father this past week. Pray for this family as they deal with the loss of a loved one.
Tyler & Heather - Tyler's grandmother was celebrating her 80th Birthday on Sunday. Happy Birthday!
Scotty & Lesley - Praise! Reese had a great first week at school and is adjusting well.
Ashley & Brad - Praise! Logan survived first week of kindergarten.
Kim & Chris - Allie is having a hard time adjusting to school, church etc. Pray for Macie to flip. She is scheduled for a C-Section in 10 days. Chris' dad has had several interviews over the past two weeks. Pray one comes through.
Kim & John - Kim is still looking for childcare on Mondays. Pray she can find some soon. She will be helping teach every other Sunday the 2 year olds.
Jon & Amber - Amber coming home from the beach today. Pray for safe travels.
Kerri & Hugh - Kerri is still trying to adjust to a 5 day a week work schedule. Pray for fast adjustment.
John & Susie - John will be traveling to MS this week with work. Pray for safe travels.
Anna & Chris - Praise! Kids are doing well their first week back to school.
Greg & Jennifer - Kids have been sick. Jennifer was home with them.
Keri & Brian - Pray for Brian's parents as they travel to NYC this week. Keri & Brian's anniversary was Monday. Happy Anniversary! Brian's grandmother fell and hit her face and had 29 stitches. She is pretty beat up. Pray for healing and safety.
Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Men's Softball Team
The guys in our class have started a softball team. They play in a league on Monday nights. If you would like to come cheer them on, they play at the old Trussville middle school field across from the high school football stadium. The schedule is listed below along with a great picture of the team.
August 16th @ 8:30pm
August 23rd @ 6:30pm
September 13th @ 6:30pm
September 20th @ 7:30pm
Hope to see you there!!!
Prayer Requests for August 8th
Our lesson this week Comes from Genesis 37. We learned about Jealousy. Joey asked us, what ways we see jealousy in our lives. The class responded with at work and trying to advance; with children competing for mom and dad's attention; animals adjusting to new babies in the house; time; keeping up with the Jones'; time management. Our lesson is about Joseph and his brothers. Joseph's father always favored him over his brothers so a lot of jealousy began to grow between the brothers and Joseph's relationship with his father. Kelly mentioned that Joseph was a catalyst to their jealousy. He rubbed things in their face and made a point to comment on his father's love for him. So what are some signs of jealousy that we need to look for? First is comparison. Joseph's brothers were comparing the attention Joseph was getting from their father to the attention they were getting. Next is competition. The brothers began to compete with Joseph for their father's attention. Next is fear or insecurity. The brothers were insecure in their own relationships so they became fearful of Joseph. The last is strife and descention. Because of the way the brothers were feeling, they chose to cause tension and distress among the family. As believers, we all have highs and lows in life but at different times. One believer may be having a great high in their life while their friend may be having an extreme low. The devil uses jealousy to get us to take our eyes off God and onto the circumstances we are facing in life. As you go this week, really focus on your life and whether your eyes are focused on God or on the life things that bring you down. Pray that God will help you keep focused on the eternal aspects of life with Him verses the low aspects of life on earth.
Prayer Requests:
Josh & Melanie - Continue to pray for Melanie's uncle Wayne Goodman who is suffering from cancer.
Greg & Jennifer - PRAISE! The finally got their AC fixed this past week and is cooling correctly.
Jason & Rebecca - There are some changes at Jason's work that could lead to possible lay offs. Pray for this situation.
Keri & Brian - They are still working on house and trying to get it done. Pray for it to move along so they can move in.
John & Kim - John's mom is coming to visit this week. Kim's grandmother's twin passed away last week. Pray for her grandmother as she deals with this loss. Both Kim and John are under stress at work.
Jon & Amber - School starts this week and could not come any sooner. It has been a long summer! Jon's dad is continuing to do well from knee replacement surgery. I will be traveling this week to the beach with girl friends. Pray for safe travels.
John & Susie - John will be traveling to Gulfport this week for work. Pray for safe travels. Susie's sister finally moved out on her own but is not in the best part of town. Pray for safety.
Brad - Ashley & Logan are visiting with Ashley's parents. Logan starts Kindergarten this week. Brad is beginning to travel with work this week. He will be gone an average of 2-3 days a week. Pray for the adjustment for Ashley and Logan.
Scotty & Lesley - Reese turned 1 last week! Lesley started work on Monday and Reese goes back to school for the first time since last year. Pray for good transition.
