Our lesson today is from Daniel Chapter 2. We learned about King Nebuchadnezzar having a dream and not understanding what it meant. He summoned all of the diviner-priests, mediums and sorcerers and asked them to interpret his dream. The catch was he did not tell him the dream. They were to come to him and tell him the dream and interpretation without any knowledge of his experience. If they were unable to do so, he would put them to death. The king's commander went out searching for Daniel and his friends and told them what the king wanted. Daniel confused asked why the king wanted them dead and the commander told him what happened at the palace. Daniel then approached his friends and said we have to figure out what the king dreamed and interpret it to save our lives. That night, the Lord revealed the dream to Daniel in a vision. When he awoke the next morning he told his friends that he knew what the king had dreamed. Daniel then went to the commander and told him not to kill anyone because he knew the dream. He asked to be taken to the king so he could give him the interpretation.
Prayer Requests:
Keri and Brian have visited our class several times in the past few months and on Wednesday she lost her 28 year old brother suddenly. They think he had a tumor that caused a bleed in his brain. Please pray for Keri and her family as they try and make sense of this sudden loss and begin to deal with their grief.
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan starts school at Samford tomorrow. Pray that he will adjust and make new friends and have a better overall experience this semester.
Brad and Ashley - Brad is still looking for a job and Ashley hopes to hear about her interview this week. Ashley's friend Natalie, who we prayed for this week, ended up having a miscarriage on Friday after everything was thought to be okay on Thursday. Pray for her and her husband Ken as they try and over come this situation. Heather Kent, a friend of Ashley's, has been having headaches for awhile and tried several different therapies to try and relieve the pain. She is now at Princeton and suppose to have exploratory surgery this week. Pray they can find the problem and she will be healed.
Kerri and Hugh - Hugh's dad is continuing to do well from prostate surgery and should go back to work in three weeks. PRAISE! All children are healthy.
Chris and Anna - Glad to see you back during a very hectic schedule. Trevor, the teen who was shot in the face in December, is doing well. After 30 days he is already in a room and undergoing therapy. Pray for continued improvement. The little girl that Chris asked us to pray for with pneumonia is doing well. They say the 3 year old is recovering nicely. Pray for Chris and work. He has been under stress with an assistant coach at school. One of Anna's friends has a son Zaden in Children's dealing with a viral infection. Pray for healing.
Kim and Chris - Chris is on day eight of having the girls while Kim is in OK for work. I must pay him kudos b/c he was on time and both he and the girls were dressed and ready to go. Kim travels home in the morning so pray for safe travels. Upward is going well.
Melanie and Josh - Melanie's grandmother is continuing to recover from hip replacement and struggling with depression. Pray for her depression and that she will heal quickly. Melanie's office flooded this week and they have been moved to the 2nd floor. Keep in mind this is during tax season. Pray they can get back to their regular office soon.
Katy and Colt - Baby Wick is doing well from open heart this past week. The doctors have told his parents they have a long road ahead. Pray for continued healing for Wick and strength for his parents.
Scotty and Lesley - Lesley has been having issues with her lupus lately. Pray she will get back to normal and not have as much pain. PRAISE! Reese is now eating solids. Lesley was worried after repeated attempts that she may not transition easy, but this week she finally started eating them.
John and Susie - John will be traveling to MS this week for a few days. Pray for the transition at work for John. They are still trying to get settled in to changes. Amber, a co-worker of Susie's lost her uncle this week. He committed suicide. Pray for this family as they deal with this loss.
Jon and Amber - Jon was home with Alyssa who had pink eye, rosiola (sp?)and a stomach bug all in three days. Pray for health for her as it is wearing thin on her and mom. Please continue to pray for Jon and his job situation. At a time where so many people do not have a job he is extremely thankful for his but it would make things easier if the situation with his boss would get better. Pray for strength and wisdom for Jon. My grandfather went this week for a colonoscopy and is having to go back in two weeks b/c they did not tell him to come off blood thinners. He will go Thursday to see the oncologist. Pray for him and my grandmother and that he will receive good news on Thursday. A lady named Jennifer who works at Moody City Hall lost her husband this week. He committed suicide. They have two small children. Pray for this family.
