Sorry I missed Sunday School this morning. I had much rather been there then at home dealing with Alyssa's pink eye. Since I was not there, there is no lesson this week. We will be gone next Sunday so the prayer request will not be posted until the end of the week. Have a great 4th of July!
Prayer Requests:
Leslie and Craig - The kids will be with their grandparents this week. Pray for safe travels and a relaxed week for mom and dad.
Jon and Amber - Alyssa has pink eye for the second time this week. Please pray we can get rid of it since we are leaving for AR this week. Pray for safe travels. We will leave Wednesday and come home next Tuesday. Jon's dad is having knee replacement on Tuesday morning. Pray for good surgery and quick recovery.
Kerri and Hugh - Spencer has croup and Trent has trouble with his ear. Pray they will get well soon. Kerri is still looking for a job. Pray that something will come available soon.
Chris and Anna - Chris is no longer with Moody HS and is now working at Pelham HS. Riley got his new braces this week. Anna traveling with Riley this week and Chris will be with the girls all week.
John and Susie - John will be traveling this week to MS with work. Pray for safe travels. Also, John is interviewing for a job within his company. Pray for the interview to go well and doors to open if this is God's plan.
Brian and Keri - Still adjusting to having a new baby. Keri starts back to work on July 12th. Pray for her as she prepares to return to work.
Tyler and Heather - Tyler's mom is still struggling after having knee replacement. Pray she will heal soon.
Veronica and Jaime - Jaime is traveling this week for work. Pray for safe travels. Veronica started a new rotation with school.
Colt - Trying to get through new baby adjustments. Baby and Katy doing well.
Josh and Melanie - Melanie's uncle is going to try a new treatment for his cancer. Pray for good results. His name is Wayne Goodman.
Chanel and James - Sarah and Ellen are having their surgeries tomorrow. The whole family left this morning for Michigan. Sarah's surgery is at 10:30 and Ellen's is at 12:30. The hard part is they will not be able to eat after midnight and that will be hard with two small girls. Pray for good news and safety while traveling.
Brad and Ashley - Brad work; Brad pulled hamstring playing ball this week. Pray for quick recovery.
Chris and Kim - Chris' grandmother is still struggling with dementia. Pray for her and family while dealing with this. They will be traveling on vacation this week Tuesday through Saturday. Chris' dad is still looking for a job. Pray he can find one soon.
Have a great week and 4th of July. We will see you in two weeks.
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of time." Matthew 28: 18-20

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Prayer Requests for June 20th
Our lesson this week is continuing with Elijah. He had 4 tests he had to face. The first test was the test of a new place. Once again God commanded Elijah to go to Zarephath, meet a woman and stay in the town. The second test was the test of first impressions. The woman that God told Elijah to meet was a Gentile woman who was widowed. This was a double blow because she was poor and a Gentile. Being a widow she was poor and being a Gentile was a big deal for a Hebrew man. The third test was the test of a hopeless situation. Elijah had to sit and watch the widow prepare dinner for him while her and her son knew they would soon die from starvation. Elijah asked her to have faith that God would provide for them and Elijah. The widow believed. The fourth test was the test of obedient faith. The widow did whatever Elijah asked of her and in return God provided for all of them. It is amazing to sit back and watch Elijah and his strong will and faithfulness. Not only Elijah, but all of the people God placed around him were faithful and did as they were told. Do we always do as God leads us? Or do we do more of what we want to do and ignore the direction of God? Is it easier to disobey God's direction if we feel uncomfortable with his command? As you go this week stop and think about where God is leading you. Are you going? Willingly? Do not be afraid for the Lord will watch over you. Follow His lead and you are sure to be blessed.
Upcoming Events:
June 29th Prayer and Pampers for Veronica at Armstrong's home.
August 14th - FBC Trussville Golf Tournament
Happy Birthday to:
John DeShazo - June 26th
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for the Marsh family. Lisa Marsh was a two year old teacher at North Park. She came to work last week with chest pains and went to the hospital. She crashed while waiting for a test and was unable to be revived. She has a 16 year old son who goes to Springville. Please pray for the family and North Park staff as they deal with the loss of this mother and friend.