Christy & Doug - Having issues with Henry and behavior. Pray for an easy transition for the kids while Christy starts back to work this week. Christy met her new class on Sunday. Pray for her group of kids and that they will have a great year!
Hugh & Kerri - Kerri started back to work at North Park on Monday. She will be working 5 days a week. Pray for her and the kids as they make this new transition.
Chris & Anna - Mr.Griffin, that Anna asked us to pray for last week, passed away on Saturday. Pray for this family as they deal with the loss. Kathy Blakey, a friend of Anna's, father has cancer and she is the only family around to help out. She also works full time. Pray for her while trying to work and give her father the best care she can. Katie starts Kindergarten this week and Riley starts 7th grade. Pray for mom while dealing with both transitions.
Jaime & Veronica - Please pray for the Holbrook family. Jason was killed in Iraq. Veronica's cousin was married to him. Connor and Veronica are continuing to do well.
Joey and Kelly - Continue to pray for the Higginbothams as Carolina begins her chemo treatments. Their nephew's cousin was on his way to FL to get married and he and his fiancee were involved in a head on collision. They are both alive and ta UAB but in serious condition. Please pray for healing and for both families. There names are Brad & Renee. Jordan is back at Auburn and Anna Lynn is started school Wednesday. Pray that Jonathan will follow God's will in his life.
Craig & Leslie - Leslie was not sick this past Sunday. They have decided to teach 8th grade Sunday School and were observing this past Sunday. Please pray they will be able to touch this kids and be a good influence and role model to them. They begin teaching full time this Sunday!
Have a great week. See you in two weeks!
Prayer Requests:
Josh & Melanie - Continue to pray for Melanie's uncle Wayne Goodman who is suffering from cancer.
Greg & Jennifer - PRAISE! The finally got their AC fixed this past week and is cooling correctly.
Jason & Rebecca - There are some changes at Jason's work that could lead to possible lay offs. Pray for this situation.
Keri & Brian - They are still working on house and trying to get it done. Pray for it to move along so they can move in.
John & Kim - John's mom is coming to visit this week. Kim's grandmother's twin passed away last week. Pray for her grandmother as she deals with this loss. Both Kim and John are under stress at work.
Jon & Amber - School starts this week and could not come any sooner. It has been a long summer! Jon's dad is continuing to do well from knee replacement surgery. I will be traveling this week to the beach with girl friends. Pray for safe travels.
John & Susie - John will be traveling to Gulfport this week for work. Pray for safe travels. Susie's sister finally moved out on her own but is not in the best part of town. Pray for safety.
Brad - Ashley & Logan are visiting with Ashley's parents. Logan starts Kindergarten this week. Brad is beginning to travel with work this week. He will be gone an average of 2-3 days a week. Pray for the adjustment for Ashley and Logan.
Scotty & Lesley - Reese turned 1 last week! Lesley started work on Monday and Reese goes back to school for the first time since last year. Pray for good transition.
Christy & Doug - Having issues with Henry and behavior. Pray for an easy transition for the kids while Christy starts back to work this week. Christy met her new class on Sunday. Pray for her group of kids and that they will have a great year!
Hugh & Kerri - Kerri started back to work at North Park on Monday. She will be working 5 days a week. Pray for her and the kids as they make this new transition.
Chris & Anna - Mr.Griffin, that Anna asked us to pray for last week, passed away on Saturday. Pray for this family as they deal with the loss. Kathy Blakey, a friend of Anna's, father has cancer and she is the only family around to help out. She also works full time. Pray for her while trying to work and give her father the best care she can. Katie starts Kindergarten this week and Riley starts 7th grade. Pray for mom while dealing with both transitions.
Jaime & Veronica - Please pray for the Holbrook family. Jason was killed in Iraq. Veronica's cousin was married to him. Connor and Veronica are continuing to do well.
Joey and Kelly - Continue to pray for the Higginbothams as Carolina begins her chemo treatments. Their nephew's cousin was on his way to FL to get married and he and his fiancee were involved in a head on collision. They are both alive and ta UAB but in serious condition. Please pray for healing and for both families. There names are Brad & Renee. Jordan is back at Auburn and Anna Lynn is started school Wednesday. Pray that Jonathan will follow God's will in his life.
Craig & Leslie - Leslie was not sick this past Sunday. They have decided to teach 8th grade Sunday School and were observing this past Sunday. Please pray they will be able to touch this kids and be a good influence and role model to them. They begin teaching full time this Sunday!