Jason and Rebecca - Bailey was in the nursery for the first time today. Pray for health! Also, Rebecca's grandfather had another seizure and they think it may be due to his meds. Pray they can get that worked out and that he will not have anymore seizures. Rebecca's dad is still looking for a job.
Rachel and Andrew - Patrick, Andrew's nephew, met his father this week and is excited about getting to live with him. DHR is involved and hopefully everything will work out to where he can live with his dad soon. Pray for this situation and that Patrick will transition easily to his new home.
Kim and John - Kim's friend from college went into labor this week at 32 weeks and is in the hospital. She hopes to go home this week but will be on bed rest until baby is born. Pray that she will carry baby full term and everything will go smoothly from here on out. Her name is Amanda Shubert.
Doug and Christy - They are finally feeling better and for the first time in awhile the whole family is well.
Have a great week and we will see you next Sunday!!!!
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of time." Matthew 28: 18-20

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Prayer Requests for January 17th
Our lessons this week comes from the book of Daniel Chapter 1. Daniel and three others were to be trained for three years to be able to serve in the king's court. He required them to be young, healthy and good looking. Daniel wanted to eat different food than what the king was offering. He asked the official to allow him and the others to eat vegetables and drink water. He told the official to examine his diet and the others who were eating the kings food and see which were better fit for the job. At the end of 10 days Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah proved to look healthier. At the end of their training the king asked to review all of the men and none were as good as Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. He granted them permission to serve in his court and found them to be better than any others who may have served.
Happy Birthday:
Melanie Shores - 20th
Prayer Requests:
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom goes back to PA this week. She is having a hard time with chemo and reactions. Please pray for healing and continued success with chemo treatments.
John and Susie - Audrey has ear infections. Pray for healing.
Jon and Amber - Jon's work situation is not getting any better. Pray for Jon to have patience and make the best of his situation. My grandfather goes tomorrow to have his colonoscopy. Pray for good results. Pray for Chad and Courtney as they continue to plan their April wedding.
Katy and Colt - Marry Anne (co-worker of Katy's) and her husband had a baby in December and he has having to have open heart surgery this week. Pray for a good surgery and quick recovery. The baby's name is Wick.
James and Chanel - Sarah is teething and Ellen is having a great time with the terrible twos. Pray for patience for mom and dad. Their next door neighbors have a child with disabilities and the family is looking to purchase a 12 passenger van to help transport their child. They are going through a lot so please pray for this family. They are the Poole's. PRAISE!!! Sarah's sight is continuing to improve and she is passing milestones left and right. Their therapist said she may not have to come as often as first thought. It has been amazing to see how God has worked with this couple and Sarah and they are just starting their testimony. They go back to Michigan in February.
Andrew and Rachel - Andrew's parents have been caring for his adoptive sister's child for awhile and it has been a struggle. They recently found out that the boy's father is interested in taking care of him. Pray for this to work out and for Andrew's sister to cooperate. PRAISE! First ultrasound went well.
Kerri and Hugh - Hugh was home with Spencer. He has strep throat. Pray he will get well before school on Tuesday. Hugh's dad did well with prostate surgery this week. He will be off a month from work. The surgery showed no sign of the cancer spreading and he will not have to have chemo treatments. Pray he will continue to heal. Also, please pray about Kerri's work situation. She is still trying to decide whether or not to go back to public school this next year or stay with preschool.
John and Kim - JED has not been sleeping well due to teething. Pray he will sleep better this week. Kim's partner at her firm who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma is doing well. He recently went to AR and they said his cancer seems to be remaining the same and not spreading. Pray for continued management of his cancer and healing.