Joey and Kelly - All of the kids are home and Joey and Kelly are trying to adjust to a full house. Jonathan left today for a mission trip to Mobile with the 6th graders. Pray for safe travels and that God would work through them.
Katy and Colt - Katy was home catching up on sleep, but Colt said they are doing well. He made sure to let us know his plumbing is working just fine. Reid is doing well and absolutely precious. I got a sneak peek at the hospital and he looks just like Colt.
Kim and John - Kim has another case set for trial in a few weeks but will have a partner from Montgomery will be helping her. Continue to pray for grandmother's twin.
Tyler and Heather - Last week and this week are very busy for Tyler at school. Pray he will get everything done and in on time.
Scotty and Lesley - Lesley has an ear infection. Pray it will heal quickly so she can hear.
Brian and Keri - Keri's grandmother had surgery recently. Pray for her to recover quickly. Also, pray for her mother who is caring for grandmother. The remodeling of home in Trussville is going well.
Anna and Chris - Riley getting braces on Wed. Maggie is having issues sleeping but they are unable to see sleep specialist until September. Pray she will sleep better so Anna can get rest too.
Loyd - Boys are sick with fever virus but getting better. Lisa is also not feeling well. Pray they will all get better soon.
Jon and Amber - My mom is still having trouble with her ear and has now found out she has a disease that causes her to retain water in her inner ear. She has to watch her salt intake to help with he water retention. Pray this will work and that she can get some relief. Continue to pray for the people in the gulf. Jon's brother Steve and wife Rachel said they are closing places left and right and several people are loosing their jobs.
Brad and Ashley - Pray for Brad and work this week. Ashley's grandparents were hit by a storm and major storm damage. Pray they will get things put back together. Also, pray for their safety because they are older and living on their own.
Greg and Jennifer - Daisy is sleeping in her big girl bed now. Pray that she will stay in bed and the transition will stay successful.
Jaime and Veronica - PRAISE! Jaime was able to keep his job. Please pray for the co-workers and their families that lost their jobs. Only 5 weeks til Conner is due. Pray for healthy pregnancy, delivery and baby.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!
Upcoming Events:
June 29th Prayer and Pampers for Veronica at Armstrong's home.
August 14th - FBC Trussville Golf Tournament
Happy Birthday to:
John DeShazo - June 26th
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for the Marsh family. Lisa Marsh was a two year old teacher at North Park. She came to work last week with chest pains and went to the hospital. She crashed while waiting for a test and was unable to be revived. She has a 16 year old son who goes to Springville. Please pray for the family and North Park staff as they deal with the loss of this mother and friend.
Joey and Kelly - All of the kids are home and Joey and Kelly are trying to adjust to a full house. Jonathan left today for a mission trip to Mobile with the 6th graders. Pray for safe travels and that God would work through them.
Katy and Colt - Katy was home catching up on sleep, but Colt said they are doing well. He made sure to let us know his plumbing is working just fine. Reid is doing well and absolutely precious. I got a sneak peek at the hospital and he looks just like Colt.
Kim and John - Kim has another case set for trial in a few weeks but will have a partner from Montgomery will be helping her. Continue to pray for grandmother's twin.
Tyler and Heather - Last week and this week are very busy for Tyler at school. Pray he will get everything done and in on time.
Scotty and Lesley - Lesley has an ear infection. Pray it will heal quickly so she can hear.
Brian and Keri - Keri's grandmother had surgery recently. Pray for her to recover quickly. Also, pray for her mother who is caring for grandmother. The remodeling of home in Trussville is going well.
Anna and Chris - Riley getting braces on Wed. Maggie is having issues sleeping but they are unable to see sleep specialist until September. Pray she will sleep better so Anna can get rest too.
Loyd - Boys are sick with fever virus but getting better. Lisa is also not feeling well. Pray they will all get better soon.
Jon and Amber - My mom is still having trouble with her ear and has now found out she has a disease that causes her to retain water in her inner ear. She has to watch her salt intake to help with he water retention. Pray this will work and that she can get some relief. Continue to pray for the people in the gulf. Jon's brother Steve and wife Rachel said they are closing places left and right and several people are loosing their jobs.