Have a great week. See you in two weeks!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Prayer Requests for August 1st
Like I said this morning, I apologize for not posting the prayer request last week. The days just got away from me. I am back on track and posting on time this week. Our lesson this week comes from the book 1 Samuel, chapter 19, verses 1 - 22. The first part of our lesson is about disappointment. Joey posed the question to our class, "What are some disappointments in life that believers face?" The class answered: Loosing a job or having a bad job situation; Family members can be disappointing and the way they treat us; Expectations we set for ourselves can some times be disappointing if not reached. Another way to look at disappointment is that it can build character in Christians. It is more about how we respond and handle the disappointment then the actual event that becomes the disappointment. The next part of our lesson was about Pride. Joey threw out some examples of what could be prideful situations. For example, always winning or having to be first; being self centered; trying to set goals for yourself to complete; giving to charity and so on. After looking at these situations we realized it is not the situation that can be prideful, but the intentions behind the goals. We also learned that pride can be the most dangerous sin because it takes focus off God and onto ourselves. The question for the week is are you using your disappointments as a learning experience to build character? Or are your intentions God centered or Me centered? As you go this week try and put God first and while going through disappointments try and see what lesson God is bringing you.
Birthdays & Anniversaries for August:
August 4th - Craig & Leslie Armstrong
August 6th - Colt Langley
Prayer Requests:
Joey & Kelly - Continue to pray for the Higginbothams
Craig & Leslie - They are considering possibly selling their home. A couple is coming to look at it today. Pray that God will lead them in the right direction on whether to sell their home or stay.
Jon & Amber - Jon's father had knee surgery on Tuesday and is doing well. Pray for continued quick recovery. My mom left today for TX. Pray for safe travels. A co-worker of Jon's is going through divorce. Pray for this family.
Hugh & Kerri - Kerri had a job interview at Springville elementary yesterday and is waiting to hear about the job. Pray that God will open this door for her if this is where she needs to be.
Doug & Christy - Schools starts Friday for Christy. Pray for a good school year.
Brad & Ashley - Good to have Brad's parents visiting. Katie Beall, a friend of Ashley's, just had her baby and was put on bed rest because of a blood disorder. Pray she will get well soon so she can take care of her baby.
Chris & Kim - Continue to pray for Chris' grandmother who is suffering from dementia. Also, Chris' dad is still looking for work. Aubrey, age 5, is having a bone marrow transplant for blood disorder. Pray it will work and she will be healed. Recently found out that some close friends are separated and headed for divorce. This is the 3rd couple they are close to that are getting divorced. Pray that Macie will turn so Kim does not have to have a C-section.
John & Susie - John did not get job promotion that would relocate them to Monroeville.
Rebecca & Jason - Rebecca's dad has been working odd end jobs but is still looking for full time work. Pray he will find something soon.
Melanie & Josh - Continue to pray for Melanie's uncle who is battling cancer.
Katy - Katy's brother has been working in Saudia Arabia and is coming home this week. Pray for safe travels.
Greg & Jennifer - Meeting Jack's teacher today for K.
John & Kim - looking for sitter after full time sitter quit this week.
Chris & Anna - Anna has a summer cold. Pray she will get well soon because she has football camp this week. D.D. Griffin, a friend's father, is at UAB with rare blood disorder. Pray for healing.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!
Birthdays & Anniversaries for August:
August 4th - Craig & Leslie Armstrong
August 6th - Colt Langley
Prayer Requests:
Joey & Kelly - Continue to pray for the Higginbothams
Craig & Leslie - They are considering possibly selling their home. A couple is coming to look at it today. Pray that God will lead them in the right direction on whether to sell their home or stay.
Jon & Amber - Jon's father had knee surgery on Tuesday and is doing well. Pray for continued quick recovery. My mom left today for TX. Pray for safe travels. A co-worker of Jon's is going through divorce. Pray for this family.
Hugh & Kerri - Kerri had a job interview at Springville elementary yesterday and is waiting to hear about the job. Pray that God will open this door for her if this is where she needs to be.
Doug & Christy - Schools starts Friday for Christy. Pray for a good school year.
Brad & Ashley - Good to have Brad's parents visiting. Katie Beall, a friend of Ashley's, just had her baby and was put on bed rest because of a blood disorder. Pray she will get well soon so she can take care of her baby.