Brad and Ashley - Brad continues to look for job. EB Johnson was mentioned in our class when Ashley's mom came to visit a few months ago. She was the little girl from Troy who had a brain tumor and was transferred to Children's before Thanksgiving. She had to have surgery and they were not able to remove all of the tumor because of its location. She went this past week to a follow up appointment in Troy and the scans showed no sign of the tumor. This is a huge praise to this girl and her family. Thank you for your prayers. Ashley was contacted this past week by a recruiter and had an interview. She is hoping to change jobs b/c of her current job situation. Pray if this is where she should be, God would open those doors.
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan starts school a week from today . He will be working and going to school. Pray he will succeed this semester in juggling both.
Chris and Kim - Kim is in OK this week and Chris has the girls by himself. One of Chris' clients' co-workers died of cancer this week. Pray for her family. Steve Armstrong (member of FBCT) lost his father this past week. Pray for this family in dealing with this loss.
Doug and Christy - They have both been fighting illness the past several weeks. Pray for health and that the boys will stay healthy.
Tyler and Heather - Clinicals are proving to be a challenge for Tyler. Pray for rest and strength to keep up with the hectic schedule.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!!!
Happy Birthday:
Melanie Shores - 20th
Prayer Requests:
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom goes back to PA this week. She is having a hard time with chemo and reactions. Please pray for healing and continued success with chemo treatments.
John and Susie - Audrey has ear infections. Pray for healing.
Jon and Amber - Jon's work situation is not getting any better. Pray for Jon to have patience and make the best of his situation. My grandfather goes tomorrow to have his colonoscopy. Pray for good results. Pray for Chad and Courtney as they continue to plan their April wedding.
Katy and Colt - Marry Anne (co-worker of Katy's) and her husband had a baby in December and he has having to have open heart surgery this week. Pray for a good surgery and quick recovery. The baby's name is Wick.
James and Chanel - Sarah is teething and Ellen is having a great time with the terrible twos. Pray for patience for mom and dad. Their next door neighbors have a child with disabilities and the family is looking to purchase a 12 passenger van to help transport their child. They are going through a lot so please pray for this family. They are the Poole's. PRAISE!!! Sarah's sight is continuing to improve and she is passing milestones left and right. Their therapist said she may not have to come as often as first thought. It has been amazing to see how God has worked with this couple and Sarah and they are just starting their testimony. They go back to Michigan in February.
Andrew and Rachel - Andrew's parents have been caring for his adoptive sister's child for awhile and it has been a struggle. They recently found out that the boy's father is interested in taking care of him. Pray for this to work out and for Andrew's sister to cooperate. PRAISE! First ultrasound went well.
Kerri and Hugh - Hugh was home with Spencer. He has strep throat. Pray he will get well before school on Tuesday. Hugh's dad did well with prostate surgery this week. He will be off a month from work. The surgery showed no sign of the cancer spreading and he will not have to have chemo treatments. Pray he will continue to heal. Also, please pray about Kerri's work situation. She is still trying to decide whether or not to go back to public school this next year or stay with preschool.
John and Kim - JED has not been sleeping well due to teething. Pray he will sleep better this week. Kim's partner at her firm who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma is doing well. He recently went to AR and they said his cancer seems to be remaining the same and not spreading. Pray for continued management of his cancer and healing.
Brad and Ashley - Brad continues to look for job. EB Johnson was mentioned in our class when Ashley's mom came to visit a few months ago. She was the little girl from Troy who had a brain tumor and was transferred to Children's before Thanksgiving. She had to have surgery and they were not able to remove all of the tumor because of its location. She went this past week to a follow up appointment in Troy and the scans showed no sign of the tumor. This is a huge praise to this girl and her family. Thank you for your prayers. Ashley was contacted this past week by a recruiter and had an interview. She is hoping to change jobs b/c of her current job situation. Pray if this is where she should be, God would open those doors.
Joey and Kelly - Jonathan starts school a week from today . He will be working and going to school. Pray he will succeed this semester in juggling both.
Chris and Kim - Kim is in OK this week and Chris has the girls by himself. One of Chris' clients' co-workers died of cancer this week. Pray for her family. Steve Armstrong (member of FBCT) lost his father this past week. Pray for this family in dealing with this loss.