Brad and Ashley - Pray for Brad and work this week. Ashley's grandparents were hit by a storm and major storm damage. Pray they will get things put back together. Also, pray for their safety because they are older and living on their own.
Greg and Jennifer - Daisy is sleeping in her big girl bed now. Pray that she will stay in bed and the transition will stay successful.
Jaime and Veronica - PRAISE! Jaime was able to keep his job. Please pray for the co-workers and their families that lost their jobs. Only 5 weeks til Conner is due. Pray for healthy pregnancy, delivery and baby.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Prayer Requests for June 13th
Our lesson this week is still on Elijah and in 1 Kings 17. At this point in the bible, we have been through 7 kings. Each were ungodly in their own ways. Elijah tells Ahab that God will not let it rain until He commands it. Elijah then leaves and goes to a creek where God quenches his thirst and sends ravens to feed him for 3 years. After the three years, Elijah returns to the land. We learned from Elijah's example, as believers when bumps in the road come along, Gos always puts us in a place where he tests us before he blesses us. By taking this approach, God teaches us through our experiences. God builds our character before molding us into who He wants us to be. As believers, alot of time we pray reactively. This means we pray once something happens in our lives. God wants us to also pray proactively meaning during the good times and before things happen in our lives. Are you praying proactively? Are you allowing God to work through you during the trials in your life? Are you walking away from these situations realizing the blessing God has given you? As you go this week, think about the trails in your life and the way they have shaped your character. Thank God for the trials and the chance to learn from your experience. Don't forget to pray and thank Him even when times are good. Be proactive and not just reactive!
Happy Birthday to:
Lisa Gravitt - June 14th
Craig Armstrong - June 17th
Prayer Requests:
Joey and Kelly - Anna Lynn was at girls state last week and Kelly went to pick her up. This is a correction from me saying Kelly was at girls state. Jordan took the LSAT last week and will know her results in a few weeks.
Jaime and Veronica - Jaime's work was having layoffs this week and are unsure of who is loosing their job. He asked that we pray that he would be able to keep his job, but if he did loose it, to pray that he would find another one soon.
Greg and Jennifer - Wyatt is still struggling with his ear. Pray for healing. The "Summer of Harmony" is going well so far. Pray this continues.
John and Susie - John's mom is doing well and recovering nicely. John will be traveling alot over the next few weeks. Pray for safe travels for John and for Susie since she will be with the kids.
Rachel and Andrew - Andrew's grandfather is doing well and recovering from his pacemaker surgery. Pray he will continue to do well.
James and Chanel - They will be traveling on the 28th with both girls to Michigan. They will both be getting work on their eyes. Sarah will be having surgery and Ellen will be getting her eyes checked to make sure there are no problems or potential for problems in the future. Sarah has started moving her hands forward and is closer to crawling.
Tyler and Heather - 11 months til graduation for Tyler. He is beginning to put out feelers for jobs.
Scotty and Lesley - Reese is feeling better but still has a lingering cough. Lesley's ankle is doing better but still sore. Pray it will heal quickly. Continue to keep Scotty's dad and family in your prayers.
Josh and Melanie - Melanie's mom resigned from church and playing the piano. Pray for her as she makes this new adjustment.
Josh's parents were visiting with us today and we were glad to have them. His brother, wife and new baby are living with them in Huntsville until they get a new home. They asked that we pray for them while all being in the same home.
Hugh and Kerri - Trent turned 2 this week! Hard to believe! Kerri's dad is seeing new docs at UAB and they are starting over with tests. This may slow down his disability. Pray they will be able to diagnose his problem and that disability will continue to move forward.
John and Kim - John will be traveling to Tampa this week. Pray for safe travels. Kim's grandmother's twin is going down hill fast. At this point the family asks us to pray that she will go quickly and not suffer. Kim was set for trial today. Hope everything went well.
Chris and Kim - Chris' grandmother is in beginning stages of dementia. Pray for her and the family as they begin to deal with this situation. Chris' dad is still looking for work. Chris is suppose to go through with his block tomorrow. Pray that he will be able to go through with block and that it will work.