Chris & Kim - Continue to pray for Chris' grandmother who is suffering from dementia. Also, Chris' dad is still looking for work. Aubrey, age 5, is having a bone marrow transplant for blood disorder. Pray it will work and she will be healed. Recently found out that some close friends are separated and headed for divorce. This is the 3rd couple they are close to that are getting divorced. Pray that Macie will turn so Kim does not have to have a C-section.
John & Susie - John did not get job promotion that would relocate them to Monroeville.
Rebecca & Jason - Rebecca's dad has been working odd end jobs but is still looking for full time work. Pray he will find something soon.
Melanie & Josh - Continue to pray for Melanie's uncle who is battling cancer.
Katy - Katy's brother has been working in Saudia Arabia and is coming home this week. Pray for safe travels.
Greg & Jennifer - Meeting Jack's teacher today for K.
John & Kim - looking for sitter after full time sitter quit this week.
Chris & Anna - Anna has a summer cold. Pray she will get well soon because she has football camp this week. D.D. Griffin, a friend's father, is at UAB with rare blood disorder. Pray for healing.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!
Prayer Requests for July 25th
Prayer Request:
Jon & Amber - Jessica Bundy, a co-worker of Jon's, father is ill. Pray for healing. Jon's dad has knee surgery on Tuesday. Pray for good surgery and quick recovery. We have our first ultrasound on Monday. Chad is starting a new job on Monday. My grandfather is having his scan on Monday.
Joey & Kelly - Jonathan took the job in Huntsville leading worship and working with middle school students. The Higginbothams and Kelly's nephew.
Anna & Chris - Chris' brother and mom are not getting along. Pray for this situation. They will be traveling to MS this week to visit family. Pray for cooler weather because football starts next week.
John & Kim - John is traveling to KY this week for work. Pray for safe travels. Kim's grandfather having trouble with blood and was in hospital last week.
Brad & Ashley - Brad's job is going well. Logan is traveling to grandparents this week. Pray for a good time and safety.
Hugh - Kerri is home with Trent who has a fever.
John & Susie - John interviewed for another position at work that will relocate them to Monroeville. Pray for God's will to lead them in the right direction.
Jaime & Veronica - Connor doing well and so is Veronica. They came home on Thursday.
Tyler - Tyler's grandfather was moved to assisted living this week. Tyler interviewed last week for a job and was offered a position. It is still early so he is waiting to see what may happen.
Jaime & Chanel - Chanel's grandmother passed away last week. Pray for her father who is having a hard time. They leave Thursday for Michigan and Sarah will have her 10th surgery. Charlotte works for Jaime and her husband had to have open heart surgery. Pray for a quick recovery.
Colt - Work is very short handed and Colt is having to work more hours. Pray for relief and new hired help soon.
Josh & Melanie - Melanie's uncle Wayne Goodman dealing with cancer and treatments.
Have a great week!
Jon & Amber - Jessica Bundy, a co-worker of Jon's, father is ill. Pray for healing. Jon's dad has knee surgery on Tuesday. Pray for good surgery and quick recovery. We have our first ultrasound on Monday. Chad is starting a new job on Monday. My grandfather is having his scan on Monday.
Joey & Kelly - Jonathan took the job in Huntsville leading worship and working with middle school students. The Higginbothams and Kelly's nephew.
Anna & Chris - Chris' brother and mom are not getting along. Pray for this situation. They will be traveling to MS this week to visit family. Pray for cooler weather because football starts next week.
John & Kim - John is traveling to KY this week for work. Pray for safe travels. Kim's grandfather having trouble with blood and was in hospital last week.
Brad & Ashley - Brad's job is going well. Logan is traveling to grandparents this week. Pray for a good time and safety.
Hugh - Kerri is home with Trent who has a fever.
John & Susie - John interviewed for another position at work that will relocate them to Monroeville. Pray for God's will to lead them in the right direction.
Jaime & Veronica - Connor doing well and so is Veronica. They came home on Thursday.
Tyler - Tyler's grandfather was moved to assisted living this week. Tyler interviewed last week for a job and was offered a position. It is still early so he is waiting to see what may happen.
Jaime & Chanel - Chanel's grandmother passed away last week. Pray for her father who is having a hard time. They leave Thursday for Michigan and Sarah will have her 10th surgery. Charlotte works for Jaime and her husband had to have open heart surgery. Pray for a quick recovery.
Colt - Work is very short handed and Colt is having to work more hours. Pray for relief and new hired help soon.
Josh & Melanie - Melanie's uncle Wayne Goodman dealing with cancer and treatments.
Have a great week!
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