Doug and Christy - They have both been fighting illness the past several weeks. Pray for health and that the boys will stay healthy.
Tyler and Heather - Clinicals are proving to be a challenge for Tyler. Pray for rest and strength to keep up with the hectic schedule.
Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Prayer Requests for January 10th
Our lesson today comes from Ruth chapter 4. Austin Klein is a self proclaimed atheist. He believes that it is our personal responsibility to make our own moral decisions without the help of a "god". It is up to us to make our own rules and regulations. We are to define our own moral code. Some examples of people who did this are Warren Jeffs the polygamist from Utah; Timothy McVeigh the man who bombed the building in Oklahoma and Hitler who was responsible for the death of many Jews. Boaz, who learn about in the book of Ruth has different beliefs than Mr. Klein. Boaz was an older man and well to do within his community. He was known for his character and strong faith in GOD. He was an extremely hard worker. He had the opportunity to give into temptation with Ruth, but chose to marry her in respect to both of their characters. Boaz approached the elder ahead of him in the lineage to inherit Ruth and Naomi. He asked him if he wanted to purchase the land left by their brother Elimelich. The elder agreed to buy the land thinking of himself and what he could gain from it. Boaz reminded him that if he did purchase the land that Ruth and her mother-in-law would come with it. After very little consideration, the elder chose not to purchase the land and Boaz proceeded to marry Ruth. Ruth then was able to conceive and gave birth to a son. From Boaz and Ruth a great lineage was started that eventually led to the birth of Jesus Christ. As you go this week think about Boaz and the legacy he left with his life. Look at Boaz as a person who affected the world in an amazing way. We too have the ability to touch the world and compete against the Austin Klein's of the world. Husbands, hold your wife to high esteem like Boaz did to Ruth. Sometimes we do not realize the plans God has for us because we down play the resources he has given us. Put yourself out there and let GOD work through you and the talents he has blessed you with.
Happy Birthday:
Lesley Childs - January 12th
Prayer Requests:
Hugh and Kerri - Kerri was home with Trent who is under the weather. Pray he will get well soon. Also, Hugh's dad has prostate surgery this Wednesday morning. Pray for a good surgery and quick recovery.
Tyler and Heather - Heather is under the weather with eye infection. Pray it will get well soon. Tyler starts clinicals at St. V's on Tuesday.
Rebecca and Jason - Bailey is home with Jason. Hopefully she will be able to start getting out within the next month.
Josh and Melanie - Josh too is having eye issues this morning. Pray that will get better soon. Continue to pray for Melanie's uncle and grandmother as they recover from heart attack and hip surgery.
Brad and Ashley - Continue to pray for a job for Brad. Also, they got a new puppy for Christmas and are having trouble at night. Pray the puppy will sleep so they can.
Chris and Kim - Kim was home sleeping after working all night. She will leave next Sunday for OK and be gone the whole week.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom goes back to PA for treatment and then will go back in a month for scans to make sure the chemo is working. Pray for good results.
Brandon and Amanda - Amanda was home with Mary Charles. Mom and baby doing well.
Brian and Keri - Keri has been under the weather a little. Pray she will get better soon. Pregnancy still going well.
Rachel and Andrew - Rachel's dad is in hospital for chest and arm pains. They are running tests to see what may be going on. Pray for healing.
Kim and John - We were glad to have Mr. and Mrs. DeShazo with us this morning. Kim has a case that is set for trial this week but is going to try and have it postponed. Pray this will work out.
Amber and Jon - Jon's dad has been having some swelling in his knee and ankle on the leg he had the knee replacement. They did some blood work before Christmas about his heart and are waiting for the results. Pray for both his leg and heart condition to heal. My grandfather goes for colonoscopy this week and cancer doctor next week. Pray for good results.
John and Susie - John will now be traveling to MS for work instead of Mobile. Pray he will not have to travel as much since it is 6 hours one way.
Joey and Kelly - In honor of New Year's resolutions, they are trying the ABS diet. Pray they will be successful and Joey will stick with it :) Also, Jonathan will be going back to Samford so pray he will do well this semester.