Brad and Ashley - PRAISE! Work went well for Brad this week. Ashley quit her job ans started with John DeShazo on Monday. Hope you have had a great week too! Pray for both of them as they adjust to new jobs.
Jon and Amber - PRAISE! Chad was able to find two jobs that he loves. One is with Habitat for Humanity working in the office and the other is teaching art two nights a week at a local community center. He will go with Courtney to Reno, NV for one month and then will start his two jobs. Continue to pray for my grandfather as they decide what steps to take in treatment for his cancer. PRAISE! Jon's tests went well so now we will move forward with my treatments.
Craig and Leslie - Libby's tooth is doing better. Pray she will not loose it.
Colt and Katy - Have welcomed their precious baby boy. He was born Monday, June 14th at 9:15am. He was 8 lbs and some ounces and 21 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well. I was able to pop in and see them on Wednesday after my doctor's appt. and Katy looks great. Reid is Colt Jr. He is precious. They were ready to go home and doing well.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!
Happy Birthday to:
Lisa Gravitt - June 14th
Craig Armstrong - June 17th
Prayer Requests:
Joey and Kelly - Anna Lynn was at girls state last week and Kelly went to pick her up. This is a correction from me saying Kelly was at girls state. Jordan took the LSAT last week and will know her results in a few weeks.
Jaime and Veronica - Jaime's work was having layoffs this week and are unsure of who is loosing their job. He asked that we pray that he would be able to keep his job, but if he did loose it, to pray that he would find another one soon.
Greg and Jennifer - Wyatt is still struggling with his ear. Pray for healing. The "Summer of Harmony" is going well so far. Pray this continues.
John and Susie - John's mom is doing well and recovering nicely. John will be traveling alot over the next few weeks. Pray for safe travels for John and for Susie since she will be with the kids.
Rachel and Andrew - Andrew's grandfather is doing well and recovering from his pacemaker surgery. Pray he will continue to do well.
James and Chanel - They will be traveling on the 28th with both girls to Michigan. They will both be getting work on their eyes. Sarah will be having surgery and Ellen will be getting her eyes checked to make sure there are no problems or potential for problems in the future. Sarah has started moving her hands forward and is closer to crawling.
Tyler and Heather - 11 months til graduation for Tyler. He is beginning to put out feelers for jobs.
Scotty and Lesley - Reese is feeling better but still has a lingering cough. Lesley's ankle is doing better but still sore. Pray it will heal quickly. Continue to keep Scotty's dad and family in your prayers.
Josh and Melanie - Melanie's mom resigned from church and playing the piano. Pray for her as she makes this new adjustment.
Josh's parents were visiting with us today and we were glad to have them. His brother, wife and new baby are living with them in Huntsville until they get a new home. They asked that we pray for them while all being in the same home.
Hugh and Kerri - Trent turned 2 this week! Hard to believe! Kerri's dad is seeing new docs at UAB and they are starting over with tests. This may slow down his disability. Pray they will be able to diagnose his problem and that disability will continue to move forward.
John and Kim - John will be traveling to Tampa this week. Pray for safe travels. Kim's grandmother's twin is going down hill fast. At this point the family asks us to pray that she will go quickly and not suffer. Kim was set for trial today. Hope everything went well.
Chris and Kim - Chris' grandmother is in beginning stages of dementia. Pray for her and the family as they begin to deal with this situation. Chris' dad is still looking for work. Chris is suppose to go through with his block tomorrow. Pray that he will be able to go through with block and that it will work.
Brad and Ashley - PRAISE! Work went well for Brad this week. Ashley quit her job ans started with John DeShazo on Monday. Hope you have had a great week too! Pray for both of them as they adjust to new jobs.
Jon and Amber - PRAISE! Chad was able to find two jobs that he loves. One is with Habitat for Humanity working in the office and the other is teaching art two nights a week at a local community center. He will go with Courtney to Reno, NV for one month and then will start his two jobs. Continue to pray for my grandfather as they decide what steps to take in treatment for his cancer. PRAISE! Jon's tests went well so now we will move forward with my treatments.
Craig and Leslie - Libby's tooth is doing better. Pray she will not loose it.
Colt and Katy - Have welcomed their precious baby boy. He was born Monday, June 14th at 9:15am. He was 8 lbs and some ounces and 21 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well. I was able to pop in and see them on Wednesday after my doctor's appt. and Katy looks great. Reid is Colt Jr. He is precious. They were ready to go home and doing well.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Prayer Requests for June 6th
Our lesson this week is about Elijah God's mountain man. Our scripture is found in 1 Kings 12:26-33. The scripture starts out by talking about all of the kings and their characteristics. Then in chapter 17 verse 1, God tells Ahab that the land will be dry with no rain until God commands it. He then told Elijah to leave and retreat to the woods and he would protect him. The lesson then went on to talk about Spiritual risks. We discussed some of the risks we have in our lives today. Some of the answers from the class were; standing up for our faith and what we believe in; our church addition in a tough economy; then Jason reminded us that God lead our church to the addition so not doing the addition and following God was the spiritual risk; people we associate ourselves with that may affect our spirituality and decisions we make; having children and guiding them on a spiritual path. Elijah was faced with a lot of risks, but knew God would guide him through and by sticking with God the RISK was eliminated. As you go this week think about the risks you face everyday. Does God shine through your risks? Are you taking a spiritual risk or just a risk? Pray that God will be with you in every decision you make whether it be risky or not.
Happy Birthday & Anniversary to:
Joey Dailey - June 7th
Amanda Beckett - June 9th
Jaime and Veronica Tallent - June 11th
Prayer Requests:
Vacation Bible School was a round up success! We had 1, 056 children attend bible school. There were 95 professions of faith and we were able to collect $2,300 for the Toboro people. This is enough to translate 90 verses of Ephesians. God truly blessed our church this week and we have a lot to be thankful for. Also, thanks to Team Impact who came back just for VBS. They were amazing and the kids were pumped all week!
Please be in prayer for the oil spill in the gulf. This is a huge disaster that is affecting our economy and the animals and wildlife. Pray they will be able to stop the leak soon and clean the oil up quickly.
Joey and Kelly - Kelly is now working 3 days a week with her new job. This is praise, but pray for Kelly as she makes this new adjustment to her schedule. Kelly was away at Girls state this Sunday. We missed you and hope you had a good time. Jordan is taking the LSAT this week. Pray she will do well. Joey is still attempting to connect with his father and other siblings. Pray this will continue to go well.
Josh and Melanie - Melanie's uncle has been sick. Pray for comfort while dealing with illness.
Greg and Jennifer - Wyatt had an ear infection last week and his ear drum ruptured. Pray for quick healing and little pain.
Brad and Ashley - Brad started work on Monday. Hope that is going well.
Kim and John - Praise! All kids are well. Kim's grandmother's twin is still not doing well. Keep her in your prayers. Pray for John's parents who are dealing with grandparents moving away.
James and Chanel - Sarah is close to crawling and Chanel has been working with her. The therapist told them they would know more about Sarah's vision once she was mobile so Chanel is anxious for her to begin moving around. Pray that Chanel will be patient and that Sarah will pick up crawling soon.
Craig and Leslie - Luke has been asking a lot about salvation. Pray that Craig and Leslie will be ready to answer his questions and the Lord will be with them and Luke. Libby hit her mouth with a toy this week and cut her gum and knocked a tooth loose. Pray she will be able to keep the tooth and will heal soon.
Jon and Amber - Continue to pray for my grandfather as he and my grandmother decide which route to take with treatments for his cancer. My mother is on her way back from AR now so pray for safe travels. PRAISE! Chad and Courtney were able to find an apartment and moved in last weekend. Alyssa went to the allergy doctor this week and her milk allergy is not getting better. Pray for her to be able to out grow this allergy in the next few years.
Chris and Kim - Chris had a block this week in his neck to see if it would help the pain. Pray this will work til he has surgery later this year. Chris' dad is still looking for work. Kim's parents now have two homes. The closed on their home in LA but still have their home from MS. Pray the home in MS will sell soon.