Have a good week and we will see you next Sunday!
Happy Birthday:
Lesley Childs - January 12th
Prayer Requests:
Hugh and Kerri - Kerri was home with Trent who is under the weather. Pray he will get well soon. Also, Hugh's dad has prostate surgery this Wednesday morning. Pray for a good surgery and quick recovery.
Tyler and Heather - Heather is under the weather with eye infection. Pray it will get well soon. Tyler starts clinicals at St. V's on Tuesday.
Rebecca and Jason - Bailey is home with Jason. Hopefully she will be able to start getting out within the next month.
Josh and Melanie - Josh too is having eye issues this morning. Pray that will get better soon. Continue to pray for Melanie's uncle and grandmother as they recover from heart attack and hip surgery.
Brad and Ashley - Continue to pray for a job for Brad. Also, they got a new puppy for Christmas and are having trouble at night. Pray the puppy will sleep so they can.
Chris and Kim - Kim was home sleeping after working all night. She will leave next Sunday for OK and be gone the whole week.
Scotty and Lesley - Scotty's mom goes back to PA for treatment and then will go back in a month for scans to make sure the chemo is working. Pray for good results.
Brandon and Amanda - Amanda was home with Mary Charles. Mom and baby doing well.
Brian and Keri - Keri has been under the weather a little. Pray she will get better soon. Pregnancy still going well.
Rachel and Andrew - Rachel's dad is in hospital for chest and arm pains. They are running tests to see what may be going on. Pray for healing.
Kim and John - We were glad to have Mr. and Mrs. DeShazo with us this morning. Kim has a case that is set for trial this week but is going to try and have it postponed. Pray this will work out.
Amber and Jon - Jon's dad has been having some swelling in his knee and ankle on the leg he had the knee replacement. They did some blood work before Christmas about his heart and are waiting for the results. Pray for both his leg and heart condition to heal. My grandfather goes for colonoscopy this week and cancer doctor next week. Pray for good results.
John and Susie - John will now be traveling to MS for work instead of Mobile. Pray he will not have to travel as much since it is 6 hours one way.
Joey and Kelly - In honor of New Year's resolutions, they are trying the ABS diet. Pray they will be successful and Joey will stick with it :) Also, Jonathan will be going back to Samford so pray he will do well this semester.
Have a good week and we will see you next Sunday!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Prayer Requests for January 3rd
Our lesson today comes from Ruth 3:1-18. In today's lesson we learn about Naomi's plan to get Ruth noticed by Boaz. Boaz was a well to do farmer with a lot of integrity in the community. Ruth had noble character and had experienced a lot of loss in her life. Naomi knew that Boaz could provide for her and give her a good life. Naomi told Ruth to go to Boaz and wait til he lie down. She was to go uncover his feet and He agreed to speak with the kinsman who was in line to marry Ruth and see if he would let Boaz marry her. The kinsman agreed and Boaz and Ruth were free to begin their relationship. The take away we get from this lesson is it is okay to be who you are. God created man and woman to be different and that is what makes a relationship so amazing. As you go this week try and embrace the differences that you and your spouse possess. Remember after all that is probably what attracted you to them in the first place.
Prayer Requests:
Joey and Kelly - PRAISE!!! David is doing well after finishing his chemo. He is looking forward to starting a new year. Pray he will continue to have good health. Also two of their children went to passion this weekend in Atlanta. Pray for safe travels home and that they would have come away from the conference with spiritual growth.
Craig and Leslie - As you may know, the Armstrongs got a new puppy for Christmas for the kids. On New Year's Eve they had to put the puppy down due to parvo. Pray for the kids b/c it is very hard for them to understand what all has happened. Pray that Craig and Leslie will find the words to help them through this loss.
Katy and Colt - They are having a baby boy! Congrats! Continue to pray for healthy pregnancy.