Lesley and Scotty - Lesley sprained her ankle this past weekend working in the yard, but she was a trooper delivering snacks at VBS this week! Pray she will heal soon. Reese had a sinus infection last week. Pray she will get better soon.
Brandon and Amanda - Brandon is training for another race. pray he will stay healthy and be able to train before the race. Pray for him to do well at the race.
Kerri and Hugh - Continue to pray for Kerri's dad. He is in the process of applying for disability. Also please remember the McMillan family who lost their son Labor Day weekend.
Katy and Colt - Can you believe it! Only one week left! Katy is hanging in there and trying to go on her own. The doctor agreed to let her go until one week after due date. Pray she will be able to go on her own and not have to be induced.
Have a great weekend and we will see you Sunday!
Happy Birthday & Anniversary to:
Joey Dailey - June 7th
Amanda Beckett - June 9th
Jaime and Veronica Tallent - June 11th
Prayer Requests:
Vacation Bible School was a round up success! We had 1, 056 children attend bible school. There were 95 professions of faith and we were able to collect $2,300 for the Toboro people. This is enough to translate 90 verses of Ephesians. God truly blessed our church this week and we have a lot to be thankful for. Also, thanks to Team Impact who came back just for VBS. They were amazing and the kids were pumped all week!
Please be in prayer for the oil spill in the gulf. This is a huge disaster that is affecting our economy and the animals and wildlife. Pray they will be able to stop the leak soon and clean the oil up quickly.
Joey and Kelly - Kelly is now working 3 days a week with her new job. This is praise, but pray for Kelly as she makes this new adjustment to her schedule. Kelly was away at Girls state this Sunday. We missed you and hope you had a good time. Jordan is taking the LSAT this week. Pray she will do well. Joey is still attempting to connect with his father and other siblings. Pray this will continue to go well.
Josh and Melanie - Melanie's uncle has been sick. Pray for comfort while dealing with illness.
Greg and Jennifer - Wyatt had an ear infection last week and his ear drum ruptured. Pray for quick healing and little pain.
Brad and Ashley - Brad started work on Monday. Hope that is going well.
Kim and John - Praise! All kids are well. Kim's grandmother's twin is still not doing well. Keep her in your prayers. Pray for John's parents who are dealing with grandparents moving away.
James and Chanel - Sarah is close to crawling and Chanel has been working with her. The therapist told them they would know more about Sarah's vision once she was mobile so Chanel is anxious for her to begin moving around. Pray that Chanel will be patient and that Sarah will pick up crawling soon.
Craig and Leslie - Luke has been asking a lot about salvation. Pray that Craig and Leslie will be ready to answer his questions and the Lord will be with them and Luke. Libby hit her mouth with a toy this week and cut her gum and knocked a tooth loose. Pray she will be able to keep the tooth and will heal soon.
Jon and Amber - Continue to pray for my grandfather as he and my grandmother decide which route to take with treatments for his cancer. My mother is on her way back from AR now so pray for safe travels. PRAISE! Chad and Courtney were able to find an apartment and moved in last weekend. Alyssa went to the allergy doctor this week and her milk allergy is not getting better. Pray for her to be able to out grow this allergy in the next few years.
Chris and Kim - Chris had a block this week in his neck to see if it would help the pain. Pray this will work til he has surgery later this year. Chris' dad is still looking for work. Kim's parents now have two homes. The closed on their home in LA but still have their home from MS. Pray the home in MS will sell soon.
Lesley and Scotty - Lesley sprained her ankle this past weekend working in the yard, but she was a trooper delivering snacks at VBS this week! Pray she will heal soon. Reese had a sinus infection last week. Pray she will get better soon.
Brandon and Amanda - Brandon is training for another race. pray he will stay healthy and be able to train before the race. Pray for him to do well at the race.
Kerri and Hugh - Continue to pray for Kerri's dad. He is in the process of applying for disability. Also please remember the McMillan family who lost their son Labor Day weekend.
Katy and Colt - Can you believe it! Only one week left! Katy is hanging in there and trying to go on her own. The doctor agreed to let her go until one week after due date. Pray she will be able to go on her own and not have to be induced.
Have a great weekend and we will see you Sunday!
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