Josh and Melanie - Melanie's family had a rough Christmas. Her grandmother fell and broke her hip and her uncle had a heart attack all before Christmas. Please pray for them and the family. Her grandmother's name is Annabelle and her uncle's name is Garron.
Rebecca and Jason - Bailey was at home with Jason's mom. They are all doing well.
Jaime and Veronica - Veronica only has 3 days til her rotations begin. Pray everything will continue to go smoothly.
Brad and Ashley - Brad is still looking for a job. Pray for his contacts with current interviews and that God will provide the perfect job for him.
Keri and Brian - Brian's grandmother passed away this past week. Pray for his mom because she has been taking care of her for awhile and is having a hard time dealing with the loss.
Jon and Amber - My grandparents, Chad and Courtney all made it home okay. Thank you for praying for safe travels. My grandfather goes to the doctor on the 28th about his PSA levels being high. Pray for him and my grandmother and that they will get good news.
Kim and Chris - Kim goes back to OK in 2 weeks and Chris will be home alone with the girls. Pray for safe travels for Kim.
James and Chanel - Chanel's cousin has two children and they both have had health issues. The 2 and a half year old has an eye infection and the infant has been hospitalized for a UTI that has become more serious. Pray for this family and that the children will heal quickly. Also, PRAISE!!!! Sarah is showing significant signs of improvement in vision and is doing well. They travel back to Michigan in February. Continue to pray for God to work in Sarah's life.
Andrew and Rachel - It looks like the number three has hit our SS class in more ways than one. We know have our third pregnancy and it is their 3rd child. Congrats Andrew and Rachel! She is only 6 and a half weeks but at this point had a scare with Elyse. They ask that we start praying for the pregnancy now.
Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday!!!
Prayer Requests:
Joey and Kelly - PRAISE!!! David is doing well after finishing his chemo. He is looking forward to starting a new year. Pray he will continue to have good health. Also two of their children went to passion this weekend in Atlanta. Pray for safe travels home and that they would have come away from the conference with spiritual growth.
Craig and Leslie - As you may know, the Armstrongs got a new puppy for Christmas for the kids. On New Year's Eve they had to put the puppy down due to parvo. Pray for the kids b/c it is very hard for them to understand what all has happened. Pray that Craig and Leslie will find the words to help them through this loss.
Katy and Colt - They are having a baby boy! Congrats! Continue to pray for healthy pregnancy.
Josh and Melanie - Melanie's family had a rough Christmas. Her grandmother fell and broke her hip and her uncle had a heart attack all before Christmas. Please pray for them and the family. Her grandmother's name is Annabelle and her uncle's name is Garron.
Rebecca and Jason - Bailey was at home with Jason's mom. They are all doing well.
Jaime and Veronica - Veronica only has 3 days til her rotations begin. Pray everything will continue to go smoothly.
Brad and Ashley - Brad is still looking for a job. Pray for his contacts with current interviews and that God will provide the perfect job for him.
Keri and Brian - Brian's grandmother passed away this past week. Pray for his mom because she has been taking care of her for awhile and is having a hard time dealing with the loss.
Jon and Amber - My grandparents, Chad and Courtney all made it home okay. Thank you for praying for safe travels. My grandfather goes to the doctor on the 28th about his PSA levels being high. Pray for him and my grandmother and that they will get good news.
Kim and Chris - Kim goes back to OK in 2 weeks and Chris will be home alone with the girls. Pray for safe travels for Kim.
James and Chanel - Chanel's cousin has two children and they both have had health issues. The 2 and a half year old has an eye infection and the infant has been hospitalized for a UTI that has become more serious. Pray for this family and that the children will heal quickly. Also, PRAISE!!!! Sarah is showing significant signs of improvement in vision and is doing well. They travel back to Michigan in February. Continue to pray for God to work in Sarah's life.
Andrew and Rachel - It looks like the number three has hit our SS class in more ways than one. We know have our third pregnancy and it is their 3rd child. Congrats Andrew and Rachel! She is only 6 and a half weeks but at this point had a scare with Elyse. They ask that we start praying for the pregnancy now.
Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday!!!
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